ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THJJRSflAY, JN t,16 <Continued from Page 4) dhange. 'we are heading into an econoicý disaster that will make the 30's look ik-11e a Sunday School picnc" "The greatest intaierance and danger xve face is the breakdown in responsibility among Canadi- ans due to the passiveness of peple who do nut seem te care."' he said. Mr. Pratt outlined te the meet- in,- his reasons for being a candi- date in No rthumberland-Durbani. The former MP for the riding of Jacques Cartier-Lasalle in Quebec Can ad a No Play Toy, pointed out he had not corne to the area seeking the riing nom- ination. His son, John, a teacher at Ofrinity College Schaol, in Port Hlope, had "expounded to me many times of the beauty of the countryside'a'nd the advantages of sett1irg here." Mîr. Pratt said he had thoughts of settling here and on ene of hi's vishs te the coi'ntry to, see h is grardeilidren he o-as approached to seek the nomination. In regard te Ileaving fris form- er riding, MIr. Pratt said, there is a necessity in, Quebec for candi- dates te be fluent in both English and French, a factor which help- ed him decide to seek the nomin- ation here when invited. Since the nomination meeting, he said, he has been busy visit- ing throughout the riding "where 1 have foubid a rising tide, cf Conservatism." He spoke of several problems locally and pointed out tourism and urban develýopment were two. 'We have te plan our urban de- velopment a great deal before the great 'city sprawl' from Tor- onto is upen us." "However, our main worryte- day is the economy and the way te eliminate economic problems i economy." "We need to get back to the oid Conservative policy of hard werk and thrift tu restere econ-. omic stability," Mr. Pratt said. "We must stop the *govprnment thinking they can spend our mon- ey m ore. wisely than we can." ATER'S jDAY ) SPECIALS Carton Cigarettes I V ANY BRAND $4e49 Zippo Lighters - $3 95 Up Medico Pipes - $2.95 up Timex- Watches - $7.95 up WATCH BANDS, WEST CLOCK POCKET WATCHES GOLF BALLS AND GOLF EQUIPMENT SUN GLASSES Matt's Barber Shop-Confectionery Canada Needs 'A Conservative Gomerment ON JUNE 25 Eleet The Stanfielcl Teana In Northumberland-D urham V ote John rATT The Newest Member of the Stanfield Team has already established himself as a man who works for bis Constituents'in Ottawva FOR PROGESS - VOEPR T The Sîanfield Tea -.- &serves your support ot onservatîve m~~ Vot-Pat Warden Thomas Honoured With A Banquet Approximately 300 people at- tended a banquet Thnrsday night at the Cobourg Pax ilion in honour of W. 1. Thomas, Wax'den of thxe United Counties of Northumber- land and Durham. The banquet was tendered by the Ton of Cabourg. Warden Thomas 's reeve for the municip- ality and was elccted warden of the United Ceounties this year, Highlight of the evening was the presentation of an easy chair te the warden by Cobourg's Dep- uty Reeve Lenah Fisher. Guesi speakýýr was the Rever- end Richard Jones of Toronto, na- tional director, of the Canadian Counicil of Christians and Jews. Mr. Jones s.aid he was concern- ed with two basic issues today, holding our country together and solvit.g our eccnomie situation. "These", lie said, "are the prob- léms, and politicians do not seem to corne up wîth the solutions." 'On the subi ect of national un- ity,, Mr. Jones said he did net give up his American citizenship te become "a Canadian i a frac- tured nation. "Our politic 'ians today face the responsibility> of holding our country together." He aiseo spoke eut on the rising cost of living. Master of ceremonies- for 'the evening was Mayor J. A. -Heenan. Among those seated at the head table' were the past warden, Mer- rnl Van Camnp; Russell Heney, member for Durham in the last parliament; George Hees, Pro- gressive Conservative candidate for Prince Edward-Hastings; Mlýrs,. Fisher; Revererd D. Abraham; Russell_ Rowe, MPP for Northum- berland; Alex Carruthers, MPP fer Durham; Ceunillor W. Hus- kilson; and counties, clerk' K.-Sy- mons. Honey a standing ovation as he entered the auditorium accompan. led by his wife, -Anne and the Honiourable E. J. enson, 'Minist- er of Finance, gueýst speaker of' thç,evening. Mr. Beîisoi was born in Cobourg. Notable United County Liberals present included Senator A. Roe- buck and former M.P. Frank Rickard. SPECIAL For June.., Just the topping for fruits or deserts. No strawberry short- cake is complete without whip creain. CREAM piqnt 320 ]EGOS Gradé A Large dozen 470 LEMONADE 1/2 gal. 39c. GLEN OR"AE .DAIRY D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL Old.Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S' OLD . C A LLUS WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 6234128 TALENT HELP, WANTED FOR TALENT NIGIIT PROGRAM IN ORONO Those interested are asked- to contact either A, Jakemini of S. Mather as soon as possible. Arranigements wiil be made for auditions. Sponsored by Oroino Athletic SPRING PLANTING lIME! Shade and Fruit Trees Flowering Shrubs & Trees - Ornaniental Evergreens - Peat Moss Fertilizers CALL Mr RICHARDSOUN FARMS PHONE 983-5180 On Hiîghway 35 just North of Pontypool, Ontario "OUSi PAI$1 J Re C. Honey (Continued' from Page, 1) raised before going te Western Canada in 1919. "This is-fmy home Riding" said Mr. Holley. Let me give yeu this undertak, ing, that as long as I -represent you ît will be my responsibility te look ýafter the individual constit- uent -- te insure that lie or she réceive fairness aiid justice at the hands of the government and its agencies. No constituent whom I represent need doubt that I amn eln their side to insure fairness and equity in, their relationship mth the' federal authority. In',that confrontation I will always be on the side of the 'private citizen." TIhe crewd of over 1000 in the Cobourg East Collegiate gave Mr.