Orono XW VOLUME 31, NUMBER 23 OROG Newcastle Boy A five year old boy died when he collided with a car as he cros- sed Highway 2 near his home on Friday. Phillip John Woodhead of RR 2, Newcastle, died iinstantly. The 1962 model car was driven by Mrs. Doris Sinclair, 18, of New- tonville. The accident happened as the boy crossed the road from his home to join three friends who were waiting to catch the school The Clarke Township School Borgd on Monday evening ap- proved the. use of the General Purpose room in the Kendal school by the Girl Guides and ]Brownies. They did, however, set forth som. regulations, one being that running shoes must be used while in the room to protect the floor and that those entering the room would do so by entering through the south door. This group will use the school room on Wednesdays. 7 to 9 and on Thursdays 6:30 to 8:00. The Board also gave their ap- proval for the refinishing of the floor in the Kendal General Pur- pose room. It was reported at the meeting that the surface on the floor had aill but worn-off. Two methers approached the Board - in respect te busing of their children a d it was stated that on Monday their children did net arrive home from schoel un- til twenty minutes to six and were not picked up at the school until five to five. This is the 'worst yet, said Mrs. Johnson. Some children, it was said, must have arrived home after six o'- ,clock. The delegation said it was too bad that something could not be put in the contract so that such things would not happen. They said that they would like to see improvements in the coming year. Mr. Greenwood said in the ecoming year there shiould be con- sideration given to setting up the routes with specific times Mr. Stutt said it was an error to sign a contract that didn't have teeth in it and a penalty. It was point ed out that the Department forms eekly bus at 8:25 a.m., reported New- castle Ontario Provincial Police. The boy was pronounced dead at the scene by Coroner Dr. C. A. Austin. A police spokesman said the five year old had walked directly into the car's path. Mrs. Sinclair was net injured. The boy's parents are Derek and Marion Woodhead of RR 2, Newcastle. did not have conditions as to times but were concerned only with the financial arrangement and the safety factor. It was pointed out by Mr. Best, secretary, that it now appeared that the Kirby Centennial School would not be open this year un- less only for a few days at the end of the term. Enrolment in the area showed a drop of eight pupils during the month of May. Total enrolment on May 31st was 843. An induction of new teachers to the area which was to be held on June 17th was cancelled as only two noted that they would definitely attend the festivities. A report was received by the Board in which times were allot- ted for the various schools for Opportunity Class testing. Tests in all the schools will b con- pleted by June 13th. Mr. Stutt recommencled to the Board that they obtain the insur- ance for the Kirby School as out- lined by Mr. F. Lycett. He did, however, recommend a few changes, one being a floater pol- icy to cover items which may leave the school to be used in other schools and that this should also cover other items which are moved about from school to school. The Board accepted the recommendation with the insur- ance to be purchased from Mr. F. Lycett. The Board approved the addi- tion of certain text books as rec- ommended by the Public School Superintendent. Concerning a fence south of the school property at Orono, Mr. (Continued on Page 5) Times NO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1968 P.C. Candidate "I would rather produce some- thing not promised than promise something and not be able to pro- duce it," John Pratt, Progressive- Conservative candidate for North- umberland-Durham in the June 25 election said recently to several hundred people at the Cobourg pavilion. Stressing that financial prob- lems rather than national unity were the most important issues in the election, Mr. Pratt said the government has got to stop tell- ing us they can spend our money better than we can. "National unity is not the prob- lem people make it out to be," the candidate said. "English- speaking Canadians and French- speaking Canadians want to live their lives as English or French speaking Canadians. We don't need to be autocratic and put chips on shoulders. We can settle these matters in a democratie way around a conference table." Park Board To Make Improvements The Orono Park Board, at their meeting on Tuesday evening, set in motion a number of projects, when completed, should enhance the appearance of the Orono Parlj On motion the Board set up a committee of A. E.~West and 17. M. Mercer to obtain prices for surfacing the road into the park. It mas pointed out by Mr. Ruther- ford that the road was in need of repair and that something should be done to improve it. He also said that some soddhig should be carried out along side a portion of the pool fence. The Board is also considering the placing of a new backstop for the ball field and permanent player benches. A committee was formed to proceed with this pro- ject providing the prices for such work are within means of the park. Mr. Samuel also recom- mended benches for the north section of the swimming pool. Miss Alma Cuttell stated that Sunday parking revenue on the opening Sunday had been. $162.00 net while $640.00 gross had been taken in at the Orono Swimming pool over the weekend. Much of the pool revenue was from the sale of season tickets. Orono Chamber To Sponsor Student Bicycle Rodeo ln Accident On No. 2 StressesFinances Coming The Orono Park Board and the Orono Chamber of Commerce are to jointly sponsor a Beef Bar B-Q in the Orono park on Wednesday, July l0th. This move was approv- ed by the Park Board on Tuesday evening when they met with a delegation from thle Orono Cham- ber of Commerce. The menu for the Bar-B-Q is to be simiilar to that of last year when prime beef, beans, delishes and coffee was served. Admission to the Bar B-Q is to be $2.50 for adults and $1.50 for children 12 years and under. Arrangements are also to be made for entertainment. The Orono Chamber of Com- merce approved the sponsorship of a Bicycle Rodeo for students of the Orono Public School The rodeo is ta be held in the Orono rink on Wednesday, June 19th. Every participant is to receive champion to be a trophy for an- to be awarded with one for the champion te be a zsophy for an- nual competition. Mr. H. Partner, in charge of the event, reported that the badges and trophies, had been ordered and that there was a need of twelve men and two women te assist with the compe- tition. The Rodeo is under diction of the Ontario1 Police with assistance the Public School. the juris- Provincial also from Errors Costly To School Board Board members of the Public School Board stated that errors in construction and change orders were costing the Board consider- able money and these mistakes were not of their making. Regrading at the Kirby School, which is now necessary to bring the grade line down in line with the school, was estimated to cost the Board a sum of $1100.00. The grade of the yard is now well a- bove the building which was set according to the plans and spec- ifications. The yard will have to be lowered some four feet. Mr. Best stated that he had always been under the impression that two steps were going to be neces- sary to go up to the school. These steps going up have now turned into steps going down. It was also reported that too much fill had been taken out of the school parking area and that the contractor would refill this to the proper grade. The Board passed that the work of regrading of the yard be done. Mr. Stutt said it seemed a lot of money to pay for someone else's error. A number of change orders were also approved by the Board for both the Kendal and Kirby schools. Orono Representatives Must FIly Attend Ontario Skate-4n'68 Over one hundred and sixty-five Figure Skating Club Executive met at the Ontario Leadership Training Camp at Longford Mills, Ontario on Lake Couchiching for the weekend of June 7, 8 and 9th. Mrs. Kay Gustar, Mrs. Marjorie Lowery and Mrs. Carole Boyd of Orono Figure Skating Club were among those attending. It was a fun packed work per- iod, emphasizing the importa!nce of communication and participa- tion, both in the local club and on a national basis. There were workshops with question and answer periods on all phases of a figure skating club's operation. Each session was designed to help the individual club with organization, finances, tests, competitions and carnivals. One of the most important features of the week-end was the -opportunity to meet so many oth- er figure skating executive. There were people from Fort William to Kingston, all with one main thing in common: an interest in the success of their local figure skat- ing club. Among the guests were Mr. Hugh Glynn, Executive Manager of the Canadian Figure Skating Association; Ted and Doris Jen- kins, Torotto, former Canadian Roller Skating Champions, who gave a demonstration of the sim- ililarity between figure shating and roller skating, and Mr. Robt. Secord, Director of Community Programs, Ontario Department of Education. As the first convention of this sort ever held in Ontario, it was the general opinion that it should be made an annual affair, and that there is much te be gained for the entire community by mem- bers of the executive of Orono Figure Skating Cleb attending. Outside School The Public School Board on Monday evening, received a let- ter from the Kirby U.C.W. in which the U.C.W. are willing to supply three flags for the Kirby school. The U.C.W. requested that either the Union Jack or the On- tario flag be flown on the outside staff. Board members J. Stutt and L. Greenwood said that the outside flag should be the Canada flag. Mr. Greenwood stated that this flag had been accepted as the national flag. Mr. Lowery said he had not accepted it yet. Mr. Greenwood said he had met with the Kirby ladies angl they had agreed to placing one flag outside and two in the general purpose room. After considerable discussion the board passed that the outside flag would have to be the Canada flag. Massey To Be Honoured On Canada Postage Stamp The Right Honourable Vincent Massey, first native born Canadi- an to hold the office of Governor General of Canada, will be hon- oured on a stamp to be issued next February. Subjects chosen for use in 1969 Canada Post Office Commemora- tive stamps have been announced by Postmaster-General Jean-Pierre Cote. Emphasizing his department's continuation of a policy dedicated te reflecting all facets of Cana- da's heritage, Mr. Cote revealed that the coming year will see the commemoration of five personag- es from the pages of history. A sports series stamp will be released in January featuring the game of Curling. A Canadian art- ist and sculptor, Aurele de Foy Suzor-Cote, a native of Artha- baska, Quebec, will be honoured during March. Two subjects reflecting invol- vement in International affairs will be commemorated during May; these stamps, with identical release dates, will respectively mark the 50th Anniversary of the International Labour Organiza- tion and the 50th Anniversary of the First Nonstop Trans-Atlantic Flight which had its take-off point in the Province of New- foundland. A native of Ontario, Sir Wil- liam Osler, to whom biographers refer as the father of psychoso- matic medicine, will be honoured in June with a stamp which is planned for release dprig the International Council of Nurses XIV Quadrennial Congress sched- uled to be held in Montreal. Osler is regarded as a man whose work revolutionized the treatment oZ patients in hospitals. It is hoped by the Chamber that parents will show an interest in the rodeo by attending the competition. Mr. P. C. Lunn reported at the meetingto be held in Orono prior successful in making arrange-, ments for a three-party candidate meetiny to be held in Orono prior to the election. Mr. Lunn said it was impossible to get the candi- dates all i tile same night. The matter is not to be pursued any further. MUr. Sterling Mather reported that the period from July 10th te July 13th had been set aside for a Bar-B-Q, Talent Night, Harness Racing and a Shopper's Mall in Orono. The Bar-B-Q is to held on July 10th jointly with the Cham- ber and Orono Park Board. A committee of Messrs. S. Mather, Gordon Simpson and Horst Ho- ensch was set to work with the. Park Board to 'finalize arrange- ments. The Talent Night sponsored by the Orono Amateur Athfetic As- sociation will be held on Thurs- day, July 11th. Harness racing sponsorèd by the Oshawa racing club, on July 12th. Messrs. Mat Snelders, Wm. H. Carman and Edgar Middleton were appointed a committee to make the arrangements of the Shopper's Mall for July 13th. It was reported that a sum of $191.00 was collected at the fire- works display. An amendment to a notion has set a policy where there is to be no change in the policy of the Chamber of Commerce sign with the exception that coming events be added at the bottom for com- munity events. Messrs. H. Hoens- ch and P. M. Lunn are to make a further study and make ar- arrangements to place coming ev- ents on the sign. It was felt that a constant change in events could create considerable interest. Board Approves Use Of Kendal General Purpose Gym IMMW e "" i qm, ý" M W*, "4m-§r ý 1 1 - 1 m vu UNW.- - -- - --- - - - - - -- -