ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1968 Wilmer Hll,INeOw Demecratic Party Caldidate in Northumber- land-Durhf 'am, spoke te approxim- ately 70 people in Hampton on uesday eveping. The occasion was a-poti uck, suppor organized by the NDP Wom)nen's' Organiza- tien. Mr. Hlli explained why ho had decided te become a candidate fer the New Demecratie Party atd said that ho, was concerned about the kind of Canada bhis children will live in and that he had asked himself what ho was BOY SCOUT p A pER COLLECTION and Oro no Chamber WHITE ELEPHANT, SALE COLLECTION Lieave paper and items for tlhe Sale at the curb for Pick-up on SAT., JUNE'15ý by 9:00 a.m. Flowers always an Ideal Giefi CANA WOOD SHiOPPE Phone 983-5539 Orono, Ontario doing taý ensure their future. Whon beli consfýdered the problemns h- -a vi,,g, o-uiotaxes and cost of living,, he decided te be- corne involved in the party that was concerned with, and had ans- xers o r, these problems. Housing:- The old parties ai- ways say that labour costs put the cost of housing up and tbey thon blame the people themselves. Sta- tisties show, however, that the cost of labour ai-d materials (in- cludes 1-1% sales tax) accounts for only 13.7% of the increased c.ost of housing. Increased cost of land accounts for 41.3% and in- terest rates for 34.8% of the ini- creased cost.' The old parties are not prepared to tackle these problems. The first step would be te relnove the 11% sales tax on building materials. Estalilish a national building code - Allow for modular construction. End lanid speculation with planning and sat- ellite cities with rapid transport. Lower interest rates' to 6% for housing.. partly through CMIIA School Meetings (Continued from page 1) Stutt reported that the Board had been in errer in this undertaking some years ago asthey had net secured a survey of the property, nor did they have a contract for the work that was to be done,, nor had they tendered the job. 0f an outstanding account to Orono Fencing, he said you have no re- recourse other than te pay this amount. 0Qn motion of Greenwood and Stutt this aecount is to be paid. It appears that the fence was not placed on the sehool prop- erty which was flot the fault of the contractor. The Board approved the tend- ering of removing this fence atid placing it in its proper place,. D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Fine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD .. . CALLUS WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-3128 ~~DX~D -D-X-t-DX -DX -J- DXJ Wilmer HIISpeaks TlDe Gr, UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1968 Orono Unîted Church Sunday School at 10:,00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 Leskard- Sunïday School at 9:45 CASUAL-SLACKS Surprise Dad with a pair of our Koratron permanent press Slacks or cot- ton pants which require littie or no iron- ing. Beige, brown, green, bine and black. Sizes 30 te 42. Priced from'$5.95 to $9.9â SPORT SHIRTS Choose from a geod assortment of Sport Shirts with long or short sleeves, many permanent press, Regular or button- down collar lu plains, checks, stripes and palsleys. Ail of the fashionable shades. Sizes S, M L and XL. Priced from $3.50 to $6.95 WRITE SHIRTS Long seeve and, haîf-sîceve dress Shirts in wine quality cotton broadcloth or fortrel and cotton whIcb neyer needs ironing. White only. Sizes 14 to 171/. Priced from $2.40 to $8.00 _Id hy diroctin., asûrance :r,3- o:y îsto mortgages. 20% of incomie is enougli te pav for hausi iig. We vcu d auild 200,000 units a year. The ifconom-- ic Council says tIhat that is what wve ý.eed just t ý,kecP:P. Taxes: The Carter Commarission R'ýport bas been disoxvned by both the Liborals and. the Conserva- tives. it took five vears and 3'/ million dollars te investigate 'he tax system and it, came ta the obvious conclusion that' the sy- stem is unfair. How can Trudeau promise a "Just society" without a just tax system? We need a cap- ital gains tax., The New Demo- cratie Party offers a f air tax sy- stem based on the Carter Com-, mission recomme~Idations. Cost of Living:- up 12% in last three years. Labeur demands are blamed but per unit labour cests were down from 1957 te 1964 by 9% whi le corporation profits p er unit rose 18%. We propose a prie- os reviewbeard. DSrug Prices::- eout of $1.00, on- ly 2'/ac gees fer research while 111/2c gees fer promotion. Inde- pendent druggists are beig squeezed by price-setters. The New Democratie Party tried te push thé drug bill before the Liberal convention but re ceived a promise frem Mr. Pearson that it would be the first thing. on the agenda after the convention. Mr. Trudeau, hoxvever, called an etec- tieni befere they even.had time te pay tribute týo Mr. Pearson or consider aniy bills. r Pollutionl:- We owe the, next rgene ration cdean air and watcr. iWe need a national pollution con- )trol teo establish standards. Loans ~~ taindstresand mni- - aredSn to Crimial Cde i r tc . r edea,Î wthco aie uarefuse to check pollutian. r ~ - r ~ s:s she's r:"_ad the 37oung peapie are involved in the election but kissing candi- dates is net being involved in an ecection and he is not rrepared t, givo thom the vote. Th'e -young ns au1)ewho are involvel are those with CIJSO in Africa and tbe Company of Young Canadians who found they had te buck slum landiords end the Welfare De- pa,-rtment in their fig'ht against poverty. Education:- The Liberals prom- ised 10,000 scholarships of $1,000. each. Where are they? We believe a child's brains should determine his level of edjscation net bis 983-5441 ORONO JACKETS Make Dad happy w!01 one of our Summer Jackets. Lightwelpghf material5, tiued or unlined. Bine, bone, tan and green, Sizes 36 to 46. Priced from $10.95 to $16.95 PYJAMAS Fine cotton hroadcioth Pyjamas Oad can wear the year round. Comfortable tapel-style collar, button front top, elastie waist trensers. Plain blue and attractive allover print patterns in predominating shades of bine, green, tan and maroon. Sizes to fit 32 to 48. Priced from $4.95 to $5.95 WALKING SHORTS For Summer comfort, give Dad a pair -of walldng shorts lu Korotron or good quality cotton. Regular waist with beit loups or Continental styling. Plain shades of beige, tan, gold, green and blue. Sizes 30 to 42. Priced from $4.00 to $6.00 Hats, Tîes, Socks, llandker- chief s, Swim Trunks father's pocket-book. Ecoscnlc Independence:- 60% ;fo ïr manufacturing in- 0, st ,i otrolled abroad. Ne other country is willing to aL- ce :t as much f oreigu ownershipý Foreigners are buying shares an& thus ownership and the money dies 'nt stay in Canada. They should buy bonds and the money 'Tjoo'd stay in Canada and could be borrowed by Canadians. We d3n'tmir[d having a mortgage ob our lieuse if we can decide who cornes in and out and what colaurx to paint the kitchen but we have beccme tenants in our homes, De- (Continued page 6) J-ACK RI C AIRD1 REALTOR-ln 99 King St.,E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selling Cali WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AIEA REPRESNTATIVE 98"-2'74 .LVembers of )shawa and Dis- * trict Real Estate Board Orono. Building 'Contractor Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet Work Floors - Tle, ORONO'S ANNUAL CELEBRATIONS BAR B-Q TALENT SHOW HARNESS RACING SHOPPER'S MÂLL To, beheld i Orono JULY 10-13 F.8 _______________________________________________ REME,ý.MBER DAD ON HIS DAY DXDX -DX -DX -DX-DX -DX-DX $ Be Wise: . .., ECONOMIZE! $Pbone 68-3 341y .................. -J 97