- - .~; Man One who wor -FOR CANAI sUp VOTE CO o f Progress ks fýor his Constituents ORONO WEEKLVTIMES, THURSÜAY, JUNE lath, 1968 CITY SLUMP BLAMEB ON CAR PACT City Council of Oshawa will ask the federal government tW review the auto pact. The decision was made by a vote of 8 to 7 followFng Con. Robert- Nicol's dlaim that Oshaiwa was in a slump because of the trade agreement. Council agreed to re-instate- the employment committee under the chairmanship of Aid. Russel MeNeil to prepare asubmission to' Ottawa. The committee had been disbanded after a brief was sent to the goverment last year. Con. Nicol1 referred Wo the Coulter layoff and said there were "strong rumors" that an- other local industry was planning to pull out of the city. He said the Coulter layoff, like the loss earlier of 3,800 jobs at General Motors, was a direct. re- sult of the auto pact. This had APBANDONED BABV FOUND Baby girl Ahtoinette X is safe in hospoital in Port Hope today. Sunday the blue-eyed, newborn baby was found abandoned in a car on Augusta Street. Dr. A. G. Harrison said Mond ay done a lot for Canada's balance of paymýents but inthis aréa had vw grked in reverse said Con Nicol. JOHN PRATT >PORT STANFIELD JUNE 25 INSERVATIVE-VOTE PRATT KEE P REPRESENTATION FOR. ALL RE-ELEOTi HONEY - LIBE, ýÀ JUNE 25 NORTHUMBERLAND-DIJRHAM HONEY, RUSSELL C.e BARRISTERI NORTHUMBERLAND-DURHAM LIBERAL ASSOCIATION PRATT FOR PROGRESS' ON JUNE 25- SUPPORT THE STANFIELD TEAM VOTE CONSERVATIVE-- VOTE PRATT IN NORTHIUMBERLAND-DURHIAM ELECT conventions every two years where they participate, in the el- ection of a leader and in. policy- making. We want a free, dlean, just, in- dependentCanada. MY BROTHER'S KEEPER (Continued from Page 4) Christ and that when we have be- corne people truly committed to Christ we are enabled to live, not without the law, but above the law in, His grace. When one has dedicated his life to Christ he will find it impossible to say other than, "I arn my brother's keeper." the baby girl is healthy and i good condition. He estiinated she was between 12 and 24 hours old when she was found. The baby was found at 2 p.m. Sunday, by John Garland in the car belonging to his mother, Mrs. Marlon Garland. The car was parked in the driveway of the Garland home and had not been used since Saturday night. ANNOUNCEMENT Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- ham, announces the appointment by ýthe Attorney General of Mr. Owen Lent as Jueice of the Peace for the United CQounties of Northumberland and Durharn. The appointment of Mr. Le nt, Mr. Carruthers stated, will tow provide for two Justices of the Peace in the town of Port Hope, the üther being Mr. WilP,am Car- ey, 3 Southby Place. OTTAWA, June 7th, 19689 - A con- tract is being awarded to Win- chester Western (Canada) Limit- ed at Cobourg to supply the Roy- al Canadian Mounted Police with its annual supply of rifles, Russel C. Honey, Member of Parliament for Durham in the last Parliament announced to-day. The value of the contract is $42,134.40, WILMER HILL (Continued from Page 5) cisiotis are made in the United States and this affects our bal- ance of paymenits program. The Watkins Commission said that we should make -corporations operate in Canada's' interest. American subsidiaries do not have to report their profit in Canada. The olIy way the Canadian governniient could find out General Motors' profit was through the American Senate. We want to be their friends, not their serfs. The Un ited States should not be able to stop the Canadian subsidiaries from trading with nations such as Cuba, if it is a Canadian decision to do so. The New Democratic Party is the ionly party that is controlled by its members. Delegates are ei- ccted fromn each riding to attend SPECIAL For June Just the topping for fruits or deserts. No strawberry short- cake is complete without whip cream. WHIPPING CREAM plat 32e EGGS Grade A Large dozen 470 LEMONADE 1/2 gai. 39c. GLEN RAE DAIRY JOHN PRATT X John Pratt Has Proven Himself a FATHER'S DAY SPECIALS Carton Cigarettes ANY BRAND $4040 Zippo Lighters- $3 95 up Medice Pipes- $2.95 up Timex Watcéhes - $7.95 up WATCH BANDS, WEST CLOCK POCKET WATCHES GOLF BALLS AND GOLF EQUIPMENT SUN GLASSES Matt's Barber Shop-Confectionery TALENIT HELP WANTED FOR TALENT NIGHT PROGRAM IN ORONO Those interested are asked to contact either A. Jakeman of S. Mather as soon as possible. Arrangements will be made for auditions. Sponsored by Orono Athletic j j'