ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE lSth, 1968 Ceneral INSURANCE SEE FRDLYCETI OFFICE MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 983-5032 Res. 983-5142 CHARLES &REJ D Oreno's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoiî Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates PHIONE ORONO 983-5914 monuments und Family Memoriauls Oui quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "'Largest display in Southeru Ontario" WATSO'N'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 MeCULLOCH BOAT2S & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACINERY PIUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASHI1NG STABLES Bert r0oMpk!1Ms P'hone 786-2552 Building A New Home? or 1tenodefling? CaU JOE BECKER ÎLYCETT ' plumbing & Heating f PHONE 983-5407 Orono, Ontarlo IBornes & Byamn jPLUMBING and HEATING - Sale~s and Service A4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE! B-A FINANCINO -Low laterest Rates ehonns: Tyrone 263-2650 Hlampton 263-2288 Orvijie chatterton Electrical Contractinig Electric Heating and Service jPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 i Orono, Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Rerb and Gcrry Duvali 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC IIEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T..-COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOMIE INGLIS -THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- ~Hamitons p Insurance Se-rvice BOX 133 Phone 698-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont Manufacturers of Cemetery Memiorials Dealers lu Demestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cnt and Cemetery RepaIr Work HELP W77TE Waitresses and Di;h Washiers, mostly week ends Go,,od wages and tips. No eprec required. Mosport Restaurant, Highway 115. Phone 983-5559. a-c TEEN DANCE Saturday, June 22 at the Orono Town Hall. Music by the G J & The Sound Show. $1.50 single; $2.50 couple. Sponsored by thle Orono Hockey Mothers. b-24-c BUS TRIP< To 1HAMWITON The Hornticu!tuaa4 c:cety /is planning a bus trnp thfie Botan.- [cal Gardens, Hiailton to visit the Lily Shomw and the Gardiens. The bus wiIPjlclave the Toýwn H1all on Sunday, July 14th at 8:30 a.m.. Fare $3.00 rctuinn. Members shoulci cali for neservations no later than Tuesday-, July 9 and, if possible, pay for your reserva- ions in advarnce. Phote Mrs. C. Billings, at 983-5250 or -Mrs. . Jakeman at 983-5851. Restaurant facilities a- vailable or take a picnic lunch. b-24-c ILC.W. NOTICE Corne and participate in a Wor- slip on Indian Affairs and other pertinent affaýirs at Vthe General Meeting of the (T.C.W. on Thuns- day, June 20th at 8 p.m. in the Main Hall of the church. Mns. A. Loucks and Mrs. 'F. Vagg, citizen1ship convenors, will conduct the Workshop. Let's have a good atteildance at this last meeting for the summer. b-24-c Sewing A] done at ho: For Women dresses, a: For Men:1 NOTICE iterations and Repairs )ne: n:Alterations in skirts ind coats. Lurn shirt collars and horteni and lengthen and raigand back Iso zippers and pock- )owns, corner Park'St. àSt. Phone 983-54R?. Callyolir, licensed Plumrbinig & MechanicLAlCoritractor who slis, Instais CARMA PLUMBING AN» HEiATING Phone 983-5207 Orono ANNOUNCEMENT Mjr. and Mrs. A. Vander Spruit of R.R. 2, Orono, are pleased 'Lo annouîice the forthcoming mar- riage of their eldest daughter, Nicolette to, Mr. Kaes Van Ram- hurg, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Hamburg. R.R. 3, Bowmanville, The wedding will take place 'on Saturday, June 22, 1968 at 41:00 o'clock in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church in Bowman- ville. Rev. J. Nutma officiating. DECORATION DAY Decoration Day at Orono Cern- etery on Sunday, June 23rd, 1968 Service in the chapel at 2 p.m. b-24-c REGISTRATION Orono Swimming and Water Safety Club will hold their annual Registration Thursday, June 20 from 7-9 p.m. at the Orono Park. Lessons will be from July 1-26. Fees: $3.00 each child for Tad- poles, Beginners, Juhiorsand In- termediates. No family to pay more than' $10. in these 4 classes. $4.00 for Seniors. $5.00 for Bronze, Bronze Bar and ward of menit. Please bring your previous ad- vancement cards. a-c W. FRANK REAL ESTATE. LIMITED Reaitor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-917 4 Port Hope Office 885-4548 courteous, effici- 1For prompt, eut service when buying or seiling and for the largest sel- ection of properties in' the Contact Orono Area SRepresentatives 983-5801 983-55331 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Roy Strong 52 r il1 Bethany Roy Foster Ross Gilhart T VuýiBLYNCrn and Gail anc hrapy to annoýunce the birth (of their son Grant Scott, June lOth, 1968 at Orillia Mmra Hospital. A lit'e brother; for -,tacey. a-c CARD 0F THANKS 1 would like to ýthanik friends, relatives, Heathen Rebekah Lodge Re-,. Long and United Chuncli Sessidon for cards and visits dur- ing my stay in hospital. Also to Dr. Rundie, Dr. Lee, nurses and staff of Memorial Hpia Spe- cial thanks to those who too~k eare of the children and lielped at home after. Marie West. a-p NOTICE Any orgaizations wishing to have a booth in the Orono ShoP- per's Mail, Saturday, Juiy l13th, 1968. Pie ase coitact éither Jake Middleton, Matt Stuelders or Wm. Carman bef6re June 22nd, 1968 LOST A. new Basebali Glove, smali, size. Will 'finder plxeaSe neturn same to the 'Onono Times, Office. SUMMER TOURS Calary Stampede Tour, July 2 to 17 -- 16 days1' Canadian Rockies and Cruise to Alaska July 22 - August 15 25 days New England, Cape Cod and Atlantic City Tour August 3 - 11 - 9 daYs Maritime and Newfoundland Tour August 31 - Sept. 18 - 19 days Chartered Bus to Gananoque and Tlxous"ud Islands, Sunday June 16 Chartered Bus to Stratford Festi- val, "Midsn mmer Night's Dream", Wed., June 26th. For information to above tours phone or write: --ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY Port Hiope 885-2527 d-25 HUBERT GROOT Your Representative for North American SLife Lif e Mortgagesý .Protection Income Replacement and Estate Planning Phone: Bus.: 728-9427 Res.: 623-3958 0l O trousersa G seams; ai nuo 0 ets. AutoMrs. M. D Package Policies ~ adCuc Fidelity Bond, Llability i l Ldeè fi First Mortgage Leafli OSadie Hlamiltonf Phon 98-11 Building a House? or rernodelling yourl'present one, tencontact ORONO Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASON S W. Scbmahl 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinls -of STONEWOflK andO FIREPLACES We also do Chimney Repairs IEL EC T John PRAT Progressive Conservative Northumberland-D urham 74