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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1968, p. 1

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lui-- 1 ý7 Four-Day Celebr tion Un Orono îIT'S ALIL IN ORONO T'HIS COMING WEEK Various groups in Orono have grouped together to promote a tour-day "Orono Celebration" which it is hoped will become an .,nnual avent. The celebration starts off with aBeef Bar B-Q in the Park on O0ronol NVOLUME, 31, NUMBER 26 The popularity of the Orono Swimming Classes contiýiues with an enrolment this year of three, hundred anid fifty children fromn the Village and district. The class- es started on Monday, July l-4st and wiIl continue through every &orning during the month of July. Classes start at 8:30 and 'rua through tili 1:30 p.m. Red> Cross tests will be held durig the lat- ter part* of July. -he largest enrolment is ln the tadpole or non-swimmer classes where 130 are enrolled. The be- ginner groups have an enrolment ýof 112 while Juniors have 63, In- termediates 25, and Seniors 11. There are twelve enrolled la the Royal Life Saving Classes la the Bronze, Bronze Bar and Award of, Merit divisions. There are, this year, two quali- ,lied teachers being the head teacher, MUrs. Shirley Reynolds,' and ber daughter, Miss Debbie Reynolds. They are assisted by Mrs. Willis Barrabaîl, Mi-s. Norma iee, Misses Carolyn' Johnson, Nancy Forrester, Susan Goode, Bannie Barlow and Donald Mé-' -Kenzie. 'Rural Hydro Rates lncreaing Otario Hydro rates for its 500, 000 rural customers will be in- creased an average of 91V2 per cent beginning Oct. 1, it was an- Wednesday eveningc, July lth. It then continues with a Talent show at the Orono rink on Thurs- day evening. The following even- ing, Friday,ý Harness racing takes over at the Orono Fair grounds. The ýOrono merchants will con- clude the activities with a Shop- per's Mail on the' Main Street of Weekly the Village on Saturday afternoion. Many special events are being planned for this event' 4nd a valuable give-away prize la heing oferied to a lucky winer cluring the day. It's ail happening in Orono this cominig week., Times OltONO WEEKLY TIMES,, THURSDAY, _JULY 4th, 1968 Honey Reserved' On Cabinet Post The nawly elected MP for Northumberland - Durham, Russel Honey, replyiflg to' speculation that ha migit recaive a -cabinet post la tha naxt Paliament,. said last week it was the Pzime Min ister's prerogativa. Mn. Trudeau bad not indicatad ta anyone any- tbing about cabiniet posts. Re had made no commitments about ap- pointments. "There was an awfui lot of iiew and good Liberals elactad on Tuesday and the field la pnetty occupied," Mr. Honey said, though he admitted he "would be some- thing leas than humah- if ha didn't hope bgat advancement. Thera was speculation at bis victony panty, election night, that the Nonrthumbenland -, Durham memben might be "the next Min- ister of Agriculture." "If I bad my choice of 'cabinet posta, I would choosa the Minister of Agriculture,' ha said "since I have always had a paticular ln- teneat la this field. But I am not la any way sugesting that this Talent Show Coming To Orono For your etjoyment, the Orono Amateur Athietie Association are sponsoring a Variety Talent Sh.ow in the Orono Rink this coming Thursday evening. The curtain will go up on the show ýat 8:00 p.m: and if it matches the show of last year you will want to be present. Mr. Stirling Mather states that he has a good lune of entr-rtain- ment for the show from this dist- rict. A special stage will be erect- ed in the rink and Mr. Mather will be the amiable master of c.eremionies. Plan now to attend this evet in the week-end activities at Or- ono -this coming week. nounced recently. Hydro Chairman George Cather- cole said in a prepared release that the first general rate increase was a resuit of "inflationary pres- sures of higher eosts on the com- mission for equipment, supplies, pioperty, salaries, wages and bor- rowing." H1e said the rural system xoper- ated at a deficit last year and "an upward adjustment of rates tiow is essential." The increases "should carry us through the next two years with- out further adjustment," he said. Rebekah Lodge 'Elect New Siote 0f Officers The regular meeting of Heather -tebekah Lodge No. 334 washelçb Tuesd.ay, June 25th- witb Sister Jean Lewis, Noble Grand, presid- ing and Sister Violet Dunlop, Vice Grand, assisting. The next regular meeting' will be held Tuesday, September lth. Sister. Dunlop, Convenor of the -Visiting Committee, gave a ful report of the activities of that Committee. Sister Lola Kenne dy, Past Noble Grand, pnesented a vcry full and interestihg report of the Rebekah Assernbly Sessions which- were Toronto at the Royal York lifotel. Sister Kennedy attended these sessions as Representative of Heather Ladge. Sister. Jean B3utler, Jr. Past Noble Grand, who attended the sessions as Seholar, gave a report on the Degree wbich was exemplified by Sisters, from Sarnia Lodge. She also touched on other items of interest. It was re- ported that 1593 attended the Banquet at the lose of the As- sembly Sessions. *The Noble Grand, -Sister Jean Lewis, thanked the Sisters for their good reports. Sister Betty ýMajor and Sister Irene Murray, Past Noble Grands, are to attend a District Meeting, at Port Perry Ladge hall, Wednes- day, June 26, when "the _new JWst- rict Deputy President, Sîster Lil- lian Harper will be ittroduced and installed for the term 1968-*9. A committee was formed with Sister Jean Butler as Coavenor to plan and arrangeý for supper for the Soccer Reunion ta, be held la Orono August ltb. Recently Heather Lodge travel- led to Port Hope and there ex- emplified the degree when tbree new membens joined Ganaraska Lodge. Officers elected for the ansuing year are: Noble Grand- Sister Violet Dun- lop. Vice Grand- Sister Hazel Stap- leton. Rec. Secretary - Sister Mae Al- len. Fitnicial Secretany - Sister lia Martin Treasurer- Sisten Irene Murray Trustee Sister Gladys Gamsby At the close of the meeting a special deliclous lunch was serv- ed and enjoyed and a social bour was spent. The Orono Park'Board with the Orono Chamber of Commerce are jointly sponsoring a Beef Bar B- Q at the Orono- Park this coming Wednesday, July lOth. This com- munity, effort wîll commence at the Park at 5:30 and continue un- tii ail are serveri. The menu for the Bar B-Q will include not only prime beef but also btans, ban, coffee and relîsh- es. The event will be held in a similar manner to that of last year which was such a success. Again it is ail you can- cat for $2.50. The two sponsoring ýgroups are asking that you obtain your tick- ets ahaad of time so that they can prepare the proper amount of food for the Bar B-Q. Tickets, are available now from any member of the Chamber or Park Board. Come along and enjoy your aven- ing meal at, the Park with your friends and neiglibours- of' the community. is' going to happen." Mr. Honey and lis wife, Anne, have been' relaxing- at home fol- lowing the hectic e'e tion activit- les. 11ewas back at his desk Fni- day cleaning-up constituency work. Mr.' Honey sàid that throughout the election campaign ha spent three hours a day dealing with problems in the constituency and corresponidence from pensons la the riding. "Many people don't realize when Parliament dissolves, MPs are no longer MPs," ha said. Mr. Honaey will take up hîs seat. in the 28th Paliament for, his forurth tenm. -Evening Guide 600 Attend Harness Racing Attendance at the Orono lan- ass races last Friday evening droppaed baiow that of the open- ing night. Last Fniday there were 597 la attendance. The mutuels saw an increase bet with a total of $12,183.00. .Blue D'Ennes la the eighth race paid the bandsome sum of $39.60 for- its win wbich was the largest pay-off of the aight. The following is the resuits for the, evening: 1. Doil Orey, Supenior Ted, 111gh Triple. 2. Dago Red, RoyTal Duka, Erna Spencer, 3. Hindsake, Add Wortby, Frîsky Gratt an. 4. Bruce Jaydea, Titan Song C, Rodwyn Todd. 5. Kawartha Caindy, Sunday May Grattan, 7ýougàtful Cass. 6. PhyllisMri, apy' a c, Champ Morey. 7. Dneam's Gal, Jimmy Balwyn, Beau Blazes. 8. Blue D'Ennes, Janie Atom, Superior Pat. 9. Parkviaew Ana, Vince Adios, Armago T. Grattan. Furniture Dates Baclk To 1850 Five season-long gifts from present and former area resîdents have provided the Bowmainville Museum with a variety of new displays 'to catch the differing in- terests of people. The museum first opened in Oc- tLxJer of 1961, has started its 8th season last week under its first officiai curator, Mrs. Mal Wise- man of Bowmanville. The eight-room, two-storey bhick structure was purchased by the town from J. H. Jury througb a fihancial gift from Mrs. L. B. Wil- liams of Bowmanville. Visitors to the musaum will be able to see bow their ancestors started the day. A kitchen in the museum has The Zone 5 Rally of the' Ontario Fedenation of Anglens and Hunt- ers altbough poorly attenlded when hcld la Orono recently did have some interesting fea tures. One sucb feature was a talk by Mr. Wm. Bunting and tour of the been furnnished witb a set -of Can- adian pine furniture' dating from 1850 ta 1870. The antiques were lent for the season by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lambert, RR 1, Bow- manville. Museum officials have added to the nealism of the kitchen setting by including their own cutlery, dishes and iron pots. Steam Thresher Maies, who may not find a kitchen the centre of their inter- cats excent at mealtime, can con- centrate their attention on a work- ing model of a threshing unit. The threeýpiece, made-to- ,scale, metal unit is an actual working model ofa staam thresher. It's on Ioan from -Harry C. Allia of Etobicake, Tnee Nursery la Orono. Another was a Jisplay ýof stuffed animais by Mrs. Ethel Keast sbown la the foreground of the above picture. Also above (1 to r) Art Wairotb, District Forester, Lindsay, Ed. Harper, vice Chairman, Zone 5; D. a well know former resident of Bowmanville. Some of Mr. Allin's intricate. reproductions are la demand for f airs anîd displays across Canada. One of his deforts will be crossing the Atlantic ta go on display in Britain this summer. Wayne Purdy of Bowmanville, has contributed a number of Iad- ian articles including ceremonial masks, moccasins,' and bone aeck- laces. An -entire display case bas been set aside for a selection of, differ- eut types of antique "blue glass" The display of rare dishçs, pots, and other glass objeets is on blan from Mr. Kenâ~eth Caverly of (Continued page 3) Conbridge, sec.-treas., Zone 5; Mrs Ethel Keast, Oshawa and District Sportsman Assoc.; Jack Davis, chairma¶i Zone 5; Emil Schuch, 2nd vice of Zone 5 and Bob Trot- ter, Fish and Wildlife Branch at Maple, Ontario 3 50, Children Enrol Ii ODrono- Swimming Classes

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