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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1968, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUItSDAY, JULY 4th, 1968 What t Jesus Taught 'About Money From a sermon preachcd by The 11ev. B. E. Long - Seripture Matt. 6: 19-34. In our presept money hungry society it is im portant Vo remem- ber what Jesus taught about mon- ey. A good example of the exýtent to which persons and groups will go can be found it an article by Ann Landers i which a mother is asking ber opinion on a news- paper article- whice rcads, "Don't just go Stcady - go Pre-engaged. Buy this diamnd pre-engagement ring for )only $1950." She asks how it is possible to bring up hree daughters, two in their teens, with sex screaming at us from bilîboards, movies bccoming more wildly suggestive and now have ads urging kids to get pre- engaged. How hungry can a mer- chant get? To whieb Ann Lahiders replies, "This crass attempt Vo drag a few bucks out of some GET YOUR TICKETS NOWI From any Member of the Orono Chamber of Commerce or Orono Park Board for the Be4f ORONO PARK WED,9JULY 10L 5:&0 until ail are served ALL VOU CAN EAT PRIME BEEF, BUN, BEANS, COFFEE, RELISHES Get your Ticket in advaiice so the Committee can be Prepared. Mattis Barber shop-Confectionery Phone OrQno 983-5310 GILLARD DRY CLEANING AGENT GLEN RAEDMIRY PRODUICTS TINEX WATCIIES POLAROID SUN GLASSES MEDICO PIPES WITH- FILTER PIPE TOBACCO CIGARETTES CICARS - ICE CREAM -CADE SOFT DRINKS dumb kids by suggesting tbey "play house" is rock-bottom in my book?' This saine hunger for money, regardless of who is hurt or how much it hurts, is easily apparent in the activities of the liquor and cigarette industries and also in the larger gambling interest as human if e becomes fodder for their money conquests. Jesus taught three important facts about moniey: You Can't Serve God and Mam- mon When Jesus, spoke these words the pagan world was full of idols, but the only kind of idolatry a- gain~st which Jesus definitely warned men was the worsbip of money. Jesus' attitude is best il- lustrated in his association witb the rich young man who wished to be bis disciple. H1e was, a good young man but he had one prob- lcm, bis possessions were too im- portant Vo hlm. 11e went away sorrowing because he, could not give them.up. Mass. 10- 17-22. Von Can't Take It With You It is a- well known fact that when travelling in a foreign country our own currenc.y is of no value in its present formi but bas Vo be cbangcd into the eur- rcncy of that country. Jesus was pointing -out something of the samne truth when lie said "Lay up for yourselves treasures in heav- en, wherc ieither mnoth nor rust consumes and wl&re thieves do not break in and steal." There was only one occasion, or at least only one instahce record- cd wbcrc Jesus said, "Thou fool." The man in the parable was not a fool In the eyes of the world,- 'ý1far from it. He knew how Vo farm in a way that the land produced abundantly. H1e saved his molney. Why then was he a fool? IV was because he left out God, And 'also because he left out his fcllow- Men. Tolstoi, writirig on "H1ow Much Land Does- a Mat Need" illust- rates the parable by the story of a Young Russian peasant who was prospering on his farin in western Russia. One day a stranger ap- peared and old bim he could do much better if hie migrated to a place further to the east. The peasant sold bis farmi and his livcstock and scttled further east. There again he was prosperiig, When the saine stranger appearcd to him and told bim of a splendid opportunity stili further. to the east, and advised him to seli out and ry this new location. H1e fol- lowcd the stranger's 'advice, mov- cd stili further eastward and a- gain'prospered. A thîrd time the stranger a p- peared to him and told him of virgin land far to the east, on the banks of the Volga River, where rich land was bcing given away to those, who settled on it. A thîrd time hie sold out, and with his ser- vant h e made the long journey over the plains and down the riv- er to the place whcre the land was bcing given away. Thte conditioh under which the land was grantcd was that he could have all the land around which hie could walk in one day,' but at sunset hie must be back at, the very place at which hestarted. At the first flush of the dawn the man started eagerly across the ficlds. Ris first thought was to cover a tract of ground' six miles square; but when hie had walkcd the six bie decided Vo make it nine; then telve; then fifteen. This would give hlm sixty miles asixiously watching tbe sun as it sank nearer and nearer to the horizon. As be alproacbed the line, the place from-which he had started, the sun was only a moment or Vwo above the horizon. Summon- îng al bis energies for onc last desperate effort, be staggered a- cross the line just as the sun dis- appcared. But just as be reached the line, master, possessor, as be Vbought, of fifteen square miles of rich, virgin sou, the Young peasant fell dead upon the ground he had covcted. Then the strang- er, who of course was the, dcvii, said to those who stcood about, "I offered bhim all the land he could cover. Now you sec bow much that is: six feet long by two fcüet widel" Whosc shahl these things be? Luke 12: 17-21. Where Your.Treasure Is There Will Your Hcart Be Jesus said, "My kingdam is not of tbis world." One day whcn Jesus xwas tcaching H1e looked around about Him and said to bis disciples, "How haiM it will be for those wbo bave riches to enter the Kingdom of God." The dis- ciples were amazed at Ris words, but Jesus said Vo hcm again, "Children, how hard it is Vo enter the Kingdom of God! IV is casier for a camel to go through the eyc of a nceedle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." This teacbing is not so difficult to understand when we realize that the kingdom is the kingrom of love, and that greed and covet- ousncss bar the way into it. On the other band love opens the gaVe. No man can say be loves his fellow-men if he is hot ready V o share bis possessions with others. A small team of researehers led by Dr. Sylvain Pitzele of Montreal has designed' and developed a machine' it dlaims can keep the heart of dead animais intact and functional up to 14 bours. Dr. Pitzele, who heads a McGill University ahd Royal Victoria Hos- pital team that includes his wif e Annette, said the, new Machine preserves the heart and evaluates it for work-load capacity, 'biocbem- ical charactcristics and. recipient suitability. He said in aýi interview, he is confident that experini-eits to be conducted will sucéce~d ini preserv-. ing the heart for îup to 30 hours. The machine was able to make the heart 'work' simulating the, performance of the heart of a per- son who is walking, running, cx- ercising or resting. Dr. Pitzele said the experi- ments bring dloser to realîty, a beart bank for transplant opera- tions. The researcher, wbo. daims his machite is th e first and only one of its kind, began.working on the project three years ago assisted by bis wife. Wben operating and experi- menting witb animal bearts, Dr. Pitzelc is in bis lab from 6 a.m. to midnigbt. He- has an Aug. 1ý5 dcadlic to submit reports of the first phase of bis experiments to McGill Un- iversity, wbere he is taking his doctorate in experimental sujg- ery. H1e is collaborating with Dr. A. R. C. Dobeli, in charge of clinical surgery for the project at the Royal Victoria. The Pitzeles, both born in Bel- giunrý, came to &loeeal £rom Houston, Tex., wherc Dr. Pitzele worked for Dr. Michael E. D. Bakey who devaloped the mechani- ical beart and Dàr.ý Denton A. Cool- ey, who recently performed three heart tanspiant' opeations in 10 days. Dr. Pitzelc said the process of removing an animal's heart and maintaihilng it in the machine re- quires constant supervision. When the hcart is in the ma- ISPECIJ AL NY CHEESE )AYS Lb. Pineapple 'Cottage Cheese For 32 cents Summer Items LEMONADE V2 gal. 39c. CHOCOLATE DRINK 1 QUART 33e GLENRAE DAIRY FOR JUL COTTAGE S'ALAD I AT COS' :z He aMcine Developed chine, evaluation tests must be run evcry hour and drugs must be administered at short, regular intervals. The team hopes to preserve a hcart for 24 hours by the end of the summer "but going farther than that depends on whether- we can solve some finiancia1 and personnel problems," Dr.' Pitzele said. Grant Approved Report FROM QUEEN'S PARK >Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur~- ham, annoubced this week that the Honourable J. R. Simonett, Minister of Energy and Resources Management, has approved a Pro- vincial grant of $2,553 to the Otonabee Region Conservation- Authority, for land acquisition în the, Cavan Swýamp ConservatioaL Area, in Durham County. Neuw Records POPULAR and WESTERN also LONG PLAYING- 99c -$5.029 NEW GIFT WRAP RIBBON and BOWS NEILSONS' ICE CREAM, BOTTLED and CANNED SOFT DRINKS MIDDLETON7 ' ORONO, ONTARIO VARIETY TALNTSHOW Sponsored by the Orono Amateur Athletic Association TH5SAY ULYlth 8:00 p.m. A good program of talent fromt the District for your entertainmient, moil

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