ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THU1ISDAY, JULY 4th, 1968 Mrs. William Bunting directed the Reading 'Club meeting on Tuesday evening. The subject was Pearl Buck, the American author- ess noted for bier novels of Ori- ental background. Mrs., Bunting was impressed by the writer's aut- obiography "My Several Worlds" Using material from this book, she gave an interesting outlile of Pearl Buck's if e: hier birth in West Virginia-, childhood in China; an- unhappy marriage Vo an agni- culturist; literary honours includ- ing the Pulitzer and- Nobel Prizes; the establishment of "Welcome House"; lier efforts toward help- irg the mentally retarded; bier, marriage to a publisher - these up to an autebiography of a rich- ly interesting life. Mrà, Bunting chose "Kinfolk" for reading by the members. The novel tells of a Chinese-American family whose father is an intellect- ual versed la the philosophy of Confucius. His picture of China ill-prepared his children for the modern China which they discov- ered when the two girls and twe boys returned to the Orient. One girl found herseif too Amer- icanized to adjust whle the youngest son reacted Vo the pov- erty with violent anger turning to, a 'revolutionary student group. The oldest son and daughter, a doctor and a teacher, returned to the a~Icestral country home to find a sense of purpose in helping the villagers. NEW. BOOKS- Aduit Fiction- A Hatful of Gold - Hall In Pious Memory- Sharp Heaven to Betsy- Lovelace A Cand le in Her Heart - Loring Aduit Nonfiction Your Future asa Model - Mac- Gil Lucky Lucky - llasselbad A Thousand Days -Sehiesinger Ganies Peaple Play Berne Juvenile Secret of the Emerald Star- Whitney Baden-Powell - Reynolds Casey at the Bat - Thayer The Hippo Had Hiccups- Stan- don. WLADYKA, HEENAN MADE VICE PRESIDENTS Mayor Michael Wladyka of Port Hope a nd Mayor J. A. Heen-, an, Cobourg, have been elected vice-presidents of the executive of the Association of Ontario May- ors and Reeves. The two mayors have just re- turned from the three-day annual conferetice of the association heid in Fort William. It is Mayor Heenan's second terni on the executive. Both may- ors will sit on inner committees of the executive, Mayor Wladyka on the executive committee and Mayor Heenan on the labour re- latioins committee.' Mayors and reeves from 964 municîpalities attended the con- ference. A r esolution from Port Hope, asking 'the conference to amend the Municipal Act to allow muni- cipalities Vo order abandotied buildings to be demolished,- was passed unanimously. The resolution stated that where the abandoamient of build- ings within a municipality created a hazard to humans, especially children, aËîd iinvited decay to the habitation, such properties under due process of law should be or- dered demolished by the municip- al authorities. The resolution went on, that failing action within a 90-day per- iod, a provision of the Municipal Act sh'ould give the municipality the legal right to enter the prem- ises ahd carry out the demolition aàt the registered owner's expense. Mayor Wladyka said that town council had beeh having problems with such a building for, years. A building on Elgin Street, hie said, was abandoned a long time ago and left to rot. "Perhaps we will, get a chance to dean it Up," hie said. A resolution from Cobourg, ask- ihg that gamne preserve operators and hunters be allowed to carry on their business on Sunday, was defeated. The resolution stated thatý the close down of operations on Sun- day was causing discrimination a- mong sportsmen and hardship a- mong the operators, because of the current trend for Sunday sport in the Province. - Port Hope Guide Up And Down T e kSak UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long ORONO UÜNITED CHURCH During July, the Newcastle and Orono Congregations limite- for Service ln Orono Sanie time - 11:15 a.m. There will be Nursery andi Junior Congregation accommodation. Kirby- Moruiug Service at 9:45 Suuday Sehool at 11:00 Leskard- 1Sunday School at 9:45 Il MSROï 71r adMrs. jack ,Arn,)tt attend- e.d the Ottawa Valley Beekeepers meeting ov2r the holiday week- end. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford leave Friday for Scotland whîre they are to spend three weeks. Visitors with Mrs. Ken. Gamsby for the July lst holiday were: Mrs. Harold Snell and Bobby and Master Mark Donovan, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Flegg,, Osh- awa. Miss Elizabeth Munro from Grenoch, Scotland and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ewing, Toronto visited Mrs. M. H. Staples on Monday. Congratulations to John Duval whe passed Grade VIII exam in piano and to Karen Lowery who passed Grade VII piano with First Class Houours; pupils of Mrs. M. H. Staples. MUSIC ReSULTS Gr. III Theory (Harmony and History) Marie Yeo, Honours. Gr. 1 iano - Patti Lunn, Fîrst Ç,lass Honours. Mr. and Mrs. Julien De Paepe visited their daughter and family, Simone and Paul Groenveid in Simcoe over the weekend. Aise Mr. -and Mrs. Lawrence De PooT- ter along with other friends and relatives. They also attended the wedding of their niece Dianne Simesael te Mr. Jim Laking, in Langton. GIIRLS' SWIM SUITS Colourful Swim Suits in one and. two-piece styles Combinations of prints and plainis With yell1ow green, orange andi blue predomiaatiug. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Priced from $3.98 to $5.75 Little Girls' Suits, sizes 4 te 6X yrs. iPriced from $1.98 to $2.75 BOYS' SWIM TRUNKS Boy's Trunks ln good quality lastex and inb kuit Stretch Nylon. Several styles ln new briglit shades as well as black. Sizes 8 to 16 years. Priced from $2,50 to $3.50 Little Boys' Tnunks, sizes 2 te 6X years. Prieed frýom $1.25 to $2.25 The following are thcý entries for the harness races at Orono this Friday evening: 1. Maiden Trot and Pace- Moorelands Alice, Prince Ogden, Lorraine Hal, Old Tomorriow, Ar- mage T Gratton, Bobby Dillard, Vinge Adios, Fleetwood Admiral. 2. Invitation Trot - Champ Mer- ey, Phili p Paul, Rejected, Happy's Mac, Avis, The Tag, Van's Prîde C. 3. Pace - Molly Hay Lea, Torro, Carl W Gratton, Jimmy Belwyn, Barbara -D Pride, Lady Dean, Thoughtful Cass. 4. Pace. - Addworthy, Black Is-ý land, V~argaret Hal, Bob Bea Abi- gail, Sundae Mae Gratton, Famous Pick, Parkview Ann. 5. Pace - Rosedale Cal, Royal Duke, Miss Hope Dillard, Frisky Herbert, Jerry Hat, Erin Spencer, Bud Gist. ORONO'S .ANNUAL CELEBRATIONS BAR B-Q TALENT SHOW HARNESS RACING SHOPPER'S MALL To be held -in Oreno JULY 10-131 GIRLS' SHORTS A good stock of Girls' Shorts i irib kuit Stretch Nylon, Denini, Stretch Terry andi Koratren. Ail of the new Summer shades. Sizes 8 te 14 years. Priced from $3,00 to $4350 Little Girl's Shorts in'sizes 2 to 3X years and 4, to 6X years. Priced frim $1.00 to, $2.69 BOYS' SHORTS Bo's Shorts in pool quality Cotton, Koratron ani Denim. Half.boxer waist and Continental styling. Popular shades i sizes 8 te 18 years. Priced $2.00 to $5.00 Litie Boy's Shorts in sizes 2 to 3X years and 4 to 6X years. Priced f rom $1.'10 to $2.98 MEN'S WA LKING SHORTS Well tailored Shorts by 'Park Avenue' in Koratren and'good quality Cotton. Con- tinental styling or beit loops. Ail of the new shades, for Summer. Waist sizes 30 to 42. Priced from $4.'00 to $5.95 6. pace - Caîl Me Spud, Ador-- able Princess, Char Den Craig, Margaram. Harry Tiger. Ruth, M Dire,,t, XVu Lar Ace. 7. Trot- The Leo, Bruce Jaydee, Flashy Tim, Titan Song C, Rod Wyn Todd,"Favorit(. Valley, Syca- more jean. 8. ace Jaco Chiief, Lil Blick,ý RIustIy Mac Herbert, Kawartha Cathy. Blue D'Ennes,. Hindsake, Beau Blazes. 9. Mr. Harvey, Kawartha Caidy Jimmy Whistler, "Meadowviewv Byrd, Dream's Gai, Sun C. Valley,, Uncle Ben's Girl. 10. Pace'- Minor'B, Fastry, Mol- lyVan, Litt!rE Timmy P., SIr Blaze Away, Sly Frost, Nancy Joe Single Sarahi. jACK ]RICARD REALTOR 99 Klmg st., E. BOWMANVILLE Whou, Duytng or Selling eun WIýF HAWKE YVOUE ORGNO AREA REPRESINTATIVE 983-5274 'Xembers of 1)shawa and Dis- trict Real 'Estate Board D, ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys andi Oddities IF IT'S OLD . CALLUS WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-3128 I i 7-7