ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TLIURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1968 Ceneral INSURANCE FRED;ILYCETT PTMICE MAIN ST., ORO NO item 983-SUZ Res. 983-5142 CHARLES R EID Oreno's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoî Specialize M' Farm and Funiture sales CSisuit nie for terms and dates PRUNE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments und Family Memorials out qualty and service leaveg ' mohing to be desired A& the perlen whe bouglit frein ow. a meighbour, frîend or relative The RUYTTER GRANITE COMPANY lis Ontanie Street PORT HOPE ULarget dlsplay la Southera WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 MeCULLOCI[ BOATS & MOTORS CHTAIN SAWS Repairs, te ail makes of Lawn Mewers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO I>LOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WRITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tompkis Phone 78&-2552 Building A Nfew Home? or Remodelling9 Caml 10E BECKER 983-U713 Oroue SLYCETTg oPlumnbing & Heatingg P1IOINE 983-5407 Orono, Ontarlo Bornes & Byam t jPLUMBING andi HEATINj j Sales and Service ý.4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE!- I B-A FINANCIN'~ SLow Jtereýst Rates Phonps.. Tyrone 263-2650 j Hlampton 263-2288 ORONO ELECTRIC, Herb, and Gerry Duval ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. .RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTÎIOHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUAEANTEED SERVICE- Iamiltonsg Insurance service g oAuto, 0 Fire, S Package Policies Fldelity Bond,' LIabflityv o Lifeo g First Mortgage Lozans' tS adi e Hamilîtong g Phone 983-5115 BOX 133 Phone 668-35521 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dunidas St. E. Whitby, Ont, Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers la Domestic, & Foreign Granites ansi Marbies - Inscriptions Cnt aýnd Cemetery Repair Work Building a bî'use? or reiuodelling your- present one, then contact Floyd Nicos 4JRONO ONTARio AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE T-0131 Approximately two andi onc quarter acres of land, being Lot 8, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, County of D urham, locat- cd on the east side of thc New- tanvîlle Roasi, just south of the itterchange at Highway No. 401. Sale ta be helsi on the propcrty ai: 12:00 Noon, Local Time WEDNESDIAY, JULY 17th, 1968 TERMS- $300.00 Deposit at time of sale (cash or certified chequc made. payable ta the Treasurer'of Ontario) balance payable within thirty days. - PROPERTY SALE T-04166 Approxiamately ane andi one-haîf acre of landi, being Lot 6, Broken Front Concession, Township of Darlingtan, County of Durhamn, on the south side of Highway go. 401 on the east side of Lamb's Road andi North side of service road. Sale ta bc heisi on thfe piroperty at 11:00 A.M., Local Time FRIDAY, JULY 19th,, 1968 TERMS: $200.00 Deposit at time of sale (cash or certifiesi cheque made payable ta the Treasurer of Ontario) balance payable within thirty days. For further information picase contact: THE AUCTIONEER: Mvr. Chas. Reidi, RiR. No. 1, Orono, Ontario, Telephone: 983-5914 OR Department of Highways Right-of-Way Division, Central Regblnai Offie, Downsview, Ontario.,. Telephone: 248-3441 OR Department cof Highways District Office No 7 138 Hope Street North, Box 129, Part Hope, Ontario Telephone: 885-6381 Sale subject ta, re$eiye bisi. licensed Plumnbing 1% who selfs, installe, qpd yaraçntees PLUMBING AND ~ETN Phone 983-5207 Orenio BRICKLAYERS STON EMASON S W. Scbmahl 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinsis of STONEWORK andi FIREPLACES We aise do Chimney Repairs STRAYED A steer onto -ihe property of 7U r. Yi. W. Stapies, about May 18. Contact Mr. R. Patterson. Owner ta pay expenses. c27c FOR SALE Strawberries for sale. Order by telephone at Tom Sikma, phone 983-5589. Formcrly Klaas Reits- ma's place. c-26-c OrvilIe- ChattertonI Electrical (ontracting Electric lleating and Service PHONE:83-5546 or 9835949 OrnOntario j ÎOWNSIIIP 0F CLARKE TENDER FOR TRUCK AND SNOWPLOW Sealed Tenders will be receivesiL nat later than 12 o'clock*noon Tuesday July 23,, 1968. For the supply of aonc ail wheel. drive Truck and Snow Plow. Informatioh and Tender formsý may be received from the under- signed at the Townsh~ip of Clark'e Road Department ýoffice, Orono. Lowe st or any tender not nec- essarily acceptesi. M. L. ROSS, Raad Superintendent,. Tawnship of Clarke, Oro, Ontaria., FOR JtENT Two bedroomi apartment. Avair-- able August Ist, 1968. *Phone 983-5674.a- FOR RENTý Maiti Str-eet. Apartmnent, available' August Ist. Apply Car-man Cor- nish, phone 983-5201. ap WANTED School Teacher and famlly reý quire 2 - 3 bedroom house for possession August lst. Phone 342,5388 Colsi SwPintg$s 668-9078 Wh.itby. b-27-p LOST ,One female: Beagle, in the area of the 7th Line and Leskarci. Rewarçl. Cail after six, 983-5270. a-e WANTED A boy's. used bicycle; also have rabbits for sale. Phone 983-5606. a-p G. ord, Simpson S Phone Orono 983-58ft 0 Orono, Ontario g - g REMODELLING O GENERAL REPAIR O Inteilr Exterloe Q:g co= co<O=>e .0~ FOR SALE Tee-Nee twelve hundred pound Boat Trailer. A shape frame $250. Aise Racket Junior 4 cycle Irotj Horse Engine, reel Lawn Mower, <$25.00. AplGrona Times. T-F AUCTIONSALE The livestock, machinery, feed and furniture of Mr. Ken His, lot 34, conicessioü 4, Clarke Town- ship, 2nd farm west of Orono Sales Arena wiii be sold by pub- lic auctian an Saturday, July 6th commcncîng at 12:00 o'clock. No reserve, terms cash. Charles Rcid, Auctioneer FOR SALE One hundred, egg-laying Leg- ,-horn hens at 50e cach. Phone 786-2477 Ncwtonville.' a-c NOTICE Wanted to buy: A painting by "Verner". Reply ta Box 300, Orono Week- ly Times. d-29-c WANTED Lianel electric trains of good quality; age nat important. Caîl 725-8782 Oshawa or write Jimi Shetier, 159 Gpelph St., Osh- awa, Ont. a-p W. FRANK, REAL ESTATE Realtor 21 King st. W. Bowmanville' 623-3393 Toronto, 923 -9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, eff ici- ent service when buyig or selling andi for the largest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Repres entatives Roy Foster 983-5801 Ross Gilbart 983-5533 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Roy Strong, 52 r Il HUBERT RO Your Representative for North Amecrican Life Lif e Mortgages Protecion Incotne Replacement and Estate Planning Phone: Bus.:, 728-9427 lies.ý: 623-3958 REMM mý sciences! CASCI nu ici tol' ici! skis