ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY llth, 1968S_ _______ DrûooJuir Edged Out In 'Tenh Inninug By Oshawa, 4m3 Two runs in the top of the 1tlî n;,uing gave Oshawa 100F Legion- niaires a' 43 victory over 0ron,â Juniors in an Eastern- Ontario 'ase-ball Association juvenile-jun- iat game played Last 'Wednesday "ight i Orono. S"ot Willson tossed a three- FOR JULY COTAGE (HEESE SALAD DAYS AT COST lb 30C, eî,Pîneapple Cottage Cheese For 32 cents Summ er Iteèms LEMONADE /2% gai. 39c. OÏ7'VCOLATE DRINK 1 QUART 33e DAIRY hitter and fanned il ta gain the decision. John Smith scattered six hits and struck out eighit ilaba- sorbing the -loss. -Orano took a 2-0 lead after the first inning when John Mather singled arfi Keith Jay homnered to bring in two runs. The two hits were the only hits Willson ai- lowed Orono until the lOth Ivhen he gave up a triple. Legionnaires were held hitless until the fifth inning on some fine pitchink by Smith., Grove Bennett led off the fifth by reaching on an error. Ted Me- Camb singled Bennett to second and then Bennett stole third and scored when Jim Zarowny sacri- ficed. Smith fanned the next two batters, to end the înning with Or- ono leading 2-1. Smith andc Willson continued to interlock in a pitchers' duel up until the eighth inning when Osh- awa seored the tying run on a hit, two walks and an error. Les Kiraly grounded to first base to lead off the inning for Legionnaires. Willson walked, ad- vanced to second on an error and thfen reached third on a wild. pitch. Neil Oke went to second, after reaching on the err when Kim Rogers walked tolad the bases. Smith fanned Paul Britton for the second out -of the inning, but Bennett came up with a clutch single to score Willson. Oke was caught trying to score on the play for the third out of the frame. .After a scoreless ninth înning, Willson walked týo lead off the lOth for Oshawa. Oke sacrificed Wýillson to second and the-, Roger was, walked întentionally. Both runners advatced a base when Britton singled to load the hases for Oshawa, for the second timýe in the game. Bennett flyed out- for the second out of the in-' ning, but McComb brought in both runs, which proved to be the win Makes Donation To Jones, Andretti Return Festival 0f Arts Honest Ed Mirvirsh, owner of the Royal !4lexander Theatre, on July 5th donated $25,00 worth of scenery and properties to the Gr:ýat Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts. When asked why he presenited this fledgeling Theatre Company wtn such fine example hé said, "IAil of the scenery that has ace, urnulated at the theatre for the last five years was just sitting there when I heard about this fine group of young people who are striving for perfection with their festival, 1 decided it was time for me to step, in and help them out." Roy Higgins, artistic directcor of the Great Pine Ridge Festival was astounded at the amount of scen- ery in Mr. Mirvish's donation. It took thÈree large trangport tru.cks, loàned by a local carrnage com- pany to remove it from the Royal Alexander Theatre and the stud- ents are 110W busy sorting it for use iun the Festival this August. Agaîn, Honest Ed does it. And this time he's helping Youth. ners, with a single.- Smith fanned Jifm Zarowny te end the inning. Fraser Wallace tripled and then scorecI on a sacrifie fly by Brian Foste,ý to-give& Oshawa only a one-run lead, but Willson rose to the occasion and fanned the next two, Oronio batters to end the game. McComb led the winners at- tack výîth three hits. Singles went to Britton, Bennett and Larry Dart. The . only hits for the losers were recorded by Mather, Jay and Wallace, You should apply -now. for your OLD ÂGE SECURITY PENSION By applying now, you will receive your first payment In January, 1969, when persons who have reached the age of 66 become eligible for Old Age Security. r fyou, were- born in 1903 * .make application for your Old Age Security pension six months before your 66th birthday. An appliction f orma for your Old Age Security pension is available at your local Post Office, or you can write to the Regional Director, of Old Age Security in the capital city of your Province. Along wth your application formn you Will receive a pamphlet .giving-you full information about the Old Age Security pension program. ÔIJAfANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT As soon as your Old Age Security pension is approved, you will be sent information about the Guaranteed Income Supplement and an application formi. You may beentitled to a supplemient which, together wlth your ,01d Age Security pension, will guarantee you a monthly income of at least $ 107.10. ISSUED BY THE HON. ALLAN J. MacEACHEN, MINISTER THE DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE For Key Mosport Roi Parnelli Johes andI Mario And- retti, who battled fiercely for top spot in last year's Kawartha 250 at Mosport, are the favorites in the Mosport 250 July 20. Jones won the Kawartha, fin- ishing second and first in the two 50-lap, 25-mile heats. Andretti Report From Queen's Park Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- ham, antounced this week, that the contract for gTading drainage, granular base and hot mix paving at Highway, No. 2 frow 'Oshawa East, City Limits, eàýterly, a dis- tance' of approximatély 7 one haîf, mile, has been awarded to Dagmar Construction Lîmited of Scarbor- ough. The total amoutt bid for this contract was $166,48562. The work is scheduled te begin on July 22nd of this year. came second after fitishing first and third in the heats. A tire pucture cut short lis charge to catch Jones with 10 laps to igo and spoiled Andretti's vict- ory chances. Jones hopes topush his produc- tion Ford .past thc record' 93.5- miles-an-hour pace he set last year te take the big money home to Nazareth, Pa. hI the United States Auto Club- sanctioned event, only late-model, factory-built cars equipped with manufactures' options are elig- ible. The driver with the best over- al.finish will take home USAC championship points, $2,900 of the $25, 000 in prize rnoney and a tro* phy. Other notables already entered are,,Bobby Unser, winner of the Indlana-pglis 1500, his, younger brother -AI, who won -the Bill Foster Memorial Trophy in last year's Kawartha 250 for the fast. est qualifying time, and- Gordon Johncock, _)ho placed fourth at Indy this year. Also signiei is Art Pollard, who, was 13th at Indianapolis. Phicothinks of ýyou first Phiîlco thinks of you first ini home entertainment. In Stereophonic lligh Fidelity and Television, both color and black and white, Philco engineers for quality. Each produet Philco makes is cov- ered by the best warranty in the industry. We, make this warranty with the firm confidence that our engin- eers have bulit into your new 'electronie produet -the finest quality and optimum reliability, All our colour sets serviced by experts Capitol TV Black& 12 ýy White $149.95 $189.95 19", .... $199.95 23"-- .... $269.95 PHILCO RJ,,RIGERATOR Give dependabile service, year in. year out 13 cu. foot VOURF PHONE 983-5307 Colour 16" ...$475.00 19", ...$a75.00 22" .... $688.88 25" .... $795.95 YOIJR KITCHEN ADD BEAUTY IN '~WITII THIS SPECIAL 30 Deluxe Range 619500 [ARDWA RE PRO HARDWARE ORONO, ONTARIO ___________________ t-' IN