ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY llth, 19C.- * - - ~-:4~ Ceneral INSURANCE FRED LYCET OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Pb.ue 933-5032 Res. 983-5142 CHARLES RFAD Orono's Licensed Auctionteer and Valu atoi Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales C<insult me for terms and dates PHO)NE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Family Memorials Ou quality and service leaves ,nothing tg be desired A&k the persen who bought frein as, a meighbour, frlend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT BOPE "Largest display la Suthern Ontario" 1V'ATSON'S Marine and, Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs te ail makes of La"n Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKl4S WHITE, WASHING STABLESI Bert Toinpkilns Phone 786-2552 Building A New Home? Remodellng? Cail JOE BECKER 1983-5713 Orne LYCETTg iPlumbing & Heating PHONE 933-5407 g roao, Ontaio ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval S993-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRkACTING ELECTRLIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE - 8Hamiltons Insurance <0 0 Service g Fire Package Policies FldelitY Bond, O Liabiity 0 Lif e g First Mortgage Loans Sadi e rHatnltono, g Phone 983-5115 0 BOX 133 Phène 668-35521 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Witby, Ont Manufacturers of Cemetery M'emorials Dealers la Demestile & Foreign Granites ad Marbies - IucittInCIut ad Cemetery Repair Werk HELP WANTED' HOW TO EARN lUORE MONEY! 1 need a full or part time man to 'help meet the denaiid far a much needed service for. mctor- ists. Pleasant, dignified, good pay- ing work. No experPnce neces- sary but a car is. For full infor- mation contact Morris Weston, Hampton, phone 263-2535 after 6:00 p.m, anir time weekends. Barnes & Byam PLUMBING and IIEATING 1 Sales and Service Z4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE. B-A FINANCING . Low Jfterest Rates Phonps: Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 I Caly.ur licensed'Plum bing &. Mechanical Centractor who seils, instalIt qpd Buarantea CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASON S W. Schmahl 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We aiso do Chimney Repairs DOMESTIC HELP WANTED Housekeeper-companion to care for elderly widow. Live-in, private quarters, remuneration excellent. Phone colleet 885-5808 Port Hope. a-c WORK WANTED Simplicity Dress Making. Phone 987-4454. a-c FOR SALE C. B. Radio and 14 foot Row- boat. Phone 983-5139. F~OR SALE Qirl's Bicycle for sale. Good condition. Phone 983-5928. a-p FOR SALE Tee-Nee twelve hundred pound Boat Trailer. A shape frame $250. Also Rocket Junior 4 cycle Iron Horse Engine, reel Lawn Mower, $25.00. Apply Orono Times. T-F STRAYED A steer onto the property of Mr. M. W. Staples, about May 18. Contact Mr. R. Patterson. Owner to pay expenses. c27c Sewing Alterations and Repairs done at home: For Women:- Alterations in skirts dresses and coats. For Men: Turn shirt collars and cuff s, shorten and lengthen trousers and draping and back seam s; also zippers and pock- ets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. and Church St. Phone 983-5493. Orville'Ch atterton Electrical Contracting Electric Ileating POand Service PHNE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario W. FRANK, REAL ESTATE UMITlED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowrnanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying or $elling and for the largest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 Ross Gilbart 983-5533 Andy Sutch 983-9119, Roy Strong 52 r il Bethany Building a luse? or remodelling your pres ea oie, then c.atact, Floyd Nicholson HUBERI GROOT Your Representative for North American Life Lif e Mortgages Protection Icorne Repliacement and Estate Planning Phone: Bus.: 728-9427 Res.: 623-3958 NOTICE Wanted to buy: A painting by "Verner". Reply to Box 300, Oronýo Week- 3y Timnes. d-29-c WANTED Schýool Teachcr and family re- quire 2 - 3 bedroom bouse for possession August lst. Phone 342,5388 Cold Springs; 668-9078 Whitby. b-27-p NOTICE St. Saviour's Church service will not be hel on Sunday, July l4th. NOTICE Strawberries for sale. You may pick your own if you wislt Klaas Reitsma; call Tom Siýma, 983-5589. a-c FOR SALE 4 near new UhiiroyAl Laredo Tires 775-14- 2 ply 4 ply rating; also, two 14" rims; alsýo table and 4 chairs, Phone 983-5212. a-c AUCTION SALE Auction sale of furniture for the estate of the late Thomas Tabb in the Village, of Orono on Saturday, July l3th, 1968 at 1:30 o!clock. Ah bhis household effects frig, electric stoveý, . table and chairs, two rocking chairs, wash- itg machine, gas stove for, pîcnics, new bedding, cedar chest, small radio, china cabinet, writing desk, new television used very, little, piano and bench, studio couch, mirror, six chairs, platform rock- erL new, three parlour chairs, hall tree, mats, dressers -amd aquan-- tity'lof garden tool1s. Many other articles. Ternis cash, No Reserve.' Lawrence Harris, Clerk, Cliff Pethick, Aucti-oneer. FORTHCOMINCi MARRIAGE- MUr. and Mrs. Robert ilancoek:, are happy to announce -l'e forth-- coming marriage of -t-heir daught- er P2ggy ae, to David Patrick, Mc~Cammond, son of Mr. and Mrs., George. McCammond of Oshawa, t&- take place in Orono United Church on Saturday evening, Aug- ust 24, 1968 at 7:00 o'clock. 1-N APPRECIATION Mr. George Glanville and iM-- mediate familles wish týo convey their sincere appreciation to al those who sent floral tributesý_ sy-mpathy cards and paid visits to the Barlow Funeral Home.. Alsoa to Rev. B. Lýong for bis comfort--- ing message and to the Glanville, family who served Jlneh at the home- of Mrs. Beatrice Morgan, Thank you from those who bve lost a dear wife, sister and.sester - in-law., DIED BALL, Violet-At the Memoriak, Hospital, Bowmanville, July 4th4, 1968 Violet Bail, beloved wife of' the late James Bail, dear mother- of Kenneth Ball, Kirby atid Rena- (Mrs. Len Pears) Orono. In her- 78th- year. Service was held from., the Barlow Funeral Home, Parký Street, Orono, Ont., on Saturdày, July 6th at 2 p.m. Interment Or- ono Cenietery. IED GLANVILLE, Ret a-At Bowmab~- ville Memorial Hospital on Friday,. July 5, 1968 Reta Glanville, be- loved wife of George Glanville, Newcastle'. Ontario, in ber 65th, years. Funeral service was hèld& -from the Barlow Funeral Hcmeý, Orono, Ont., on Monday, July 8th at 3:30 p.m. Intermett Orone, Cemetery. 0 0 Simpson O Phone'Orono 983-5948 Orono, Ontario g PAINTINU oCARPENTRY REMODELLING fiGENERAL RPM g Interior Exterior 0 Q->=C>c=>,=c= ocC bit