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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1968, p. 1

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Orono'Shopper's. Mail Saturdacy -VOLUME 31, NUMBE9,26 The Clarke Township Public Sehool Area Board will institute -the operation of ýone "Opportun- îty Class" lin the sebýool systein -tbis coming year. The class will contain some sixteen students and -will be placed ii the new Centen- niai School just completed in Xirby. Tests were held recently iu ail the area scbools for admis- zion to this class.. It was reported at the meeting on Monday evenîng held lu the new Kirby school that ehrolment during the year had reached a total of 852. This is an increase of 55 students over that of lest year at the sane time. Bis were passed for payment lu the amount of $10,588.52. ArrarMgements are being mýade tb notify ail parehts of changes iu 'bus routes for the. coming school terni. The meeting adjourned shortly after ten o'clock which likely set a record for the Board since its incepticrn some years ago. PETITION COMPLAINS OF NOISE A few residents of Gore's Land- iiig have presented a petition to ï-lamilton Township Council, comn- plainilîig about the noise at "The 7Inn." Tue Inn was formerly the Unit- ed Cburch hall lu Gore's Landing and bas since been made into a coffee bouse and youthi centre. A number of residents ilear the hall stated lun-the petition to couin- cil, that they wanted the toise re- duced, particularly Iate at night. Tbey were not against The Inn be- ing there but the noise at present was too much. Ready To Fed500 At time of going to press prep- arations are almost complete to serve close to five bundred at a community Beef Barbecue at the Orono Park on Wednesday nigbt. The Beef Bar-B-Q was jointly the Orono CQmmun- ity Park Board and the Orono Chamber of Commerce. A group of local enthusiasts prepared a large Bar-B-Q pit for the cooking of the roast beef on a large rotisserie brougbt to Or- ono from Wilberforce. Mr. Fred Storsbergen of the Dutcb Oven was lu charge of tbe meat prepar- ation and Bar B-Quîng. Another pit was also prepared for the cooking of the beats. It was here that they used a double bolier jeffect with water in one large iron kettle and 'tbe beans. ln another iron kettie lmmersed into the boillng water. Weather conditions are ideai and if we may forecast, it sbouid be a good community outing ut the Orono Park with plenty t6 eat for everyone. Ail those pur- cbasing a ticket will recieve a free steak board wbicb was made at Curvply Wood Produets lu Orono. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, .IULY llth, 1968 To Esablih ~Oportunity Class' At Kirby Schocol Festival Players Toe 1The Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts wieh is promoting a Youtb Theatre lu Newcastle during the month of August will, have a booth at the Orono Shoppers' Mal on Saturday. It wili be a good op- portunlty for local citizens to find ont 'more about the theatre and to purebase their season subserip- tions at a price lower than indiv- idual admissions. The theatre group is lntending '10 set-up on the steps of the Or- ono Town Vall witb some scenery from the plays and also wtb mus- le by some ýof the tallented artists who are takiug part în the festi- val. No doubt'soin of t,,,e stud- ,nts xiii be attired in costume as t[cy wil îppar lc estage lu August. ~he Y t~ e opeuns~ Newcastle on August 8tb aud runs tbrough until August 3tb. During this period the one hund- red actors and actresses will pre- sent tbree piays. These plays are "Billy Budd", based on a novel by Herman Melville; "The Admirable Chriebton", an nproarious comedy by J. M. Barrie and "A Man For Ail Seasots," a moving drama by Robert Hbit. The Youth Theatre beiug pro- moted lu Newcastle this summer is the first ýof its kiud lu Nortb America and vour support wouid assist tbis endeavour. Rebearsals have becu b&ld for.,the past two and, a baîf mouths au d pivers are to t'ieîrpy l'Y~ or Lr a talbt1 cail c Toron to Man Dies In Crash A Toronto man was kilied early Saturday morning ini a two-car crash on the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway near Hoit, Road, New- castle. Francis Yonisteel, 54, of 164 North Cliff Blvd., was killed when his ve~hich' apparently went out of control, swerved oito the median, back onto the pavement and flipped over onto its roof. The victim's car was then struck by a ýsecond, vehicle driven by Vi- dai Mills, 24 of Sarnia. Mr. Milis and a passenger in the car, Sharon Dennis, 21, also of Sarnia, were taken to' Bowman- ville Hospital and treated for min- or injuries., The- accident is beilig investi- gated by the Newcastle OPP. Has Winning' Float Thousands of spectators -lined the streets of Oshawa recently as the floats, bands and marchers proceeded from the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre to Alexandra Park. Approximately 40 floats took part in the parade.' The Great Pit~e Ridge Festival of the Arts was judged the best private entry. Members represent- ed the characters of two of their forthcoming piays "A Man for al Seasons" and "The Admirable Cri- chton". Spécial t'panks goes to Mr. E. it. Lovekin who dro ve the float. The back of thé float was built to, represent a ship. Also thanks to Mr. S. MacTavish,, of Canadiah Tire, Bowmanville, who trans- ported some of the players dress- cd in 1910 costumes. There was another 35 players on the float. Altogether, it was very colourful. Talent SowTonite Tonight at the - Orono Rink the Annual Talent Show wlll h'e held. This evening will be sponsored by the Orono Amateur Athletic As- sociation. Mr. Stirling Mather, who is in charge;of the show and the screen- ing of the talent, states that attendiug will get their money's worth. The progtam, he- states, is varied and many numbers are quite professional. Come to the Arena tonight, Thursday, for another night of fun and entertaÎument. OppostionOrgaunizing Against Orono Road Projiect Opposition to 'the Orono $108,- 000 road project 'of storm sewers, curbs and paving ln the central portion of the Village, continues, With tbe bearing of the applica- tion again by Vise Ontario Munici- pal Bo ard to be beld on August lst a group have organized to op- pose the application. The group intend to catvas the entire village witb a petition op- posing the projeet, which tbey THE FATE 0F A SCHOOL BELL The ýold Kirby Public Sebool Bell bas been preserved lu a Most fitting, setting at the new Cen- tenniai Sehool. The bell is part of a decorative structure a t tbe front of the scbool and althougb. it will' not be used to summon students to clas'ses it will continue to have a prominent place at the sehool. The fate of the Kirby bell dif- fers considerably from that of the Enterprise bell. The Enterprise bell bas fallen into the bauds of a thief ýor thieves who have removed it from tbe stand at the scbool. The tbeft of the bell was noted lu tbe latter part of June. state, xiii cost the average tax- payer a yearly sum of $3800 for a five year period. This figure, they state, takes into account ln- creased costs above the originail $108,000 whfich was, estim.ate:d o-. er two years ago. They also state tha1 , t interest rates have increased considerably ahd that thîs will add to the year- ly cost of the projeet. It is contended by the group tbrt around 39 percent of tbe rate- payers lu Orono are on a fixed income and many eau iii afford increases in property taxes. Tbcy question the application lu that tbe roads xiii bave to bc torm np again wben sanitary sexy- ers are installed and tbey feel that tis is not in- the too distant future, The group opposed tbe initial application xxich xvas heard by the 0ýMB earlier this year and at whicb time tbe application was turned down. Tbey uow question the bearîng of tbis application again lu the same ycar. Iu the initial opposition they state, they only coutaeted a few of the rate- payers but this timne they 'intend to canvas tbe entire village.. OpensDrive-In Servie Ar.oth_',.- anc 7 EC rin Sign and clip ti coupon and place àinl the draw this Saturday at the Orono's Shoppers' Mal for a Free Portable Television. N a in e --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - A d d r e s s -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Phone No -------------------------- The Chuckwagon Restaurant, soutà of Orono on Higbway 115 bas changed its service to, the public to inelude drive-in service. This new service was brougbt into effeet last wek with the installa- tion -of speakers wherby patrons cati now place their ýorder to the kiteben of the drive-in without getting ont of their cars. The or- der then eau be picked up at the serving window with patrons stilli remaining lu their cars. beeh erected covering a sbaded A large overbead canopy bas area at the restaurant. Music is being piped into ail areas of the premises for customer enjoyment. Thc Cbucbwagon Drive-in is own- cd andl operatcd by Mr. R. Car-' veth and bis daugbter, Mrs. Don- na Holmes. They are specializing in their own Cbuckwagon chieken. This Saturday afternoon the Orono Businessmen are holding a Shoppers' Mail on the Main Street of Oron. Those partieipating in the Mail are ail offering specials on a wide range of items and in th2 majority of cases business on these specials will be done right on the street. This will be the second annual Mail to be heid in Orono. The first was held -about one year ago. The participating merchants have also bired a merry-go-rouud wbich will be set on the Main Street to give free rides to the children who are present on this occasion. Further to this feature, ail ladies will be given a carnation. A big feature of the day will be a draw for a free portable tele- vision. This wiil be drawn late in the afternoon. Customers making purchases from any merchant par- ticipating in the Mail will be giv- en a coupon to place in the draw whicb will carry their names and addresses. Every purchase means another coupon and another chance for the free portable tele- vision. The Mail last year proved to be fun for everyone along with -the ceustomer receiving the benefit of many, many bargain prices. Look ýover the adds . . . it could mean money in yolar pocket. ifRS. GORDON SIMPSON Mrs. Gordon Simpson of Orono graduated on June elst as a Reg- istered Nursing Assistant from the Ross Memnorial *Hospital in Lindsay. Mrs. Simpson attended the course in Lindsay during the 1967-68, term. tes

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