r -~ -~- -a--~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JULY llth, 1968 Yau know what it's'lika when yau taka aur wife for a drive in tha, country. Sha has a nase for auctians like yau wouldn't balieva. Stop! shah!l cry. 1 believethat brass bed wauld be perfectforJimmy's roomi Sa yau Stop. And ane brass bed, twa dining roora chairs, a drop-leaf table and a lampshade later, she thinks shes ready ta go. Times like this, its fiee ta have cash an hand. Use your Commerce Chequing Account to caver your known expnses- and keep a cush ion in a Savings Account, Most timas, bath prablamrs and a ppar- tunities cal! for cash. And the family who can pay cash is the family in contrai. CANADIAN IMPERIA1ILBANK'0F C OMMERCE High School Board Approves Language Lab For Courtice Somfetimes weekend drivers get a bonus. Durham County District High Sehool Board at the meeting held in Port Hope Higli Sehool recent- ly confirmed several teaching ap- pointments to be effective Sep- tember lst as follows: Bowmanville - M. Colyer, Enig- lisb; Courtice Secondary School- Mrs. G. Asselin, Home Economics; Mrs. E. Holdas, Commercial; Miss' M. Kilpatrick, P.H.E.; ýMiss Susan Shuh, English and Klaus Walkaus, Science. The report of the Finance Com- mittee Chairman, Garnet Tubb, was approved, atd the fQllowing tenders for, fuel oul accepted. Bowmanville Higli School~Murphy 011 Company, No. 2 at 13.35e per gallon; Clarke High School, fuel oil British American No. 4 at 11.- 70e per gallon; Courtice Second- ary School,'Imperial Oil No. 5 at 1020 per, gallon; Millbrook High School, Imperial Oil No. 2 at 13.- 70c per gallon; Port Hope High School, Imperial Oil No. 2 at 13.70c per gallon, and No. 5 at 10.20c per galion. The purchase of a LaËjguage Lab priced ýat $7,354.84 was ap- proved for Courtice High School. Other tenders accepted were: 13 overhead projectors at 4139.95 each and three mowers for a total, of $3,192; five portable classrooms at $7,184 each. In conneetion with th» 'Home Economics Pogram throughout the area a letter i was received from Ontario Hydro, which equips cless- rooms with new, modemn electri- cal appliances -at no cost to the individual school. The communi- cation pointed out that the time for selective replacement of such equipment is approaching, and en- closed details of the agreement E gil A nnoun ci ng. DRIVE- sàft E R v o at thle CHUCKWi Highway IL;5, South or Oromo You now place vour order at One Of OUr SD!eakers (north side) and within a few minutes your order is ready at the serving window. No need to get out of your car. You can eat under our large canopy. Continuous music for your pleasure. GON DRIVE-I OUR IIAMBURGS (Ait pure beef) SOFT ICE CREAM TAKE-OUT SERVICE PHONE 98'57-m4 77 5 rcgarding such service. The report of the Bowmanville Local Committea presented by Chairman L. A. Parker was ad- opted. It recommehided that Mrs. Sandra Thompson be appointed Assistant Head of Girls' Physical Education, and that D. Austin be authorizéd to attend the O.S.S.T.F. Ref resher Course in Toronto, July lst to l2th. The committee recomm.ended that rentais for the properties on Liberty Street be established as follows: (a) Wright property, $100 per month on a monthly basis plus costs for heat, light, telephone, etc.;- (b) Osmond property, $80 per xnonth on a monthly baýis plus costs for heat, light, telephone, etc.; (c) Orchard, be rented to Robert Hendry for this seasoli for $300. The -Clarke Local Committee re- port submitted by Chairinan R. M. Paterson was adopted. It reeam- mended that Lars Carîlson be ap- poinited Minor Head of Physical and Health Education for 1968-69 while Lyn Lewry is on'sabbatical leave, andothat Mrs. Rita Carlsohn be, appointed Minor Head ýof French effective September lst. This committee also reported that a notice of the application to the Ontario Municipal Board by Clarke Township to re gulate the use of land and the character, location, and use' of buildings, has been received. The following report from the Co-ordinating Education Commit- tee, submitted by Chairman A. H. Strike, was ýadnopted. "That one representative from each school be authorized to attehd the Guid- anice Dialogue in Ottawa, August 20, 21 and 22. UN E Il FAMILY BUCKETS 0F OUR OWN Cbuckwagoti CHICKEN' $3,95 ai $4e95 ALL LEGS and BREASTS 'I