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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1968, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JULY l8th, 1968 ORON WEELYTIMERS (-Ut iorizeci ýas Second Class, mail, Poet Offie Departmnx Otta i) PÙblished every Thursciay at tAe office of publicati<- Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, ùmario Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - :Editor land Mvanager Lets 'Be Progressive No municipal projecf of any size is ever proposed that doesn'f stir up opposition. This is'certainly fre hoth i Oroio and Clarke Township af the present fime. Citizens cerfainly bave the right to lodge objections and shouid take this rigbt if they believe in fbeir cause. Too offen one sbrugs bis shoulders and lets issues pass by. This is flot the case presently in Orono or Clarke Township and we believe this expression of opinion is a heaithy sign of people 5f iii having an interest. The Orono Road project whicb again cornes before the Municipal Board on August 1sf will be opposed by a group in the Village wbo have been ciculating a pefifion in opposition to the plan. If is undersfood that a large per- cent age are signing fthe pefifion. A pefifion is also being circulaf cd in favour 'of the projeef. We believe there shocld be support for this projecf in thaf if wll be an asset to this Village and one thaf will enhance its appearance to a greaf exteht. The projecf is a af art on an overail plan of providing Orono wit b proper roads' curbs, gutters and sforrn sewers. If also appears, under present day conditions,, to be well wifbin the fax structure of the Village. If is a progressive step for Orono and surely in this day and age we can look for beâter things in our Village thaf are .v4thj.n a reasonable fax structure. The csf appears ta be one of the main objections to the road plan, We bave been told by the Police Trustees that if will not mean an increase la taxes which under the present agreemient wifh the Township is a likeiy f acf. Conditions bave cbanged over the past two years in taxation befween the Village and the Township. Prior to this tim the crnbined Village rate used fa be greater than the Township fax rate. However in the pasf two years the Township rate bas increased at a greater pace than bas the Vili4ge rate until if bas equalled ýand passed if. Under the terms of an agreement between the Township and the Vil- lage the Village rate must be as greaf as the Township rate so in 1968 had to be upgraded fao meef the risilig rate la the Township. This gives the Village more funds and within the Village. If cannof be carried over as-a surplus surey if is onlly right thaf this money be put to a good use and if cannmof be reduced below that of the Township. Let s be probressive - lets have improvernents. What Others Say DOWNRIGHT WASTEFUL Ifý is'cerfainly ln lîne wifhgood highway'practice for liigbway 28 to bypass Bewdiey, since fraffic on fhrough highways should nof be siowed down by the urban traffie of cifies,' fowne or villages. Another factor particularly important i the case of Bewdiey is the series of curves af both ends of the village wbich' slow fraffic down before if reaches the village and also occasionally constituf e a safefy hazard. It is f0 be hoped thaf the highway wîll aiso bypass Bailieboro, aifhough the information released by the De- partrnent of Highways so far indicates that if will only be "re-builif." With a modern norfh-south highway only a few miles fo the east, if should not now be .necessary fo spend United Counfties money on auyý extensive redeveloprnent of the ccouny road which huas frorn Millbrook f0 Garden Hill. One of the Most picturesW1.e roads inthe area, wif h many beau- fiful cuirved stretches, this road should bc preserved as a scenie route. Anyonc who wishes fo fravel rapidiy norfh or south can go ouf fo Highway 28, and the taxpayers of the United Counfies can well be spared the cosf :of the huhdrcds of fhousands of dollars - perhaps more - wbich mighf ofberwise be spent on this road. A speciai effort should -be made fo preserve the stands of white pine which make the road 50 especially beaufifuil now. Far too often if is assumed thaf the only thing f0 do isý toe straighten ouf every bend in every road, whien curved roads provide a much nMore attractive counfryside. In the case of the Millbrook-Garden Hlli road, if is downrighf wastLeful of the faxpayer's money fo build another high speed highway- when a few miles fo the east Highway 28 runs parallel f0 if. -Port Hlope Guide y 300 Attend BarB-Q Last Wednesdayr evening a few short of three hundred attended the Beef- Bar B-Q ýat the Orono Park. The outibg was sponsored jointly by the Orono Park Board and, the Orono Chamber of 'Com- (Continued page 3) 5 hours with or wtotsun! TANNINGI Q LOTION by COPPERTONE Protects against sunburn, fo, 1/ tube 7$2 tube$185 Q 4 oz. Plastic squeeze , bottie $35 $350c STUT T'S Pharmcy" Orono Phone 983-5009 At last Sunday's meeting of the Clarke Citizens' Committee, the meeting had placed before it a motion, in which the Councl of Clarke Township w*ouid be re- quested f0 impose an immediate freeze on al iand transfers atid - tities within the Township for a periodof four months. The motion which was' presented by C.,Evans and J.'Kimbali, neyer came to a vote as the groupý, in majority, passed up votitg on the motion. In speaking on the. motion Mr. Butt said that the course of the motion was more appropriate than a Public Inquiry and this was also the opinion of the Department of Municipal Affairs, he said. Mr. Butt stated that such a mo- tioti was desired as "Council is providing preferential treafment to peopie in this municipalty,> and he further stafed "we do have proof of definite pref erenfial freatrnent."If I was poibted -out that if councîl would take no act- ion if wouid the be presenfed f0 the Minister for his consideratiýon.' Mr. Butt sfated that they - ad met with Mr. Bratton of the De- partneInt of Municipal Affairs at which. time they had discussed the by-iaw which established1 a two year term in Clarke Towniship. He- said the passing of this by-law by Council was most unusual, with- out first going to the people of the Township f0 ask their con- sent. Hie did say however that the action by council was legal but did show that they were govern- ingby "supreme cotifrol". lie feit when council governs by suprem e there should be concern felt confrol as they do have the power to expropriate lands and reseil for industrial purpýoses. Mr. . Vanderstoop sfated thaf in his opition bhe feit that they 110w bad some restraint in the Township and -that 'tbey shouid consider this motion, further. Hie further stated "Iwe are now sound- ing like council."1 When a motion was put forth on whether -to vote on the re- straining motion it was decided by a siim, majority that the re- straining motion be left over. Wifh a postal strike cailed one wýonders if ak-yone will read this news. We are having a record dry heat wave perbaps when you read this the rains will'have come. Farmers are drawing in a very heavy crop of bay while the f0- bacco growers are irrigafing their tobacco crops both night and day. Miss Marion MceKelvey bas been having a couple of weeks vacation at home. Sbe and Miss C. W. Stewart visited friends in Orillia lasf Tbursday. Miss Joyce Elliotf is also on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Miiam, »enda and Kafiiy of Keeling, Virginia are visifing wif h ber sis- ter Mrs. W. H. Foster, Mr. Foster and farniiy. Sorne furhiture bas been brought f0, the Sunday Scbool room aireaidy for the Auction Sale wbich wili be beld on the cburch lawn Wednesday evening, Juiy 31. For information concerning thi's sale of useful articles, cahidy, borne baking etc., cali 983-5676 or 983, 5188. Proceeds will be used to help, pay for parsonage repairs made last summer. Clarke was well represented ln the Orange Parade hcld i Co- bourg on July the thirteenth. Lod- ges paraded from points as widely separated as Norwood, Whitby and Lindsay. The Kilty Bands of Bowma'nville, Oshawa and Peter- boÈough witb the many lady lod- ges, and juvenile lodges in, their many coioured uniforms, along wif h tbe pretty baton fwlrlers, al combined to make this an> ouf- standing parade. Clarke Library Meetinig The Clarke Public Library'met on Mohday evening when tbe Li- brarian reported that reading of library books continues to in- crease over that of last year. Dur- ing June 1145 books were circu- lated of wbich 605 wereý in tbe Juvenile'section. In Jute 1967 the total circulation amounted f0 933. Mrs, Robinson also, reported that fifty-one new books were added to the shelves during June. 11 The cbairrnan, R. Forrester, was authorized ta make the fital re- quisition -of levy from tbe Town- ship in September. Mrs. Robinson also reported that the iatest edition of the Can- adiana Encyclopedia had been donated, to the Lîbrary by the Regiotai Board. A letter has been sent fromn the Lîbrary Board to the Orono Police Trustees stating that the Board crnild he inferested in the, pur- chase of the Oron Fire Hall if such hall Idid become availabie. "UNDERTHE LIGUTS" JUNE 21 TO SEPTEMBER 27 FAIRGROUNDS Hwy. 115 just North of Hwy. 401 PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING Letter to Editor Mr. Editor: The Armsfrongs have been in business in Orono for 101 years. WVe must hàve liked this Villageý and the people have been good ta US. These are some of the bigh- lights i this time: Fire' Engine-8% of the,. people in 1894 bought fire pro- tection 40% were against. Towvn Hall - The cauncil built this building - paid cash. The coun- cil was defeated the next election in 1896. Uncle Bill was one of tbem. Orono School in 1914. Thiç group of met were given the go- ing over. If cost too much money. Oronýo Park - Two great men put up the money to buy, this land. A greaf many good people made if wbaf if is today. I had one man fell me, ýwbo was against the park, if did nof cost hlm any mobiey as he did not go to street fairs and bought tickets of no than any man in 'public office.ý abuse over buying. this system, kind! Hurray! Hydro - Bill Riddel ook more The people wbo believed ln Orone' boughf if: 7hiey paid for if in 5 years. Water - Find someote in Or- ono now who does nat wanftbthi water. This r'7as a long, bard fight but the trustees bad wbat if foolc and we got this service. Ray and, Harry were defeated as trustees over this and they sbould now be- corne boosters instead of knockers. Garbage - Frahik Hall said be wouid not pay $1.00 a month to, have garbage drawn frorn bis place and Frank Hall was a good man too. Ice - Hlow in the world would we have had artificial ice in Orono if if bad nof been for the young rnridpeoplei Orono. You can be sure if wlll be paid for. *Brother John wrote sorne time ago, "Orono is a good place ta, live." If wil l ot; change. Let's make our roads in Orono as fine as our homes. Bill Mr. Woodyard said h 'e had men- tioned this af tbe last meeting of the Police Trustees and that if had, iii bis opition, received mix- ed feelings. If was also sfated that tbe fire deparfmenf were not in favour of a move to the Municipal Building and bad said, unoffici- aliy they would resiga in a býody if such a move was insfifufed. The Library Board is to wait ta see what developrnebts are made foward this move. Mr. Wc'ody7ard said the leffer fa, the Trustees would corne before the Board this coming Moniday. If bad heen received foo late ta corne be- fore the June meeting of the Trustees.

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