I8th, 1968 aice August 8th - Ilth. An- acement came~ recently from Ben Seville. presiding mn or of the local gvoup, Delegates fromi Bownianvilie will join 13,000 others from On- tario and Quebec for a manimoth seminar on the use of Christian nrjyncjleq in thbe ru~hl;c it'-rep4 Recognizîng the varied languwýze backgrounds of Canadians, the 22 hours of program sessions wiIl be conciucted simultaneouslv in Eng- lish, French and Italian. Mr. Seville, discussing the an- noutcement to the Congregation, explained the motivation behind the program: "A whirlwind of un- rest andl degeneration, spewing violence and promiscuity, threat- ens the security of every commun- ity and home. Jehovah's Witnesses are concerned and we intend to e use Bible wisdom as a guide to dourselves and others in the face of it." * "The Convet-tion theme-, 'Good News for Ail Nations,' wilI cover two principal. ways of promoting peace, security of mind and moral integrity. The first is what each individual can do by fortifying himself, bis faýmily and his neigh- Jour with the divin~e wisdom that aids one to think straiglit and act e wisely., The second is what the 3-Creator will do by direct inter- u vention to establish a 'new Society' n ___ for ail the earth that will succeed and endure. The Illiy Scriptures simply cali it Cod's Kihgdom, To e-rn of this certainty cen be a source of mental security and ' poise. Every delegate wii attend with the desîre to learn how he can better share this message of good news for ail nations effect- ive!y," he said. The Ottawa gathering will be olne of eleven in Canada, designed to advancec ,Qýe ministerial profie- iency of every Witness across 'the country. Orono Building Contraocter Brick Block Concrete Stone Work Carpentry Cabinet Work Floors -Tile P83-5441 OIIONO )DX- DX - DX -: DX -DX- DX - DX DX Be Wise: ... ECONOMIZE! WITHR Phuone 6834 ID-DX -DX -DXk-DX - DX -DX- DXI FUEL O F DýRESSES balance of our Ladies' Spring and Summer Dresses iced. If you are looking for a bargain be sure to ES TO $29.50 ES TO $22.50 ES TO $17.95 ýS TO $14.00 sale price $18,95 Sale price $15,,95 sale price $12.95, sale -price -$9,95 :ýS TO $9.95 sale price $5.95 Z. n, il.