r - ORONO WEKLY :TDIME'S, T11UFR;AY, J'ULY lth, 1968ý L, Àmm a ii §z àM. 1ýllW2, ý 21j ' Ceneral' IN~SURANCE SEE FRED 1LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST, ORONO Pik.ne 983-5032 Res. 983-5142 CHARLES Re-.D Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatuî Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consuit mei for terms and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments und Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves uothiug to be desired Ask the person who bought fron as, a neighbeur, friend or relative T~he RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "ILargest display ln Southeru Ontario" WA TSON'S Marine and Cycle Oreno Phone 989-5343 MeCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CIIAINSAWS Repairs teail makes of Lawn Mwers and 2 and 4 CYCle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY ]PUMlPING'OUT SETIC TANKS wHITE WASEING STABLES Sort Toupnus Phene 786-2552 Building A New ýHome? or Reniodelllg9 10'OE BECKER 983-5713Orono LCETT Plumnbing & Heatingg PHIONE 983-5407 g *t1Iu, Outarlo ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvail ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. ,RADIO - HI-FI, FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE - 0Hamniltonsg Insurance lg Service - 0g SFfreU Pacekage Poiles Fldelity Bond, O Llability Lite [1First Mortgage Loans OSadie Hamiltonoo g Phone 983-5115 0 FOR SALE A Pony Cart, in good condition. Phone 983-5020. a-p FOR SALE Tee-Nec twelvc hundred pound Boat Trailer. 'A' shape framne. $250.00.- Apply 0roto Times. t- NOTICE Wanted to buy: A pýainting by "Verner". Reply to Box 300, Orono Week-, ly Times, d-29-c WANTED School Teacher alid family re- quire 2- 3 bedrolom- house for possession August lst. Phone 342-5388, Cold Springs; 668- 9078 Whitby. b-27-p IIELP WANTED 110W TO EARN MORE MONEY! 1 nced a full or part time man to help meet the' dematid for a much needed service for motor- ists. Pleasant, dignifîcd, good pay- ing work. No exper),nce neces-, sary but a car is. For full infor- mation contact Morris Weston, Hampton, phone 263-2535 after 6:00 p.m., any.ý time weekends. b-28-c FOR SALE Tee-Nec twelve hundred pe*und Boat Trailer. A shape frame $250. Also Rocket Junior 4 cycle Iren Horse Engine, reel Lawn Mower, $2500. Apply Orono Times, T-F Sewing Alterations and Repairs donc at home: For Women: Alterations 'in skirts dresses and ceats. For, Men: Turn shirt coliars aud cuffs, shorten and lengthen trousers and draping and back seams; aise zippers and pock- ets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. and Church St. Phone 983-5493. M- Callyouir .licensed PIumbing &. MechanicaZ Contracter who sells, instalsç PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono . Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASON S W. Sclnnahl 983-5606 Specializing in ail kmuds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We aise, do Chiinney Repairs FOR RENT Three acres of garden Iand, two mil!es east of Newtonville. Phone 987-4952. a-c FOR SALE An outboard motor, *2 horse power Elgin. Jn good condition. Phone 983-5244. a-c WANTED Room and Board for young man in Orono. Phone 983-5306. a-p HELP WANTED Full time kitchen help assist- ant Cook. Apply Ottos Restaurant, phohe 983-5651. a-c NOTICE Ray's Barber Shop will be closed for ho]idays fromn July 28th to August 6th. c-30-c THANK VOU We would like to say Thank You to 'ail who contributed to our Bake Sale which was held at the Shopper's Mail. We made a profit of $48.87. The Orono Hockey Mothers COMING EVENT Auction Sale: Antiques, Furni- turc, Dishes, Books, Home-bakîng. On Kendal United Church Lawn, Wednesday, July 3lst, 6:30 p.m., Anyonc with donations cal 983--5188 or 983-5676. b-29:c CARD 0F THANKS BALL: Wc wish te express eur sincere gratitude te the many, relatives, friends and neighbocrs who sent floral trîbutes and mes- sages of sympathy upon the death' ef our mother, Violet Bail. Thanks te Rev. Loilg, Heather Rcbekah Lodgc, Barloýw Funeral Hope. Kenncth Bail, Rena Pears and f amuies. p Bornes & Byam, PLUMBING and HEATING Sales and Service M4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE' B.A FINANCING Low Inter est Rates Phonps:i Tyroene 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 'IN MEMORIAM ÏMARTIN-In i oving memory of adear mother Leta Martin %who 'passed away Ju ly 15, 1962. Wonderfui memories woven in gold, This is the pýicture wc tetderIy hold, Deep Wn our hearts the memoi-y is kept To love, to cherish, to neyer forget., Ever remenibered by the fanxily. Giord Simpson Phone Orono 983-588 Orono, Ontario PAINTING~ oCARPENTRY 0 REMODELLING g GENERAL REPAIRS S Interlo- Exterior ORONO, ONTARIO WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddit-ies IF IT'S OLD ... CALLIJS WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210, or 623-31n8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F THIOMAS 11ENRY TABB late of the Town- slip of Clarke in the County of Durham, rctircd, deceased: 1Wi persons having dlaims a- gainst the estate of thec said Thom- as Henry Tabb, who died on or about the 28th day of May 1968, arc hercby notiid te scnd te the undersigned Executors -or their solicitor oji or beforeý the' 3rd day of August 1968, their names and addresscs and full par- ticuiars of their dlaims and the nature of the,,securities (if any) held by them duly vcrificd by statutory declaration. Immcediateiy'aftcr the said 3rd day ef August 1968,' the assets et the said dccased will be distribu- ted among the persons entitled thereto havîng regard eniy te the claims ef which the Executors or the undersi Fned Siolicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Qrono, Ontario this 17th day of 'Juiy, 1968., MURRAY EARL TABB, 125 Iligh St., Býowmanville, Ont. LAWRENCE; HENRY TABB R.R. 3, Bewmanvilleý, ont. Executers, W.K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the' Executers IN MEMORIAM Martin-.-hi ioving memory of our dear son and brother, Allan Clare 'Martin who passed away July 15,' 1959. Beautiful memories arc wonder- fui things. They last tihi the iengest day. They neyer wear eut, thcy ncv- er get lbst, And can neyer be given away. To some you May be forgotten, To others a part ef the past, But te us who loved iyou ani lest youi, Y1our memery wîll always last. Ever remiemhercd, Dad, Mem, .Audrcy and Lo'rraine. a-p Orville Chatterton I Electrical Contracting Electric fleating and Service PHONE 983-5546ý or 983-5940 Orono, Ontarîo Box 133 Phone'668-3552 Staflod Brohers Lîmlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont, Manutacturers of ,Cernetery Meinorials Dealers hI Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbîes - Imaclptious Cut and Cemetery Repir Work W.FRANK REAL ESTATE Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowrnanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying or seiling and for the largest sel- ection of properties iu the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Fo'ster 983-5801 Ross Gilbart 983-5533 Andy Sutch' 983-9119 Rloy Strong 52 r 1l Bethany Bilding ail ouse? or remodelUng your present oue, then contact FloydNihlo me- 1 mmmmmýý