ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, .IULY 25t1i, 1968 OR-ONO WEEKLY TIMES (A4uthmorlzed as Second Cass mal, PoMt Oâice Depatmet, Oftawa) Pubiished every, hursday at the offine of publieatai» Main Street, Pbpnie 1", roflo, COnario ffltSbished luIM ~ by R. A. Forregter Ro~y C. Forrester - Edltor and Manager Not Under Tne Rug The need for sanitary sewers in Orono cannot be pushed under the rug to be forgotten. Many in Orono today are voicing their opinion of such a need. Some, no doubt, are using the need of sanitary sewers as a tool ag ainst the Oreo road project but others are sincere and claim there is a need and that they would support such a plan. They dlaim, if money is available for modern road construction, money is likewise available for sanitary sewers. Others cen- tres are financing sanitary sewers ..-. why not Oroeo? It is interesting to note that in 1955 the Department cf Health of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham made an extensive survey in the central part ci Orono in connection with sanitary sewage disposai. This 4 report is oni file with the Orono Police Trustees and bears the signature of Dr. Charlotte Horner. The report recoin- mends the immediate start on sanitary sewers for the cen- tral part of Orono. A further recommendatiot in this re- port is that a municipal water supply be followed as soon as possible. This report confliets with recent letters and reports from the same department. One such letter goes as far as sayng: "'Since here is ne apparent-need for municipal sewage on Church, Centre and Park Streets in the foresce- able future ..- It is rather hard to believe that sanitary sewage disposai improves with age. It appears, however, from these reports that this has been the caseý from a need in 1955 to no tieed in 1968. There is no doubt that with the installation of muni- cipAl water a greater tolerance of, poor sewage disposai can be accepted but municipal water does not eliminate poor conditions arisiïig out of sewage disposai. The area iinder discussion both in the D55 and 1968 surveys has a greater population density today that in 1955 which can only aggravate conditi.ons of sanitary disposai. Both municipal bodies and1. individu ai ratepayers must look to the knowledge ofour quaiified departmcnts for guidance in setting priorities. It becomes rather difficuit to set these priorities when reports are contradictory. SometimeOrotio must face up to sanitary sewers. ODDS and ENDS Work in progressing most fav- ourably at the Orono Municipal Building Where a new hydro of- fice and garage is being contruct- ed. Mr. Downs, Orono Hydro mati- ager, reports that they wiii soon be in their new premises. This coming Thursday, Au- gust lst the Ontario Municipal Board is to rehear the Orono road JACK RICARD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE Wlien Biying or SeIlng. eall WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 XMbers of ')shawa anid Dis. tÎct Real Estate Board project for the central part of the Village. A recent, improvement to olie of Orono's business establishments was the paving of the entrances and the service centre at Bowen's garage in the torth of the Village A total of 600 swimmers passed through the gates of the Orono Swimming pool on a recent Sun- day. Neediess to say the capacity- of thepool was taxed to its limit, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnott are spending a couple of weeks tour- ing in Quebec atd the Maritimes. The Orono and Newcastle Tykes played ahigh scoring game of hal in the Orono park on Monday ev- ening, 26 to 22 for the visitors. 'i Thg OCreat. Pins Festival theArts» NEWCASTLE HALL 8.15' P. M BILLY BUDD AUGUST 8, 13, 16, 21, 24, 29 The ADMIRA ýLE -ICHTOU *AUGUST 9, 14, 22, 27, 30 AUGUST 10, 15, 20, 23, 28, 31 Advance Box Office Now Open 1 P.M. - 5 P.M. triTues., Wed, Thurs. $2.00 SFr1. and $2.25- * FOR RESERVATIONS Phone 987-4050 or write P.O. Box 266, Newcastle, Ontario Matt's Barber Shop-Coifectionery Phone Orono 983-5310 GILLARD DRY CLEANING AGENT GLEN RAE DAIRY PRODTJCTS TIMEX WATCHES. POLAROID SUN GLASSES MEDICO PIPES WITH FILTER PIPE. TOBACCO - CIGARETTES CIGARS - ICE CREAM - CANDIES SOFT DRINKS, Save ON ALL SIZES 0F and Insect Repeilents 15% OFF COPPERTONE Q. T. BRONZ TAN SURE T8N TROPIC TAN SEA & SKI GUARD 6:12 OFF TAN and GUARD S3tutt's SPECIAL FOR JULY COTTAGE CHEESE SALAD DAYS AT COST Lb. Pineapple Cottage Cheese For 32 cents Sum mer Items LEMONADE 1/2 gal. 39c. CHOCOLATE DRINK 1 QUART 33e DAIRY