ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1968 Instalment (2) The Communion Service is dir- ectiy reiated te Churcb member- ship. I suppose most congrega- tiens are concerned because they have a much higber rnembersbip than they do have it regular at- tendance at Church worship. Sornetimes we' are told by others (hat they have Inothing te do with the Lord's Supper, although they are members, and aiso that they have very littie te do witb the Churcb. In aur membership vows, one wbich eacb persan makes we an- swer the question, "Do you prom- ise te make diligent use of the Means of Grace?" Our answer is, "I do." Training fer membership points eut cleariy that the com- munion service is a means of grade. We, in this part of the Christian Church, bald two sacra- metts, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. We believe that in these there is particular significance in the fact that threugh thern seme- how, aitbougb we can't explain it, open the deorway a littie wider into the presence of God and pre- pare ourselves te receive a greater portion of that wbich God has for US. When we promise te make diii- geht use of the "Means Qf Grace" we ougbt te understand and be prepared te, make a study of God's word as it is in the THoly Scrip- tures, it aise is a means of grace. We ought also te iake use of prayer whiçh opens a doorway in- te the presence -of God and opens, up communication with God,' and te be reguiariy a part of the church worship service, and if possible of the Sunday Sehool ai- se, as bath of these are a "Means of Grace." Today we are particu- larly concerned with. the "Means of Grace" whîch is the Lord's Supper. As we partake in the Feilowship of the Lord's Supper we remem- ber that Jesus' command and de- sire was that "We ail should be one." And I arn sure that fer many this môrning there is particuiarly significance for many of us in that we are twe, congregations here, - we, are people of varying opin- ions ahd ive in different commun- ities, yet we are one becaue we have given our lives te Christ. And being oe;e in Hirn we share in the broken body and the shedi blood. Now, what dees the breken body mean? Certaitiy it means the actuai body of Jesus which was hung upon tbe cross, and bis life blood which poured frorn that body, but when Jesus- said for his disciples to remember these things it was that they should remember the nature of the life committed to, bim. The Jewish people, into whose race Jesus was born, were a peo- pie who placed a great deai of significance upon sacrifice,. ,To those Jews who became believers in 'Christ the death of Jesus upon the cross would have a particular meaning. The' Bible talks about "the perfect iamb" that was brought for sacrifice and tbey would see Jesus in the place of the perfect lamb, something offer- cd to God that God might see and receive and be glad, somornething through wbich the people miiiht draw dloser to God. We understand that Jesus gave his body to be broken in order that mah could sec what the na- ture of God is like and what God expeets of us if we wouid be led into the full and abundant life. Jesus came to tell men about the love of God. We ail know that to tell a person a thing may result in the fact tb4t they receive a small part of the lesson ýbeing taught, but if tbey are shown a great deal more is retained., Even the 'disciples misunder- stood the things that Jesus taught them - and se h.e showed them. He allôwed bis body to be nailed to the cross - he, went through ah. the agony that a buman being goes tbrougb when facing a time of trial of that nature. Certainly he drew from the power of God - certainly God was in him but he knew the test just the same. He did it to show rnankind that God wili go to any extent to re, veai bis love and to save his ioved ones. When we partake of the Lord's Supper we are reminded witb thanksgivihg of what Christ did for us, athoukh he died long be- fore we were boru. The Lord's Supper is not only a reminder of what Christ did for us, but of what we are called to be -and to do, that is, to give our lives to Ibe broken, a living sacrifice _to God, through which, be can bring bis redeeming love te ail mankind. As we move into the Fellowship ef the. Lord's' Supper the invita- tion is te ail 'wbo wish to offer their lives te Him. We corne, net because of the perfection of our lives, but bei-ause of our unworthi- ness and our desire to draw clos- er to Christ and to be more com- pietely filled with Him. Join in this Fellowship reverentiy and humbly, earnestiy and thankfuily. THE LORD'S SUPPER UNITED CHURCIl Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1968 During' July, the Newcastle an~d Orono Congregations unite for Service lu Orono Sanie time - 11:15 ar. Trhere wili bc Nursery and Junior Congregation accommodation. Kirby-2 Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Scbool at 11:00 Leskard-, Sunday Schooi et 9:45 Race Entries The following is the iist of et- tries for harness racing in Orono this Friday evening. lst Race Meadowview Ben, TBA; Honours Doll, Durham; Cobonga Milly, H. Cochrane; Boùnmie Deligbt, Robin- son; Rusty Mac Herbert, A. Downs and Pepper Ogden, Sheiden. Znd Race Janet Forbes, R. Johnson; Jimnmy G. Unko, TBA; Kawartha Candy, G. Sheldon; Eds Son, Beacharn; Thoughful Cass, S. Brown; Frisky Gratton, Max Hope. 3rd Race Bracelet, Robinson; Lueo Bars, Fines; Oscar 'Volo, McQuaid; Liz Song, Williamns; Guys Pride, Doid- en; Beau Blazes,,Givens. 4th Race Sir Blaze, Away, Cumrnings; Bob Dillard, Hope; Don Orey, TBA; Rusty Bill, Rabm; Vie Desoto, Mc- Quaidi 5th Race Hi Triple, W. *Brown; *Carol lÇnight, Beacham; Meadowview j Bird, McQuaid; Margaret Hal, R. Brown; Jimmy Whistler, Thacker- ay; Jaco Chief, Jacobs; Parkview Ann, Glover. 6th Race Lesotas Boy, Gassien; Reid's Roy- al, J. Wiiliamis; Lorraine la R. Rahrn; Ricky Superior Hl, Gor- don; Miliy Mac Gratton, She«. 7th Race Jerry Hat, Roughiey; Vaughan Patrick, Farmer;ý Jagla, McQuaid; Philbrick Mary, Fines; Champ Moray, Hicks; Pleasant Way, dian entrant who drove to piacings of tenth and fourth. The race was the first ever in a stock car for Brack. The reai loser of the day was Parnelli Jones who was forced out in both 'heats whiie in the lead. P. Jones had the fastest qualifying tirne of 1 minute, 30.40 seconds. The victory was worth $2,160 for Unser, secobd place was worth. $1600 and third $920. Attendance at Saturdays -race was posted at 25,012. Our newest cook book wili be a great boon to cottage dweliers or travellers ln trailers, campers or boats. It is Charlotte Dawson's "The Trailerist Cookbook", one of a series'of books publisbed by the trail-R-Club of Amerîca to supply information on matters pertaiting to trailers and mobile home living. Written by a mother 'of seven wbo bas been a trailerist and a camper on many extensive out- Keep Cool We have a large selection of SOFT DRINKS by thé case, six-pack or single Botties or cans also NEILSON'S ICE CREAM Cigarettes, Tobacco, Sundries ORONO, ONTARIO ings, you- can be sure that tbe re- cipes are simple and inexpensive. The chapters are titied: Equipping and Stockiug the Trailer Cupboards. Breakfast Along the Read and in Camp. Net Sa Quick Breads. Breads in the Bondocks. Let's Stop Here for Lunch. Home is the Fisherman, Home from the Sea. Pet Luck Suppers. Campfire Cookitg. Supper in a Hurry. Yaur. Just Desserts. Beverages Hot - Beverages Cold. Miscellaneous Departrnent. Chart and Special Instructions. OTHER NEW BOOKS Fiction The Hositie Beaches - Shirreffs A Husband Isn't Everything- Kamins. A Kind of Anger - Ambler The Orgaudy Cupoakes - Stolz Nonfiction The Boston Strangier - Frank The Doctor Who Dared - Noble Physician te the Children - Noble- Juvenile Let's Go te an Airport The Grizzly The Hungry Goat. The Egyptiatis Knew SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE 25% OFF an; Blouses. Your last ch, hat for $2.00 ,DIES' BLOUSES- [y of ýour Spring iand Summer LADIES' HATS, ance for a real, bargain. Any GI RLS' SHORTS A quantity of Girls' Shorts lu Keratron, streto Nylon, Denim and stretch Terry. Several shades in sizes 8 to 14 years, Rleg. values to $3.50 Your Choice - $2.79 Reg. values to $3.00 Your Choice - $2.49 Reg. values to $2.001 You r Choice - .79e * Many more Bargains. Corne in and lookI them over. GIRLS' SLIMS slms in stripea cotton denim wlth Several pairs of cotton SIInxs Sa ,atcbing beit. Blne or red wih wlte plain shades and stripes. Sizes 8 to 14 yrs. stripes. Size 4 to 6z yzg. llegnlar $2.9L. Itegular values te $2.98 Sl rc 19 'Sale Price - $1.39 Sl rc 19 ARMSTRONG'Sule Z James; J0 Ste Lo, K. West. 8th Race VI nce Adios, Brock; Robin John- son, Farmer; Union Chief, Fines; Blue D'Ennis, McQuaid; Armagot Gratta-n, Armitage; Lii Buck, St John. 9th Race, Skeeter Song, Hicks; Doc Fiem- ingtot, TBA; Sycamore Jean, J. Williams; Titan Song C., Thacker- ay; Rodwyn .Todd, Sheldon; Fav- orite-VaiIey, Alexander; Kits Kid, F. Gifford. 25000 Attend Mosport Race AI Unser of Aibuquerque, N.M., emerged as the winner of the Mosport 250 for later-model stock cars at Mosport on Saturday nip- ping out A. J.- Foyt with strong second-heat, driving display. Unser, driving a 1968 Dodge Charger, trailed Foyt's 1968 Ford Tonina by five secohds after the first fifty lap heat, but caught the Houston, Texas native in the second to post a total time of two hours, 43 minutes and Il seconds. Frank Freda, in a 1967 Ply- mouth ended up in third place whiie a surprise fourth was Tor- ohto's Bill Brack, the loue Cana. Up And Down The Book Stocks I.