ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULV 25th, 1968 Local Newvs Mr. C. Toaze, Oshawa, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Herb Duvali and famnily, for a week. Mr. ýand Mrs. Manly Kimmett and Miss Lois Kimmett, Napauee spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett. M iss Edra Best of.Toronto vis- ited in Orono on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lunn rec- ently returned by Ashgrove Jet Plane from Levelland, Texas, where they attended the funoëral of her youngest sister Mrs. Iris Upshaw Jr. .Miss Francean Campbell of Montréal, v/isited friends in Or- ono, Friday last on her way to vis- it Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Cutteil, Westfield, N.Y. Mrs. Clîff Dunlop, Perth, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgan. Miss Lola iloblis, Oshawa spent the w eekend with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little of Millbrook celebrated their 4th wedding at.niversgry. -The immed- iatt family attended the celebra tionat their homie in Millbrook. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Julien De Paepe were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence De Poorter ah~d family from Simcoe; Mrs. Jean De'Huister and son £rom Langton and Mary De Paepe from Delhi. Also Rose Marie Saman and Ferd- inand De Waýcher. This week Danny Groeneveld of Simcoe 'is visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Julien De Paepe. Mrs. M. H. Staples is visiting this week with lier daugliter Mrs. Glen Wiggins, and Mr. Wiggins, at Don Milis. The Postal Strike is one week' old and stili 1no sign of agreement. 1Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Veinot on, the birth of a baby daugliter, July 23rd, 1968 in Bowmanvilie Hospital, a sister for Blair.. Sorry to report that Mr. Ariel Langstaff of Crooked. Creek, was very seriously injured on'Suhday the 21st. While attending the Stock Car races nurth of Kendal, a wheel blew off a racing car strik- ing hlm in the ch est and leg. H1e was rushed to Toronto where a bone specialist set the brokeni bone and fractures. A sale of useful articles will be held on the 1awn of Kendal Un- ited Church next Wednesday ev- ening at 6:30, July 31st. Furniture arntiques, dishes, home baking etc. Lunch will be served by the ladies Home-ownrs and Tenants Your Guide to Ontario's New System of Tax Reductions To ease the burden of municipal and sohool taxes, the Ontario Legisiature has established a systemof residen-. tial property tax reductions. V irtually ail home-owners and tenantsare entitled to benefit. By this system, Ontario, in effeet, is paying the first part of the municipal taxes on each eligible house or apart- ment. The reductioni amounts to an average of 12Y2% of the taxes. if you are1 a homle- owner.,,. If you pay your municipal taxes directly, you receive your tax reduction directly from your local municipality-either as a deduction on your,1968 municipal tax bill or by cheque. If you have agreed to make regular pay- if you are a landilord... As an owner of residential property, yau receive the tax reduction in the manner described above for home-owners. Your loc al municipality calculates the amount of the reduction and subtracts it on the 1968 tax bis. If a house or apartment is rented, the landlord is required ta pass the full amount of the reduction to his tenants. The Province pays municipalities the total of the reductions. Every owner of a residential property andevery tenant of such a property is entitled ta receive a tax reduction provided the property was eligible in 1967 ta be sepa-, rately assessed under The Assessment Act. ments ta the holder of your mortgage, with instruction to him ta pay your municipal taxes on your behaîf, you will receive the benefit of the tax reduction by way of an adjustment ta Ithese regular payments. As a landiord, you are required ta pay the full amount of the tax reduction ta each of your tenants. Ifyou are a tenant.. Your landlord is required ta pay to you the-full amount to your landiord or to his agent to be entitfed ta a portion of the tax reduction for your house or apartment, which of the reduction. he has received fromn the local municipality. 0 If your tenancy ends after June> 30, or if it continues If you rant your house or apartment for L 'IIl through ta Decemberý 31, your landlord or al of the year 1968, you should receive Tr his agent is required ta pay the reduction ta the fuil amount of the reditction. O0 the - other hand, if-you rent-your dwelhing for In either case, your landiord or his agent is anly a portion of the year, you are en- rqie by law ta pay ta you the amount titled ta a portion of the reduction; if you o f the tax reducti on by December 31, i1968. rent the dwelling for six months, for Any landiord who fails ta pay tax reduction instance, you should receive one-haîf of the reduction. allowance in accordance with the law is liable ta a fine of Here is how yau get your tax reduction: not more than $200 for each conviction and, in addition, 0 If your tenancy ended before June 30, you must apply wilI be ordered ta pay the tax.reduction allowance. If you have any questions about residential property tax reductions, please address them to the Municipal Subsidies Branch, HON. W. DARCY McKEOUGH Department of Municipal Affairs, 801 Bay.' ' Min ister oflMunicipa/Affairs Stre et, Toronto 5; Tlephone. Area code 416, 365-6881. I R-L-