70 Present For Ratepayer y'S Meet The -Clarke Township Citizen 's Coîmmittee, on Sunday afternoon at a meeting in the Orono ýOdd- fellow's Hall, voted in favour of conistituting the Cornmittee as a Ratepayers' Association. The meeting on, SuÉday was attended bY some seventy ratepayers from the Township of Clarke. Mr. Butt, co-chairman of the Orono VOLUME 31, NUMBER 29 Last Friday and Saturday tlie Orono Swimming classes were eaOmpleted for 'the sumaier term of 1968. Tlie cl0)sing was la the form of the Red Cross and Royal Lif e Saving Tests. These were held at the OrOh-o pool. Prior ta these tests the younger groups were tested by the l0)cal instrue- tor. During the program a total of' :374 chiîdren were enroPgŽd ia the classes which were held each, maornig during th~e nionth of July. Those passing their tests wlth the Red Cross and Royal 'Life Saving as follows:* ROYAL LIFE SAVING Award of Met- Donald MeKeazie. First Bar- Michael Carman, Caroline Johnson, Banale Barlow. Bronze- Diane Hazelden, Dore-en Hazel- den, Sally Stapes, Carol Caldwell Suzaane~ Bunting, Wayne Cou-' vier, Tomn MacDonald. 'Senior Artificial Respiration.-. Michael Carman, Diane Hazel- 'den, Doreent Hazelden, Sallyý Staples, Caroline Johnson, Carol Caldwell, 'SuzanÈie Buntiag, Don- ald MKienzie, Wayne Couvier, Bonnie Barlow, Tam MacDonald. RIED CROSS SWIMMING.. Senior- Stacy Stutt,, Kathy Gustar, Cralg Tennant, Kareti Homewood. ,Survivaià- Sheila Baristow, Lyan Lowery, Cheryl Coraisli, Yvonne Schoen- maker, Warren Joh~Iston, Sharon Jolinston, Shlaron Lowery, Dale Evans, Cindy Fee, John Goathamn Iltermediates- Steve Allia, Paul Staples, Lar ry Lunt, Shelley Ho'oey, Steve Saw- yen, Pami Newell, Cliff Fee, Ed- ward Clark, Tracie Stutt, Donald McLaren, Becky Lee, Mark Car- Committee, outlined. the aims of the Association es (1) ta provide information and clarification of local legislatiol'i for tbe ratepay- ers; (2) to establish better un- derstanding bci.we local gov- eranment and tbe ratepayers (3) înd ta keep tbe local citizens informed. Followîng the outtIi-ing of the aims the members of the Weekly man. Junior- Gardon Werry, John Cornish, David Henderson, Jatiet Sclioen- maker, Lance Newell, David Ard Bannie Dulap, Nancy Mercer, Peter Vanderspruit, Steve Mer- Homewood, Jake Van Belle, Syl- via Van Belle, Ruth Chater, Blafi cer, Wanda Kramer, Kathy Moffat, Brenda Caswell, BEQINNERS-4 1Viekie Carke, Michael Hutton, Nancy Duvaîl, Margaret Moffat, Barry West, Douglas Kran'er, Scott' Jackson, Shirley Allin,, Deanna West, Merridy Williams, Robert Henderson, Douglas Hehi- derson, Patti Luan, Lori Clark, Don Dennis, David Dennis, Jo Ann Mercer, Ron Taîsma,, Gary Rekker, David Brown, Kenneth Coatbam, Lura Bridger, Doris Schmal, Steve Clark, Ken, Hutton Murray McLaren, ElYdn McLar- en, Sherida Jackson, Naticy Allia JiIi Wilkins, Randy Wilkins,. Greg Balson, Billy Clark, Janice West, Arthur Groot, James Cain, Don Caia, Bill Williamsoa, Charles Quantrill, Gail Yaungman, Hea- ther Barrie,, Banale Page, Pat Woodiey., Janet Bragg, Douglas Rutherfýtrd, Emmy Van Belle, Bill Lane, Ricky Cappiag. Revised Plans, The Clarke Township Public School Area Board lias learaed as a result of revised plans, the appraved cost of a -.general pur- pose raom at the Orono Public School has increased- from $50456 ta $61,166 and now equals the tentative approved cast as stated I the original building prop osai. The latter amount lias been ap- praved by the depatment Ion grant purposes. trutli ta the rumaur that the Township of Clarke is to borrow a lot of mobey hy debenture for roads?" Ans: "We have nat heard oI it and if the barrowing of money by debentures must first be preseated ta, the people oI the Township for a vote.", Question -"Wliat was the pur- chase price of the Porteou s larm piar ta the sale ta the Township and bow much did tl;- Town-ship pay, for the farm?" Mn. Butt said the purchase. price was $12,500. and lie believed it was $20,000. when sold ta the Township. Question - If land zoned in- dustrial soutb of 401, caa tea acre lots aow be rfld?" Ans.: Can be sold as total, poffioa for- existiag use or industry." Question - "If this by-law is la effect why then was lots 22 and 23 la the 8tli concession post- ed for sale in ten acre lots only t"o days ago?' Ans: No answer could, be given. Clarke Citizens' Committee voted ia favour of forming- a ratepay- ers Association. Mr. Butt thanked ail those on tbe executive of tbe Committee for the many hours of w'ork, whicb tbey had already giveli during the past two weeks. HIe said' they bad been biard at work and bad attended many, meetings. 11e also p*ointed out Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, i968 Children Pass Swim, vTests At Orono Pool To metWith Minaister Over Planning By-laIw Mr. Butt informed the meeting an Snnday last that the executive ,of the Ratepayers' Association wonld be meeting witli the Mia- ister of Municipal AIl airs on Wedaesday. "At this time we will lie discussing maay « o your ob- jections," lie said. Funther Mr. Butt stated that their ilwyer had said that al complaints must be categarized which bad been registereýd ag- ainst the planning by-law. "We canuot just camplain against the by-law," he said. Duning the course af the, meet- ing a numbe 'r of questions were gistered witli theý chairman pertainiag ta the planning by-law and local governrnent. Question - "Wliy is lot 18, concession 2 zohied agricultural whule lot 19 (Simpsons) is zoaned Residential 2?" Ans.: "We got no answer as for 4,he fact" said Mn. Butt. --1 Question - "Is there any s I st bE Orono Tykes Win Monday 'evening the Orono and Kendal Tyke teams played a re- gular game at the Orono Park.* The victory went * to Orono by a score of 17 to 10. Barry West, lead his team mates witli a triple, a double and a single bit wbule ýalso playing a beads-up bail game behind the plate. Nicky VanSegglen had a triple and a double land made two double plays playing centre field Mark Mercer pitched a g6od solid game and collected two base hits. I the last inning Ken Wright made a fine catch to nip a Kendal raîly which was in the making. Don Dennies played well for Kendal collectig three 'hits. 1thýat the Clarke Citizen's Commit- tee had not been a bysterical group. It was pointed out at the meet- ing that, the Ontario, Municipal Board was a Board which acts independent of the Government of Ontario, the mnunie(1,ality, or any individual. Mr. Butt stated' tbat on information from the De- partment it was felt that the 0MB bearing would last for at least three fuli days when it hears the application on plann- ing from the Township of Clarke. The co-ehairman pointed out that there was strength in join- ing the Association as a- means of opposing the bylaw. He said individuals cýould regist« their ohjectiois as, individuals but felt there was. more meaning by reg- istering the objections as a mem- ber of the Ratepayers' Associa- tion and tbrough the Association. H1e also pointed out that tbe Association lias tbe services of a Consultilig Engineer and alIsa of a qualified Town Planuer. These men bave donated th.eir services freýe of charge to the Association, said Mr. Butt. 11e al- s0 pointed out that legal fees will cast from $600 to $1000. The co-chairman stated tbat it was here tbat the individual betie- fitted by being a member of the Raliepayers' Association' and, Èe welcomed further membership in tbe Association. Objections to, the planning by- law are still being accepted, stated Mr. Butt, evehi though the dlate for filia.g sncb objections bas expired. These objections may be registered with the E clerk of the mulniciPality or tbrougb the Ratepayers' Associl- allion whicb in turn will file tbem witb the clerk. It was also pointed out tbat forras- were f awailable for registering objec- tions. Mr. Butt stàted that "Yon have this> one opportuïiity tfo op-i pose this plan," otber than an ppeal at any time but this ig , ostly, lie said. L Mr. Butt thea presented a t, bairman's report in wliicb li irst referred to, an article ili the amily Herald outlihing wliat iappens when, urban sprawl b ýrawls #out into tbe rural areas. Il le said the first stage is the de- a rlopment of golf courses, then si âgh-income residential homes, si ine motels and restauralts. The ci( econd stage, lie said, brings ai xavel pits and grubby business- Y( îIn many cases the developer d( :oks t:o the municipality to build ir ads and provide other services pî in order that the developer may sbo.w a greater profit: As this profit clecreases the developer goes fartber out into th rural area. The ço-chairman, stated that farm land was being squeezed out of tbe areas which were closest to tbeir markets. - 1e said reduction in farmin g affects lo- cal businessmen. City people wlio may locate near a f arm could very well complai- of smells ta the point where the fýrmers must leave, bis land., In- creased development means in- creased taxation and la most cases the disintegration of the rural commuhity. Mr. Butt point- ed out that Durham Caunty and those east was one of the lar'-, est fruit producing areas in the Province. It was alsoaa large producer of livestock, tabacco and grains which was due maitly to climatie conditions which is gaverned by the location near Lake Ontario. The speaker referred ta indus, trial' development la the regioý,i and stated : that new plants were locating mai1ily lai the larger cen4res sucli as Lindsay,' Port Hope, Cobourg and Peterborough The greatest development in this phase had, lie said, been i Pet- erboroughi. Mr. Butt did say that Clarke Township was flot ready to acceýpt industrial development. Ia speaking of indusfry in 'the district lie said that maay were paying wages below that of the average across the Province, The speaker, in bis repart, also stated tliat the population la- crease, la Clarke Townsbip liad been below that of the Provincial average comparing 15% ta 29%. Runral muiicipalities on the frnge of urban centres are often forced to accept residential de- velopment at'heavy costs to tlie rural münicipalities. Rural mua- icipalities tend to have a higli per capita cost as compared to urban centres. Mr. Butt spoke of te urbah spili-over into Clarke, )arlingto *n and Cartwriglit frai- the urban centre of Oshawa. Clarke Township, lie said, was asically an agricultural centre. Icannot lie an islahd township and it must bce well planned, lie aid and not for short term 3eculation. "The beýst can aaly ùme from you, the citizeas, you re the goverament" le said. "If ru want the best yon liave, to lmand it - your strengjth lies n your recently formed Rate- iyer's Association. Festival 0f Arts Ready To Open With the opening of the' Great Pine Ridge Festival just days a- way the comipany is hnmiag witli activity. Bahners and Ilags are being- erected and the red car pet. brushed off la anticipation of the thousan:ds afÈ visîtors ex- pected ta hlock ta Newcastle for the festival events. The opening ceremonies on Augnst 8tli will begit at, 7:30 p.m wlien the ýtrumpets 'wlll saund from the bell tower. Folawing this Billy Budd will- preiniere la the, theatre. The audience will corne ont onto the lawns at it's conclusion for a reception ta celebrate anc of the most impýor- tant theatrical events ever ta happen in the Pine Ridge'anea. For three and ane hall weeks the' thrnee productions, Bllly Budd, the Adairahie Cricliton, and A Man For Ail Seasons wil] rotate la the repertory. The com- pany af 95 young eathusiastic ne- tors and tecbulici.:nIs wlle liard at wark Pravinig that the, future laoks good for North Amenica[s first youth theatre festival. Two Fire Cols Last Thursday alternoan the Township lire departmeat was called ta the farm of Wm. Curtis where a truck awnýed by Mr. R. Elliott had caught lire. The lire total1ly destrnoyed the truck, a 1966 lialf-tohi. Tlie caîl ta the lire departmientf iras tao late ta save the truck. It is nat known how the lire started. It was lirst seen by Mr. Elliot who, was at the time work-r ing in a nearby field. Aisa the same day lire broke out in a car ownýed by Mrs. Elliott. This, lire was caused b)y laulty wiinag and Lt was extiagnished before any dlamage was donc. A second eall to the local lire Iep»artnent on Satunday evening to the property af the Depant- ment aI Lands and Forests. A straw stack was on lire and lraom orne quarters it is feit it was lt intentially by sýome pranksters Tlie straw was used ta caver eed beds and had been s-arted ta be weed sýeed free. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Little of fortieth weddihg annivensary. A Millbrook, are shown above fol- number from Oronýo attended. lowing the celebration of their Celebrate Fortietli Anniversury