HAIR (ARE, PRODUCTS Household Reedies ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1968 Orono Harness Race Resuits Attendance at the Orono har- ness races dropped slightly on Frîday last to 652 with a total bet of $13,467.00 Gerald ' Robin- son was Orono's top driver at the meet registerffig two wins in the nine events. His first win came with Bonnie Delight, a horse owned by Dolores Allin of Etniskillen. His second win was with Don Orey owned by E. Vance of Oshawa. Robinson also placed third with Bracelet, rI- Jack Williams finished second with his own horse Sycamore Jean in the nith race. H1e drove Reids Royal to a fouirth place finish, a horse owned by Mr. Reid Harness. In the third race he finished fourth with Liz Song, a horse owned by J. Guest of Hampton. Dave Roughley edged out, an- other win with Jerry Hat. Mead- owview Ben, owned by Chas. Reid, of Orono, finished fifth in the opening race. Another Reid horse, Doc Plemington, fit- ished in fourth position. R. Brown of NeWtoflville raced to a fourth place finish with his own horse margaret Hal. Jimmy G. Unko, a horse formerly owned by the Armstrongs of' Oroho, t0,ok a good paying win in the second race of the meet paying $11.70; $5.50; $3.90. In Peterborough on Saturday night Keith West piced up a win driving Mhir B. Jack Willi ams plaed second with his own horse Wil Lor Ace, and sixth with Hap- py's Mac, Gerald Robinson plac- cd third with Sun Ç Valley, sev- enth with Wilonna Tim Pee, sec- .;nd with Ozark Jeffrey, a horse owned by M. and W. Robinson of Newtonvillc. Sizes of Film Church From a sermon preached by The Rev. B. E. Long. <Continued, from page 3) to be pushed into it. You may talk about it, you may think you know but you don't. The, hushand who loves bis wife does not nced a push to juMP overboard and try and save ber. The professing person who loves Christ does not have ta be Qusbed out into socicty to express the love of Christ and his concern for man- kind. We read a littie whil!e ago from the experience of St. Paul We heard bis question when lie met the risen Lord on the road Vo Damascus "What wilt thou have me to do?" This is the first question of a newly surrendered person and the persisting quest- ion tbroughout life. It remains the question whicb precedes al other questions for the truly Cbristian man ,or woman, girl or boy. To understand we must try as far as we cat to enter the mmnd of the man wbo spoke these words. 11e was tbe proud Phari- sec Saul, wbo at that moment was meeting~ the crisis in bis life which led to bis becoming Paul the great apostie. Ail of Christ- ianity is in the thing the risen Christ said tco-Paul hn answer to that questioný "Wbat wilt thou have me to do?" for Christ said to him "Go into the city and you wiIl bc toid what to do." Up until tbat momenti Paul bail been do- ing what lie liked, what lie tbought was best, wbat bhis own wiii dictated. But from this mo- ment on be would be told wbat tao do. God wiIl tell any map or woman what to do. That is, if be wiIl listen, and if he is prepared to act. The definition of a Christ- ian is a man wbo bas ceased to do wbat he wants to do and who bas begun to do wbat Jesus Christ wants bim to do. "What wilt thou bave me to do?" asked Paul. For Paul it meant surrend- er, the seeking of guidance; > it meait bard trying bours when he considered wbat it was that was happening in bis life anhd where he wes to go from this new point. For,'Paul it meant action, a different kind of actiomi than he bad known before and for Paul it meant trust in, the' power of Christ rather than self. Now you may say "'That is airigit' for Paul, lie was a mistaken man, he was doing the wrong thing." But donr't forget Paul was a higli- ly educated man. Paul was at the top of the educational ladder for bis day. Paul was a man wbo was devoted to bis task. When lie was persecuting, the Christ- ianslie was doing it zealously be- cause ie tbougbt bis religion de- manded that. Paul was a man with ambition and great deal of influence, lie had a great deal of power. Think of them -, edu- cation, devotion ambition, power and yet lie, ad to be humbled. Ail of these great characteristies in the life of Paul had been used in tbe wrotg way - bis way. Now tbey would become devoted to Cbrist's way. (To be continued) FLUSH-A-BYE DISPOSABLE DIAPERS STUT'SPHARMACYJ HARNESS RACING "UNDER VIE LIGHTS"e FRIDAYS -745 p.m. JUNE 21 TO SEPTEMBER 27 ORONOLý*Am% FAIRGROUNDS, Hwy. 115 just North 1of Hwy. 401 PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING Summer Super Savings at least 1%off Color ~AMlflA?4ee THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY - AUGUST 29, 30, 31 Private Navy of Sgt. O>Farrel Bob Hope, Phyllils Diller 4+ RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th Your local branch urges your support of this clinie. The Blood Bank is very low and needs your donation LIONS CENTRE. BOWMANVILLE 1:30 - 4:30 and 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. For the durationi of the Current Mail Strike, >elephone iaccounts may be paid by miailing to Post ýOffice Boxý 88, Orono, Ont- arîo. Thank yo.u. Cen Pal Commun 14j Veleplione Company BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 623-5589 AUGUST CALENDAR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY - AUGUST 1, 2, 3 THE PARTY Peter Sellers and Claundine Longet SUNDAY, AUGIUST 4 - MID-NIGHT SHO0W PIay-Girls and the Vampir Alsoir Horrors of Black Museum Color - Aduit Entertainment SUNDAY,ý MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 4 te 7' One Complete Show Starting at 7:30 WAIT UNTIL'DARK( Audrey Hepburn, Alan Ar)çin Color - Adûlt Entertainmnent THURS., FR1., SAT. - MGUST 8, 9, 10 WILD WILD PLANET Also The Fearless Vampire Killers Color - Aduit Entertainmient SUN., MON., TUES., WED. - AUGUST 11, 12, 13, 14, The Mdini-Skilt Mob Also The Million Eyes of Su-Mura Color- Aduit Entertainument THURSDAY to WEDNESDAY (One Week) AUGUST 15 - 21 Bonnie and Clyde Warren Beatty,, Faye Dunaway Color - Aduit Entertainment THURSDAY, FRIDAY,- SATURDAV, AUGUST 22, 23, 24: IN THE HEAT 0F THE, NI;HýT Sidney Poitier, Rod Steiger Color - AduIt Entertajumient SU-Né, MON.,, TUES., WED. - AUGUST 25, 26, 21, '28 48's ýý2,s36