ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, A-ý'GUST W, 14(;8 Nb '"w son- j Cvc Cou nous 1 INSURANCE SME FRED LYCETT OFFIE - MAIN ST., ORONO Plfee 983-5032 Res 983-5142 CHARLES REID 1 Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatort Specializei Farm and F'urniture Sales Consuit me for terme ,and dates P'IONE ORONO 983-5914 monuments and WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Oreno Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs te aIl maires of Lawn M.wers ad 2 and 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS A-ND MACINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTlC TANKS WrITE WFASHnING STABLES B-ert To pk Cail JO"E BECKER 9U3-571.3Oro Puibing& Heatirig PHON1E 983-5407 jPLUTMBING and HEATINO - Sales and Service ý41 HOUR BURNER SERVICEI B-A FINANCING -Low Interest Rates PhourI S Tyrone 263-2650 Hmtn263-2288 O'RONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvail O g ur~ni'o n mc., g Service g 'Auto, I Package Policies Fldelity Bond. o Llability 0 First Mortgage Loaus tiSadie Hamiltono 0 Phone 983-5115 Box 133 Phone 668-35521 318 DundUas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Deaîem lna Demestie, & Forelga Granites1 and Marbies - Inocrîptl.ns Cut and Cemetery EspaîiWork Builinga loSýe? or rcinodellng your presen ue, then contact WANTED Working foreman fir IHofer Xmas Tree Farms, Orono and Miilbrook areas. Apply Box 415,, Midland, Ont, phone '705-526-5765. b:p FOR SALE One piano, good condition. Price $125.00. Phone Orono 98à-5053. a:p WANTED TO BUY Two-wheel box trailer. Contact' Gordon Simpsoïi, Orono 983-5808. a-c WANTED Experienced Service Station Attendant. Phonie Orono 983-9988. a-c WANTED Fish Aquarium, any size, in good condition. Phone 983-5804, Mrs. Van' Seggelen. a -c HOLIDAY NOTICE Matt's Barber Shop and Bil- liards wiIl be closed on 'August 5th, 6th and 7th for holidays. a-c NOTICE Ray's Barber Shop wilI be closed for holidays from July 28th to August 6th. c-30-c NOTICE Wanted to buy: A painting by "Verner". RePIY to Box 300, Orono Week- ly Times. d-29-c NOTICE Sewing Alterations and Repairs done at home: For Women: 'Alterations ini skirts dresses and coats.1 For Men: Turn shirt collars and cuffs, shorten and lengthen trousers and draping and back seams; also zippers and pock- ets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. and Church St. Phone 983-503, Callyour who nse ls, inrui Mechanical Contracter wadeî,gurntes PLUMBING -AND IHEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS W. Schmahl 983-5606, Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do Chimney Repairs 4v'nSale: -'nt ': s, DY xi- ture, Dishes, Books, Home oakncg. On Kendal United Church Lawn, Wednesday, July 3lst, 6:30 p.m. Anyone with donations ealu 983-5188 or 983-5676. b-29:c COMING E VENT McCreas Cemetery Decoration Day Service will be-! held Sunday August 4th at 3 p.m. a-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTA TE 0F THOMAS HENRY TABB late of the Town- ship of Clarke in 'the County of Durham, retired, deceased: lIl p-ersons having dlaims a- gainst the estate of the said Thom- as Henry Tabb, who died on or ,about the 29th day of May 1968, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executors or their solicitor *op or before the 3rci day of August 1968, their names and addresses and full par- ticulars of their dlaims, and the nature of the securities (if'any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said 3rd day of August 1968,- the assets of the said deceased will be distribu- ted among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the dlaims of which the Executors or the nndersigned Sýolicitor shaîl then havýe notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario this l7th day of July 1968, ýMURRAY EARL TABB,' 125 High St., Bowmanville,' Ont. LAWRENCE HENRY TABB3 R.R. 3, Bowmanville, (-)nt. Executors W. K. LYCETT; Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executois, 3Y\D~MCICE TO RSUME T' 3 ' Band wý!I com- mence t -%v ekVpracticethis rmjý Monday evening, August' ,t' at 6:30 for the Ju, Y jrs and 7:30 for the senior section of the Junior Band. Plan now to be present. NOTICE Corne one, Corne ail to the Car- nival at Kendal in the Harvey Jackson Memorial Park, Wednes- day, August 14th, 1968. Rides for ghildren, Games, Bingo, Draw for T.V. b-31-c THANK YOU I would like to express mty'sin- cere thanks to my relatives and friends for.cards, flowers and vis- its and other kindnesses dur ,ing my stay, in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundl*e aiXd Dr. J. Rundie, nurses and staff on the surgical floor. a-c Connie Peavoy DIED LYCETT-At Memorial Hospital,'- Bowmanville on Tuesday, JuIy 3th, 1968 Fred E. Lycett, Orono Ontario- Beloved husband. of Ethel Winter, dear father of Doug. and Don. of Orono,. Aged 60 years. Resting at the Barlow Funeral Home, Park Street, Or- ono until Friday morning then ta Orono United Chuireh for service ait 2:30 p.m. nW. 1men~t Orono Cemetery. In lieu of flowers kindly make donations to Ontario Heart Foun- dation. DIED NIOMary E.-At Strathaven Nursing Home on Sunday, J yX 28th,, 1968, Mary E.- Nixon of Orono in her 80th year. Beloved wife of the late James Nixon, dear mother of Heniry of Orono. Rested at thXe Northcutt ,Elllott Funeral Home for service Tues- day, July 30th at 2, p.m. Inter. ment Orono Cemetery. a- à%I b ord Simpson f3 Phone Orono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario g PAINTINU 0 CARPENTRYg 0 REMODELLING 0 GENERAL &REPAIRS g 3 Intel-ior Exterior g DROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD ... C AL L US WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-3128 Orvill e Chatterton Electrical Contracing Electrie Heating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 9813-5940 OrnOntario Famil Memoials983-5108 Famiy e ora ~ ELECTRICAL ýOTATN Our quality aid service leaves ELECTRICL APIANCE îothing to be desired ÉE'T.V -CLOUR T.V.C Ask the person who bought from RADI - HI-FIR .V us, a neiglibour, friend or relative FRGDIRE-RHI-FI The RUTTER GRANITE DOMINION ELECTROHOME COMPANY1 INGLIS - THOR 73 O 1 trio tre- GUA RANTEED SERVICE- PORT IHOPE ~~- "Largest display in Southeru Ontarien" 0HmItn W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMTED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowxnanville 623-3393, Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying or selling and for the largest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Itepresentatives Roy Foster, 983-5801 Ross Gilbart 983-5533 Andy Sut ch 983-9119 Roy Strong 52 r 1l Bethany