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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1968, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIM, THURSDAY, AUGUgT Stht 1968 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES <Audwoize4 s Second Clasmail, Poe OffIce Depae!me, Ottawa) Puablistied every Thursday at the office of publicatacoe Main Street, Pnone 109, Orono, Onarlo Eeblished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edîtor and Xanager MAr. Fred E. Lycett in the death of Mr. Fred E., Lycett on July 3th there passed from this community a man who had taken an active part in the affairs of bis community and his country. His interest and active participation touched every part of community life in Orono. In his service to his fellowmen bie took a prominent place in the affairs of bis church being a member and chairman of the Officiai Board. In tbe field of education Fred was not only a teacher of former years but bas also' been a member ofthe Durham District High School Board and a member of the Orono Public Sehool Board. An active sportsman himself, Mr. Lycett also contri- buted many hours as a coach for minor hall and hockey as well as being a si ,aunch supporter of the Orono Athletie Association. He furtbered bis 'service in the local busi- ness world, the Oron~o Chamber of Commerce, fraternal organization, the Masonie Lodge 'and formerly a service organization, the Lions Club. During the last war he serv- ed bis country as a mexnber of the armed forces bolding tbe renk of Major. It is sucb men Who give our communîties character and enricbment tbrougb their envolvement. To Mr. Lycett we owe a debt of. gratitude. More To Support Thon oppose Tbe meeting held on July 28th by tbe 110W Clarke Town- ship Ratepayers' Association, was well attended and well conducted. Many la attendance were there to observe and to, get a first biand view of objections to the *Clarke Town- ship planning scbeme. The meeting fell f ar short of tbis goal but did bring emphasis to those in attendance, that it is now tbey should join with tbe, group if they do bave objections to the planning in Clarke Township.' It was pointed out, and rigbtly so, tbat objections cannot be of a general nature but must be specific and witbout emotion. It appears fromn this corner that' Clarke Townsbip bas launcbed on a practical planning scbeme. Altbough tbey may have falien into one or two pit boles, they are en- deavouring to bring some line of order and cottrol to the development of the Townsbip. To do this there must be some controls of one nature or another and la planning one of the first steps is tbat of. zoning, setting areas aside for certain types of devel- opnent. This, Clarke Township, bas done wben it bas, tbrough zoning, forced residential development into exist- ing areas of residential dwellings, Oron1o, Leskard, Kendal and Newtonville. There would be no planning if'they ai- lowed resideztial development to continue as it bas la the past few years. Four areas for residential building in C larke along witb another four la R2 zones is ample for a community that bhas yet to reach, a population of five thousand. In setting soutb of 401 higbway up, as an industrial area is a trend taken by neighbouring municipalities and although it may use some good agriculture land it is a gouod area ia which most of the transportation f acilities in the Township, are available. Witb land being zoned indust- rial the owner bas the option of selling ither for industrial use or for the present way it is now being used. If this is agriculture then the land cab be used for both agricul- ture or- industry. If the land were zoned agriculture it could only be used for that purpose. Tbe present plan leaves tw.o options open where agricultural zoning south of 401 would only leave one. The Ratepayers' Association is aware of the neeci of planning as bas been voiced at their meetings. This plan- ning means' controls and individuals find that they cannot- do as tbey -wisb. We must remember that planning is for the whole community and individuals must then lose some of their rig'hts if it effects the wb'ol.e community. Tbe Township and the Planning Board bave run into their greatest pit faîl with tbe establishment of the resi- dential R2 zones. Not ia tbat they were establisbed but rather ini the choice of sites. This has left them open to criticism which is being ýtaken .up by many local residents and the Ratepayers' Association. It is in this that tbey will bave to corne forth witb 4 good answer. Kendal News Mrs. Irene Mercer and ber brother bave gone by plane to visit in Saskatoon and points west. Our Cbureh Auction sale of an- tiques, home baking etc., receiv-, ed a good response from týhe people of Kendal. One stove pat- ebted la 1848 built witb only 3 legs was a. curio. A strong, well built buggy, well over a bundred years old was sold. Unfortunate- ly the much needed ramn poused down la torrents before the large items were sold but Mr. Chas. Reid contiued to sell till the last item was gone. We'thank al those wbo made this a success. Miss -Joyce Elliott and her aunt Miss Clara Senes went on a vacation to the Prairie Provinces. Mrs.. Bert Richardson of Peter- borough and her aunt Mr. and Mrs. Abercrombie of Toronto visited witb Mr. A. Thompson and called on Mrs. F. Brima- combe last week Miss Catherine Stewat was a guest at a wedding in 'Canton Church on Saturday. A. Low Reports (Contiued fr om page 1) ed as a group, before the, pub- lisbing of the By-law. There were, no answers. The Minister's Assistant cor- rected Mr. Butt immçdiately, and said that be bad made neitb- er comment or suggestion wben Mr. Butt stated that be had re- eeived advice i regard tco pro- cedure in !attacking the By-law, Near the close of the meeting tbe Mînister said that the dele- gation bad not as yet, brougbt anytbing specific or reasonable to bis, attention and that the fate of'the by-law was in the hands of the Ontario Municipal Bp)ard. Mr. Butt tben closed the inter- view by informing tbe Minisikr, that if be did not institute a Jud- icial inquiry, and put some sort of nebulous freeze on tbe Town- sbip, that 'tbe Ratepayers- Asso- ciation would sjisb 'the By-daw at tbe Municipal Board bearing At thos tbe Minister, witb very good grace, wished the delega- tion good evening. This seems to be at unfortun- ate way Vo start an organization which with reason, good judfe- ment and discretion, could be. of great use to any Municipality.' 1 Local News Mr. O.' W. Rolph Ieft Wednes- day pf this week by plane for Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouv- er for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell and family have returbed from spending two weeks vacation at their cottage near Picton. JACK RTC AIR D REALTOR 99 King st., E. DO WMAN VILLE Wlien Duying or Sellliag cal) WILF HAWVJKE' YOUR ORONO AREA- REPRESENTATIVE Mtembers et fOshawa and DI&. bliet Real Estate Board The Gea Pins Ridge HALL 8.15 P. M. BILLY BUDD AUGUST ý, 13, 16, 21, 24, 29 The-ADMIRABLE CR-ICHTON AUGUST 9, 14, 22, 27, 30 Aý MAN FOR. ALL SEASONS AUGUST 10, 15, 20, 23, 28, 31 Advance Box Offi[ce Now Opeam 1 P.M. - 5 P.M. Tues., Wed, Thurs.- $21,00 Fui. and Sat. $2.e25 FOR RESERVATIONS Phone 987-4050, or write P.O. Box 266, Newcastle, Otarlo, FetivA Arts N EWCASTLE

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