ORONO WEEKLY TIES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8t4, 1968 Iristallment (2) A classmate, during Theologi- cal College days, when the pro- fessor was expounding in theory what this or, that meant, would sometimes break in and say, "but sir, w hat does this mean to me?" Theory is necessary, but the im- portant thing is "1what does it mean teonme?" If we sincerely and earliestly ask of Christ, "'what will you have me to do," it will mean basically the same thing it did to St. Paul. It will mean the surrender of our wills and that is a most difficult thing to do. It will mean that we will seek guidance. Not one of us is capable of beffig his best on his own. Not until that spiritual side of ones nature is under the dir- ecting of the living spirit of Jesus Chirist do we gain the deep in- sight which brings ma tot his highest potential. We talk about understanding life, but we do not undrstndit very weil or we would act se much, differently than we do. We go blissfully a- lohig through life complacently trying te enjoy as littie respons- ibility as possible. Very few real- ly seek to prepare themselves to be Christians. A great many seem te think that Christianity cornes naturally,* you faîl in and You get whitewashed somehow. That is an entirely wrong con- cept of whet Christianity is. We strive to enter in, we only be- comne Christian when we say to, Christ, "what wilt thou have me to do?" and then bc ready, to do it. The surrendered lUfe cab be filled with Bis spirit so that am- azing things can happen. One of the first things that will happen is that we will see others in proper perspective. People will no longer be things which we ,minanipulate to gain our own ends, nor ýobjeets on which we can lav ish our love, or pour out.,our hat- red but God's highest creation. We wîll see the need of society ahd iwant to pour ourselves out for that need. One of the first things that will happen is that it will give us understanding,un- derstanding of, others., Abother thing that will happen is that we' will find out that we do not ex- ist for entertainment and excite- ment, of course ail of these thîngs are desirable and, a very %eal part of life. It is when we are seeking our own way, Ait i when we are trying to -project ourselves that we sometimes find that the punch has gone out of life, that our ,religion does net seem ta mean too much. One reason the Churcli is not influ- encing society as it ought, is be- cause we are living in a time when we try to live for ourselves, to get as much as we cab- for ourselves, to do as littie as we can- for other people. I speak of society in general, but a large part with the Christian Church reflects *that feeling, also. There is a meaningful story that per- haps seems distant from us but it is very meaningful., One afternoon the great far- eastern Christian Sadhu Sunday Singli was climbing a mountain road in Tibet. With him travel- led a Buddist monk.- The two travellers were aware a storm was arising ahid thetý they must reach a, certain monestary be- fore dark or they would likely die in the storm. Some distance along a narrow path, they saw a man lying a few yards beiow the trail. He had appare~Itly slipped and 'was lying unconscious in the snow. "It is my belief", said the Buddist nh.ont, that here we see Karma, this is the work of fate. This *man's doom is to, die while I press on to my goal." The Christiaii said "lIt is my belief that I should go to my brother's aid. So the Buddist monk hur- ried on his way while Sadhu Singh rescued the unfortunate man or attempted to. An hour later he came upon the Buddist monk- huddled- iu the show. Be had frozen to death. But Sadhu was alive because he had been warmed by the extra exercise in carrying an injured brother on h%3 back. I say it ail seems so far away, another country, another time, another area of experience and yet it brings close the words of Jesus Christ "Whoever would have his life would lose it; and who'ever loses his if e for mny sàke, will fiÉd it. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits hlm- self?" One of the sad things a- bout life for many is that they seek 'to save if e for themselves, to draw everything they can ,h!l to themselves; to, keep it for themselves. the happiest people I know,, the people who are throbbin g with real liLe, seem to, be the people wh'o are ready to, pour, themselves out, not be- cause they went their names in the paper, not because they want to be know'n for their good deeds, but because they have a deep concern for mankind. T2he ship may be sinking; the church may be losing its influence because we have been concentrating upon LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Doniald Staples and family; exr. and Mrs. Richard Morton and family; Mrs. A. Me- Gui and Heather spent the long ,weekend at Twelveý Mile Lake, in Haliburtoti. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie West and family and Miss Nancy Forrester are spending La couple weeks va- cation in the North Easterni States. Mr. ahd Mrs. Jack Moffat, sons Blain and Ian spent hast week- end with Mrs. V. McFarlane at Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. E. Schmîd and f amily are vacationing et Outlet Park, Pictot for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Duvaîl and AVIGOROUS CHURCH goodness thinking that the Christ- ian congregatton is the coming together of the good, that here we try to, learn the things that are the' making of goodness. But here we can grow very self- righteous and complacent be- cause we have flot beehi hauled in by 'the courts of law - here we can be satisfied by that which is superficial and a void real comnitment to Jesus Christ. When 'one says to Christ "what wilt thou have me to do?" He will not necessarily say, "be a good boy or a good girl" I can- hot find any place where Jesus said "be good", but over and over again I can find where he said "love God, and love your fellow men?' So I think Christ would say to us, "Remember, that if you -will do my will you must listen to what I tell you to do. You mnust seek to find out what it is and you must be ready to wittess through your lives for me." If we ask this in ahl earnest- ness Ithen we will make bcing part of Bis Church the most imf- portant thing in our lives.,It will mean letting love and ùnder- standing be the expression of our lives and it will meah getting our Christianity out of the Church to let it be action springing from a real understanding of the need of our day. "What wilt thon have me to do?"ý "Learn of me" said Jesus, for I am meek ahid lowly in heart. Take my yoke upon you, and you will find rest." This is not peace that can be found in idleness but peace that can be foubnd in, commitment that keeps one steadfast even in troubled Water. The Church will Mr. atid Mrs. A. A, Drummond visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Drummond, Tor- be vigorous ýwhen the individuais which make up the Church turn to Christ and say "Tell me Wh.at you want me to do," and theln do it. onto. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKen- zie and Michelle spent the holi- day weekend with Dr. and Mrs. A F. ~McKenzie, Ian and Donald. The Orono Ju~Iior Basebal team'defeated the Port Hope Club 7 to 4 in Port Hope on Wednes- day night. A number of ladies from Orono ýttendec1 the tiouseau tqa for Miss Catherine Hooey in Bow- manville on Wednesday after- noon and evening, ,given by her mother Nrs. A. L. Hooey. Orono Bulding Contracter Brick. Block - Concrete Stone Werk Carpentry -Cabinet Werk Flors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO family are vacationing Maritimes.1 Mr. William BuIntting ing with his brother at 1Mit. and Mrs. Carl are on a, motor ,trip Northern Ontario. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long, SUNDAY, AUGUST 11th, No Ser vice in the Orono Charge Service at the Newcastle United Churnch jat 10.-00' a.m.. .1 jARMSTRONG'S in the is visit- Wawa. Ximmett through -DX -DX -DX-DX Be Wise:.. ECONOMIZE! WITN O'IL Phone 1668-3341 \DX - DX -DX - DX IDX- DX -DX -DX -DX -DX -DX-D-b Keep Cool We have a large selection of SOFT DRINKS by the case, six-pack or single Botties or cans also, NEILSON'S ICE CREAM Cigarettes, Tobacco, Sundries ORONO, ONTARIO SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUIES SALE 0F, LADIES' DRESSES We still have a few Spriug and Suinmer Dresses which we are reducing for the last time. s. 9 o011? - Reg. to $29.50 SALE $15.95 10 only- Reg. to $24.T50 SALE $12.95 LADIES' SLIMS 16 pairs Ladies' Slims, wool plaid and alsoj Stretchy Nylon with Viscose. Sizes 10 to 16. Regular values to $11.95 :Sale price per pair.......... $5.95 LADIES' SHOES hSeveral pairs Ladies' Casual Shoes, mostly Suede with rubber soles. Sizes to fit 6 to 10. Regular values to $4.00. Sl ale price per pair.......... $2.69 A few pairs Sllpper/Shoes in Vinyl pouch. A~ new fabrie in attractive vrint with blue pre- \ dominating. Rubber soles. Sizes 6 to 8. Reg. $3.00 SaIle price per pair.......... $2.19 KNITTED T-SHIRTS Boy's aud Girl's Acrylle knit Shirts in sizes 4 to 6X years. In green, rose, orange and bine. Priced each ............. $1.39 -BATHING SUITS FOR EVERYONE 25% off ail ladies' and girl's Bathing Suits also men's and boy's Swim Trunks. INTEGRTY Interest that's comlpounded forî 'your health The first interest of your registered pbarmacist is' to compounid your doctor's prescriptions with professional precision... to safeguard your health. STUTTBar PHRMACYM ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 993-5009