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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Aug 1968, p. 3

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Minister. Replies To Clarke Ratepayers A letter delayed by the mail ýstriké was recetitly received by the Co-chairman, G. W. Butt, of ClIarke's Citizen Committéee and -Ratepayers' Association in reply to the first Petition of Objection teý Clarke's proposed by-law No. 1592 submitted by 27 ratepayers Living ln the area south of 401 and. presented to the Provitcial Secretary's Office, Toronto. The Hon. Mr. Welch referred it to Mr. McKeough for study and con- sideration. The original petition requested area. Principal objections to three sec- tions of the bylaw. These were: Section 3 - General Provisions Sub-section 3.1 Zones (I) as proposed in Schedule 'A', the conversion of nearly al the productive farm lanids south of Highway 401 to Lake -Ontario and between the village o! New- bs wiII be aâffecte..d byd these changes in the Turn Signais: Four-way flashers may be used to indicate a disabled vehicle or emergency situation. Turn signais :niust not be used for this purpose and should be used only when the motorist in te nds to turn, ch ange lanes or move from a parked position. Effective Septemnber 1, 1968. Flasliing Green, Signal Lights permit' excluive 1ef1t $urns as well ýas peT- mitting traffic to turn. right or prçoceed straight through while confficting -traffic at the intersection is .stopped. Effective September 1, 1968. ].edestrians must flot cross the street on a flashing green traffic light ex- ,cept where pedestrian "'Walk" sig- ,mals are displayed. Then they should obey signais. Effective September 1, 1968. ]Riding, in House or Boat Trailers is prohibited. Effective September 1, 1968. Walking on 1Uighways witb speed limits of 50 mph or higher may be prohibited by municipal by-laws. Effective immediately. Attaching Onescif to a Mov ing Vehicle is prohibited. Effective September 1, 1968., -licence Suspension up to 30 days for speeding 30 mph or more over the limit is now-at the discretion of the convicting magistrate. Effective, im- mTediately. À Resident of Another Province of Canada who drives in Ontario must have a valid driver's licence issued by his province. Such driver must obtain an Ontario licence upon becoming an Ontario resident and surrender bis current driver's licence issued by such other province. Effective immed- iateiy. IJsed Motor Vehicles: Private Sales: 'UnIess the new owner of a used motor vehicle can produce a certificate of mechanical fitness to the Ontario Department of Transport (notice of a sale or transfer must be given within six days) he must surrender the plates and an Unfit Vehicle Permit wiil be isaued. Aftoe the vehiçlc las bec= made fit, plates can bc obtained by producing a certificate of mechanical fitness. Effective November 1, 1968. A dealer must now surrender the li- cence plat es of a used motor vehicle to the Department at the time of the sale unless hie is able to give t;.- buyer a cetficate ýof -mechanical Lines or unless lue is selling tQ another dealer. Farm Tractors, self-propelled farra implements and any vehicle being pullèd by ither of them must carry a "Slow moving vehicle" 'sign of a specifled design when operating on. the highway. Effective September 1, 1968. Wider Vehicles and Loads. The per- missible width'limit of 96"" has been. increased to 102". Effective immediately. Motorcycle Helmet .hat meet speci. fied standards mu-st be worn by operators and passengers., Effective September 1, 1968. Certain Municipalities may Exempt Themselves by By-Law from School Bus Regulation 'requiring operators to flash red signal liglits whea stopped to pick up or discluarge pas. sengers where the speed limait is over 35 mph (Metropolitan Toronto and satellites, Metropolitan Ottawa and satellites, Lon don, Windsor and Hlamilton). In municipalities that pass sucli a by-law, school ýbuses will ot flash red signal ligluts and other traffic will not be required to stop. Effective immediately. Motorized Snow Vehicles will bc regulated by special legislation.. For more information, write fo: ONTARIO DEPARTMIEtT 0F TRANSPORT loioIwin liaskett, minîster,, castel and the eastenly limits of the~ Township into an Industniai three alternatives, as well as the (11) Despite Section 12 - NonConformity Con- tinuaion o! Existing Uses. this clause provides no, statement or guarantee, of continuiùg f arm property assessment rates deter- mined by the provisional regula- tions in the Municipal Act. Sec-' tion 294-3. (III) Also Section 14 - Exceptions under Industrial (M.1). this clause does not specify Far- ming or agricultural land use be- ing allowed. We, the undersigned, consider the proposed passing of bylaw, No. 1592, by Council of the cor- poratioh of the Township of JClarke a flagrant piece of dis- criminatory legisiation, with no consideration for the ights, well being or future interest for the citizens and their families living withih this particular area. Therefore, we request that your honourable board will: (a) consider our requested a- mendments as contained la, the attached eopy sent to the Clarke Council, (b) Request that this byiaw be withdrawn completely. (c) Appoint ah' impartial com- mittee to investigate ail aspects of goverament within the Towvn- ship and make recommendation on ýail aspects and future needs and expectations of this Township and, as la duty bound, your Petitioners ask your aid, Dated June 20, 1968, signed by 27 rate- payers from the south part o0f Clarke. Three formai objectiois were, fiied with the Township 0'f Clarke before the 'citizens in the north and south united ipto a single' organization. The Petition from the north contained 16 sig- natures of ratepayers, and a, sep- arate objection with four citizens names attached were filed in the Township Office by June 2lst. The two groups united on July 2nd wheh 27 citizens met to form Clarke's Citizens Committee and appointed a Committee of Man- agement with a ratio of one men- ber on the executive represen- ting approxiamately teh peop]e. In the interest of proper in- formation and clear statemet on the state of affairs before the Ontario Municipal Board heaning it shouid be noted that 1592 does not come into force without the Board's approval. -Copy- Department of 'Municipal Affairs, 801 Bay Street, Toronto, 5, Ontario, Oftice of the Minister Dean Mr. Butt. I have now had an opportun- ity to consider the petition which you presented to Mr. Welch, Pro- vincial ýecretary, and to myseif, requesting an investigation into certain proposed land uses as provîded for in by-law, No.'1592 o! the Township of Clarke. It is my understanding that the proposed by-law has been passed by the Township Couticil ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TURSDAY, AUGUST Zetbh, 1968 Childreit Pitch-in To. Rase Money For, Fund A cai'ni.val in ýaid of the Mus- cular Dystrôphy Association was held Wednesday afternoon on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs, Klaas Schoenmaker. Their children, Yvonne, -Janet and Brian along with Blake van dlen Heuvel and Peter and Brenda Vebider Sprait were in charge of carnival. There was a bail pitch, a fortune teller and other wares to be purchased, Not oniy was it fun for the children but their efforts created a sum of moliey for the fund. Field Hay Competit- ion Winners The Du rham Central Agricul- tural, 'Society IHay competitioni winners -have been announced. The following are the winners in order of merit. Ceresmore Farms, Bowmanvilie William Forest, Orono. Ken Ilenderson, Oroho. Ivison Tamblyzn, Orono U. M. Bullock, Orono. C. J. Smith, Orono. E. Gilbank, Orono. Robért Chater, Leskard. Win. Tamblyn, Orono Robert Mortoli, Kendal. without the approvai of the, On- tario Municipal Board. Subsec- tion' (lia) of the saine section requires the Municipal Board, as a, prerequisite to. the approval of any by-law passed under the sec- tion, to hold a public hearing 'for the purpose of inquiring into the meritsý of the applicatioh and of hearing any objections that any person xny desire to bring to attention of the, Municipal Board. While subsection (llc) makes provision for the Municipal Board to dispense with, a public hear- ing, under certain circumstances invariably a public hearing, is held where a number of persons bave filed objections to the by- law with the Clerk of the Muh- icipality as provided for in the section. With the existence of the a- forementioned provisions provid- ing for the holding of a public hearing to inquire ihto the mer- its of the application by the municipality, the, inquiry which you have requested would appear to be ensured, as I understand that those persons in opposition to the by-law have already filed with the Township Clerk no- tice of the objection. You may be assured that you will have a full opportunity to make you, representation before the Ontario Municipal Board at the public hearihg. It is the prac- tice of the Board to conduct its hearings locally so that persons who wish to make representa- tions are not put to the trouble and expense -of travelling outside their municipality

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