ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THIURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1968 (haomber Delegations Meet With Police Trust jes Two delegations from the Or- ono Chamben of Commerce met wth tbe Orono Police Trustees on Monday evening when a pro- posed plan of cloured ligbts for the business section of town was discussed aiong witb the en- forcement of the two-houn park- ing bylaw witbin tbe business section. Messrs. 'M. Doxvns, V/m. Car- nman and M.' Snelders stated that the Chamber of Commerce was consMieing a plan of installing co.coIunedcbristmas light fixtures in the business section. Mr. M. owsstated tbat a fixture had been selected tentatively in wbicb some sixty ligbts made up each fixture. 11e said t would take twelve fîxtures. Total cost of the fixures was estîmated at $1000.00. This, it was said, would put up a decent arrangement. The ligbts would be put up per- matently and could be used at varions times during the year. The fixtures sbould be good fox at least ten years, it was stated. The committee asked if the Onono Hydro would bear the eost 'of installation and the supply of power. Mn. Carman said that it was boped that each merchant would subscribe a sum of $20.06 or $25. to raise an amount of $500.00. Itý was suggested that the Orono Village and Chamber shane la the remaining cost. Mr. Simpson said he could sec no problem. 11e said althougb the taxpayer would be payine, some of the cost evenyone was going to benefit. H1e suggested that the Chamber supply the necessary ligbts tbat would have to be ne- placed eacb year. Mr. Simpson proposed that the merchants put up $50000, the Orono Police Village $250.0 and the Orono Chamber $25000. Also that the Orono Hydro bear the installation costs and the yearly bydro consumption and that tbe Chamber supply the necessary ligbts. H1e furtber suggested that an agreement bc set up for both parties. The proposai met witb agree- mett of those preseat and wîll no-w be put before the generaL. meeting of the Orono Chamber of Commerce and the Oronoi busi- nessmen. It is hoped that such lights can ho- installed for the eoming Christmas season. hIý the matter of parking on the main street Messrs. R. Hazel- dea and R. Dickson of the Orono Chamber iasked that tbe Police Trustees enforce the two bour parking limit as more ahd more abuse is beiag made of the area to leave cars for long periods of time. Mr. Hazelden said tbat when the sigas were first put up most people nobeyed them but, Mr. Roy Spry of Bowmanville bas purcbased the house nortb of tbe big creek formarly called the "Buxcey Abode". Mr. and Mrs. Stanners of Ham- ilton visited tbeir new property on Sunday. It lies just west of the Norman Kennedy Farm on tbe sixtb uine. Mrs, R. Elliott returned from ber trip to Europe on August 16. Mrs. J. Taggart is also back to ber Kendal bome after ber trip to visit ber sisters in tbe Prairie Provinces. Mrs. G. Etwell had a most suc- cessful sale last Saturday. It was attended by a large number from the Kendal area. Keadal United Cburch Women plan, to bold their next meeting at tbe home of Mrs. L. Burwash la Cobourg, Wednesday after- noon, September 4tb. We would like as many as possible to, at- tend. Rev. T. Snelgrove' will be la his pulpit ôh Sunday, Septemben lst after bis vacation speat in Newfoundlaad. Some sixty men bave come to this community from, Barbadoes, Trinidad and Tobago to belp with the tobacco. harvest. Tbis is the tbis was not the case now. Mr. Woodyard suggested that the Police Trustes g9 to the aext meeting of Council to see if tbe Townsbip's By-law Administrator would or could do tbis work. He aise me'itioned of tbe parking pnýoblem on Friday evenings witb spectators attendîng the hanness races.. Mr. Simpson said that if notbing can be wonked out witb the Township tbey could adver- tise for someone to do the job. School Suple by Guage BINDERS REFILLS PENCIL CASES MATH SETS PENS, PENCILS, RULERS BIG PEN SPECIAL! 3 pens 49c- Regular 87c. Agents for: BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS MIDDETONS ORONO, 'ONTARIO seccond year they bave comne in, by plane. Some Indians from the far nortb are also helping witb the harvest. Waterd-wn Wîns O ver Orono jrs. Last Sunday afternoon, in tbe Orono Park thý visiting Water- down Junior Bail Club t'ook a 6-4 win over the local Juniors. Waterdown won their game ln tbe nintb inning when tbey put two runs across the -home plate to break a four-ail tie. Eric Duvail opened the scoring in the game in the second wbea bie walked to first, stole second and scored on a Waterdown err- or. B. Smith put Orono abead a further count in tbe third with a Fur bagger. Waterdowa returned ia the 4tb and 5th witb a total of two runs to tic the score at two-all. Ia the top of the eigbtb Water- down scored two off two hits and a walk. John Mather scored for Orono off a hit ia tbe bottom haif J. Smith tied the score in tbe 8tb for Orono. Waterdown collected their two ruas in the niath off tbree lits.. Paul Jones took the loss for Orono. B. Smitb secured thrçe of the seven bits for Oro'io. Water- down nabbed tine bits from the Orono pitching staff. Up And Downi The Book stacks The latest addition to the dra- mas in the English Literature section at Clarke Library is J. M. Barrie's "The Admirable Criebton". Tbis comedy bas been une of tb' plays featured at tbe Great Pite Ridge Festival of the UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral' Charge Minister 11ev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER lst Chunch Service, Orono 11:15 p.m. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. W. Il. Lantz, of Toronto visi ted lan Orono on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mns. E. Dent motoned to Monisbung for the week-end where tneir daughtenrs had been spenid-ing bolidays witb Mn. and Arts lan _'ewcastle. Friday, Au- gust 3tbh youn last chance to sec a performance of this bumon- ous play hy tbe playwrigbt wbo ý-re -ted Peter Pan. If you miss this final sbowing, you'll have to be satisfied with the poor sub- stitute of reading tbe script. OTHER NEW BOOKS Fiction- Pannery Row - Steinbeck. The 'Confessions of Nat Turner- 1Styron. Laugbter in Our Ifouse - Brad- bury. The Instrument -O'llara. Nonfiction- On the Eajoyment of Modemn Art - Morris. Litenary Lapses - Leacock. Somerset and Ail the Maughams Girl Soldier and Spy - Hoehling. P'uvenie- Swallows. The Wright Brothers. The Tiny Little House. The Jungle Book Mrs. Robert Woods., Misses Anne Arnott, Susan Goode and Ellen Millison iare at- tending Camp Quin-Mio-Lac on Moira Làke this week. Atlantic Union College bas an- nounced >,the graduation of Shir- ley Sharron Watson, daught.er of Mr. and Mrs. William Sharron of Orono. She. received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History. Atlan- tic Union College in South Lan- caster, Massachusetts, is a liberal arts collage operated by the Sev- enth Day Adve~Itist Cburch. Orono Buldig Brick - Block Concrete Stonme Work Carpentry -Cabinet Werk Floors - Tile 983-441 ORONO ALL NEW Sinart New DRESSES for backto school also good looking larger sizes Lady Utex, The Aristocrat of Casual Fashion, made in' Canada,, Coats both Jackets and also longer length. A good selection of Ladies' CASUAL PURSES. SPECIAL PRICE ON Pyjama Flannelette, good quality, price per yard ... .65 Print, several different pat- terns, price per yard.....75 FLANNELETTE SHEETS Fitted double bcd 'Size, 54x75, priced at ............. . $4.50 Ibex Sheets, 80x100, pr. $8.95 ibex Sheets, 80x9O pr. $7.95 Ibex 'Sheets, 70x9O, pr. $6.95 Ibex Sheets, 60x9O>. pr. $6.50 Chinook Sheets, 8Ox9O pr. $6.Oo (.,hinook ýSheets, 70x9O, pr. $4.95 ARMSTRÀONS PLAN TO EAT YO UR EL AT THE ORONO SKATING CLUB UPSTAIRS' AT THE ARENA During Fair Days, September 5 , 6,7 MENU THURSDAY-Sandwiches, Pies and Beverages FRIDAY- 1. Sandwiches, Donuts, Pies, Beverages 2. Turkey Dinners with Pie & Beverages SATU RDAY- 1. Sandwiches, Bônuts, Pie, Beverages. 2. Ham and Scalloped Potato Ilinners with Pie and Beverages CIGARETTES