flRONfl WEEKLY. TIMES, THUI&SDAY, AUGUST. 29th, 1968 The foiowing is the resujlts of the harness races at the Orono track last Friday evenitg. Attendance numbered 850, with a bet of over $20,000.00. First Race-M. B. Song, Rob Ron Chief and Araho Pete. Second Race-Mooreland's AI- ice, Liz Song and Lorraine liai. Third Race- Little Timy Pee, Parkview Aunn, Bae State John. Fourth Race- Honnie Deiight, Sycamore Jean, and Canai View Jet. Fifth Race-Fiery Gratten, Er- lu Spencer and Joe Johnston. Sixth Race-Last Trai]er, Sues Ann and Andy Widower. Seventh Race&-Chief Clyde, Mr. Harvey, King of Diamonds. Eighth Race- Van's Pride C., The Tag, and Dr. Flemington. Ninth Race-Waltzing Matiida Vince Adios and Margaret Hal. Race Entries RACE ENTRIES, AUGUST 30th FIRST RACE (Quinnella) Rusty's Echo, McQuaid; Reid's MUSIC LESSONS PIANO and TIIEORY: TIME: Haif-hour lessons on Mondays from 3:30 - 9 p.m. beginning Sept. 9th, 1968. PLACE: Orono United Church. M.USIC KINDERGARTEN TIME: Onebour lessons on Fridays 1:30 p.m; OiR 3 p.m.,beginnixg Sept. 2th, 1968. PLACE: Orono United Church. METHOD: Combingtion of Dr. Carl Orff, and Kelly Kirby. TEACHER: Mrs. R. D. Morton, A.T.C.M,' R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont. Phone 983-5682 L BOWMANVL LE PH.ONEm 623-5589 Septeinber Caleadar, SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW - SEPTEMBER lst 'T And THE FROZEN DEAD SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 to SUNDAY, SEPT. 8 (Inclusive) -8 DAYS- THE GRADUATE Anne Bancroft - Dustin Hoffman Aduit Entertainment Week Days at 7:30; Friday and Saurday at 7 and 9 p.m. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th MATINEE ONLV TIRE CAT Ail Seats 50 cents THURS., FR1., SAT., and SUN., SEPTEMBER 12, 13,'14, 15 Y,,ORS, MINE AND OURS Color - Comedy Drama Henry Fonda Lucille Bal THURS., FR1., SAT., SUN., SEPTEMBER 19, 20, 21, 22 The Conqueror Worm, Vincent Price - Color - Adult Also The Road Hustiers Colour Comedy THIURS., FR1., SAT., SUN., SEPTEMBER 26, 27, 28, 29 STAY AW",AY JOE Color Elvis Presley - Joan Blondell Harness Race Resuits EIGHTH RACE Happy McDuff,1 Cochrane; Bucky Captain" Riddeil, Pride C, W. Reid. Hie; The Tag, Song, Hicks; Givens; Van's NINTH RACE (Quinnella) Canal View Way, Meghins; Royal Duke,, Samons; King of Diamonds; M~argram Shea; Chief Clyde, Burrison; Jimmy G. Un- ko, TBA; Freddy Pick, Gordon. Clarke Council Awards Contract The Council of Ci1prke Town- ship awarded a contract to the Ganaraska Bridge Co. for con- struction of the Laing Bridge, lot 30-31, concession 4. Th1e con- tract price was $19,580.00. At the meeting held earlier this month accounts were passed in the following amounts: General $58,707.00; Welfare $1321.81; 0. P.T., $4,243.78; Township Roads $8,262.22. A bylaw was given two read- ings to appoint a By-law Enforce- ment Officer. A further by-law, given three readings, allowed Sunday racing at Mosport Track on Sunday, August 25th following the hour of 1:30 p.m. A by-law was given three read- îngs giving permission to the Central Community Telephone Co Limited to place poles, lines etc. along Township roads. Hydro Officiai Meets Witk Orono Commission A draft plan which is now in operation in a section of western Ontario wa presented to the Orono Hydro Commission on MoncUay evening by representa- tives of the Ontario Hydro. The plan is a co-operative mar- keting plan lu which a number of utilities group together to in- crease the sale of hydro. In an area around Windsor twelve util- ities have grouped together and it is proving successful, it was stated. The proposed plan iocaiiy would hlclude Orono, Newcastle, Bow- manvilie, Port Perry, Whitby and areas exciuding Oshawa. A cen- tral office would be established to administer the plan with On- tario hydro. It was stated that Orono would have a voice in pol- icy in the whoie area. The plan, it was pohlted out, would give uniformity throughout the entire area. It was pointed out that the scheme couid be of speciai in- terest in Orono where they have competition from gas. Gas, it was said, will be iooking for more markets. The Orono Commission was ln- formed that Ontaro Hydro wouid arrange to take a representation from Orono, to a centre where the seheme was in operation. It was said that a fuliy traîned staff would be at the cali of the local flydro to promote the sale of power, water heaters, home heat etc. Representatives from Ontario Hydro poin±Led out that hydre was goihg to be availabie in quantity and ways must be found to use it up. It was estirnated that the plan ,would cost. Orono Hydro about $800.00 a year. Approaches are to be made to other utilities ln the area. Royal, Williamis: Chester flarm Ace, TBA; Buster MeNab, Doiden B3àe State Marty, Atkinson;, Har- riman's Ace, TBA; Araho Pete, Johnson; AE Miliy Mac Grattan, D urham. " SECOND RACE Wades Rocky, Wade; The Leo, TBA; Lii Buck, St. John; Blue D'Ennes, Burns; Liue Bars, Rob-, inson; Vic DeSoto, Shea; M. B. Song, TBA. THIRD RACE (Quinnella)' Maragaret Hal, Brown; Titan Song C., Thackeray; Union Chief Shea; Rodwyn Todd, Sheldon; Jim Dusty, Brown; Vince Adios, Jenkins; Victor Hi'C., TBA. FOURTH RACE Canal View'Jet, Meghins; Judy Anu Grattan, Hannah; Liz Song, Williams; Rusty Bill, Rahm; Add Worthy, S. Brown; Last Trailer, Hicks; Bonnie Delight, Robinson; AE Meadowview Hal, TBA. FIFTH RACE Dago Red, Dolden; Erin Spen- cer, Norris; Joe Johnson, Dow- son; 'Lynn D Dale, Gordon; Fiery C r a ttVn, Hughes; Barbara D . Pride. Robinson; Sunday May Gratten, Samons. SIXTU RACE (Quinnella) Moily Haw Lee, Brown; Park- view Anu, Glover; Black Island, Hie; Waltzing Matilda, Burrison; Kawartha Candy, Sheidon; Quinte Lad, Stewart; Janet Forbes, John- son. SEViENTH RACE Harry's Tiger, Mclntyre; Rob Ron Chief, Hines; Sue's An, Mc- Hattie; Davie Gratten, TBA; An- dy Widower, Moore; Cabonga Millie, Cochrane; Robra Jersey, TBA; AE Karen Dillon, McQuaid Phone 983-5301 Orono, Ont. HARNESS RACING "UNDER THE LIGHTS" FRIDAYS -7.45 pm JUNE 21 TO SEPTEMBER 27 O«RNO FAIRGROUNDS Hwy. 115 just North of Hwy. 401' PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING We dding Sta t ioneëry When planning your wedding be sure to view the beautiful and complete ine of Wedding Station- ery handled at the Orono1Weekly Times. -A complete liue of 'Invitations,- Announcements,, Thank-you cards Serviettes, M atches, Place Card, Reception Cards. Orono Weekly Times