QRONO WEEIKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1968 &5-7 0- INSURANCE SEE FRED LYCETTf OFFICE- MAIN ST., ORONO Phene 983-5032 Res. 983-5142 CHARLES REIO Orone's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize iFarni and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis *and dates PHR>NE ORONO 983-5914 monuments and Fomilly Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from as, a neighbour, friend or relative The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY" 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE 46Largest display in Southeru Onitagro" and Cycle Orono Phione 983-5343 MeCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs te ail makes of Lawfl Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY WýIWASHING STABLES Pee786-2552 Building A -New Hoffe? Rem.4.lUg* CaU JE BECIKIIER 1; Brnfes &Ba jPLUMBING and HEATlING jSales and Service -j A II OUR BUIRNER SERVICE B-A FINANCING ; Low Jnterest Rates SPhoncs: -Tyrone 263-2650 I Hampton 263-2288 Orville Chatterton Electrical Contracting IElectrie HReating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 IOrono, Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- eHamitons Insurnce -Package Policieg 9 Fldelity Bond, Llability fi First Mertgage Loans g Phone 983-5115 0 1Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Boters Limited 318 flundas St. E. WhitbY, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorla1s Deaiera la Demestie & Foreign Granites and Marbe. - IusuiPtl*ns Cnt ad Ceinetery IR eair Work Building a bunse? fior remodeUng your present gLYCETT o one, then contact Plumi-bin.g Z& H-eating g PWONE 33.54 g Flyd Niholso NOTICE The Orono Horticuitural Soci- ety will hold their annual Flowcr and Vegetable Show ln the Or- ono United Churchi Auditorium Thursday, August l5th, 1968 En- tries to be received il aà.m. to 2 p.m. Plan to enter as many clas- ses as possible. Excellent prizes, lucky draws and lunch. Anyone wishing Year Book or Enitry Tags,- contact Mrs. Challîce to pick up required amount be- f or the' Show. NOTICE Parents wishing to have their children skate at a reduced rate with the Orono Skating Club are to contact Carol Boyd, Phone 983-5236. a-p FOR SALE Inglis Wringer Washer with purnp, timer, lint catcher etc. practically new. $)0.00. Phone Phone 983-5346, Orono. a-p MALE HELP WANTED Press operators, piece work, shift work, over 25. Apply in per- son- Curvply Wood' Products. WANýTED Female help wanted for factory work. Apply i person to Curv- ply Wood Products. a-c. COMING EVENT Plan to attend the Durham N.D.P. Women's Organization's Rummage and l3ake Sale in the Township Hall, Hampton, 1:30 p.m., Saturday, September 7th. For pick-up caîl 983-5596. a-c SewingAltertionis andRear done ut hwe For Womnen: Alterations in skirts dresses and (coa-ts. For Men: Tuirn shirt collars and cuffs, sho&rten and lengthen trousers and draping and- back seams; also zippers and pock- ets. and Church I Downs, corner Park St. iSt. Phone 983-5493. Cal) your Mechaxaicei oftace wha selis, irstalls Câ.'%AR MA N PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS W. Scinnabl 983-5606 Specializing In ail kinds of STONEWORK and .FIREPLACES We also do Chimney Repairs FOR SALE From the grower tc you, deli- clous sweet corn, tomatos, apples at Fred's Fruit Market. a-c NOTICE The Orono United Sunday Churcli School wîil re-open on Sunday, September 8th at 10:00 o'clock. Church School is for al ages. We will be expecting you there. a-c SKI.DOO Sales and Service DAVIS MARINE and RENTAL Oshawa 'ahd areas oldest and lar- gest volume Ski-Doo dealer. 555 King St: East ut Wilson Phone 728-5565, Oshawa AUCTION SALE Antique and Classie Autos The property of Roy Graham will be off ered for sale by public auction on Saturday, October 5th at Graham's Garage in the village of Hayden, haîf mile east of the Scugog Rd, 8 miles north of Bowmanville at 12:30 sharp. Many antique and classic cars. Terms cash. C. Pethick, Aue. ORONO PAPER COLLECTION SATURDAY, AUGUST 17h Please have papers tied and at curbside for early pickup. > Sponsored by the Orotno BOY Sçouts W. FRAN9K REAL ESTATE Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548' For prompt, courteous, eff ici- ent service when buying or selling and for the largest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 Ross Gilbart 983-5533 Andly Sutch 983-9119 Roy Strong 52 r il Bethany Mr. and Mrs. James C. Tamn- bl n. of Orono, Ontario, wish to announce the forthcoming mar- niage of their daughter, Jean Frances .to Gary Brian Mac- Dýougal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Law- eýnce A. MacDougal of Bowman- vil, Ontario. The wedding will takýe place on Saturday, October 5, 1968 at 3:00 o'clock in Orono Utiîted Church. a-p CARD 0F THANKS We would like to express our deep gratitude to friends, neigh- bours, relatives and organizations for ail their kindness to our dear Husband and Father while he was a patient in Bowmanville Memnorial and Sunnybrook Hos- pitals. Our thanks also to the' wonderful doctors and nurses who atended hlm. In ioui grief at his suddeti'pas- sing, we 'have been strengthened by the. many expressions of sym- pathy and the fine tributes that have beeni paid to lis memory through cards, ýletters and the press. Our appreciation to al who sent flowers 'and gave dona- tions to the Ontario Heart Foun- dation abid Hymn Book Fund of Orono United Church. .We appreciate very much the splendid representation. at the funeral of fellow officers of the former Midland Regimnent. Om- sincere thanks tQ the JEair- low- Funeral Home alla tO Our MiniisteW,ý the Reverend Bs Long. Ethel Lycett, Douglas, Betty and Donald. CARe 0F THANKS I would like to say thanks to the friends, relatives and ilea- ther Rebekah Lodge for the cards ýahd letters of sympathy also the kindness of neighbours at the timne of the death of my dear sister, Vera Carleton. Sincerely Calvin and Hlazel Myle ap Phone Oreno 98-5&qg fiOrono, Otr CARPENTRY' g GENERAL EAR G Interior Exterier D. RGRO ORONO, ONTARIO WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD . . CALLUS WE PAY CASH! Phonos 983-5218 or 6332 3