- - - '-w--- -- ORONO WEEKLY TIRES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1968 Col tk AndCRaceEnre For Saturday, September 7th The foliawing is a list of en- tries for the harness races at the Orono Fair this Saturday afternoon. There are twenty-one horses entered in the classie Dur- hamn Central Stake race and these horses are isted in three divisions as follows: lst Division: Rickey Supeior Hl, Driver-, B. Gordon; Bonnie Deliglit, G. Robinson; Lorraine Hal, R. Rahm; Reid's Royal, R. Harness; Biscuit Box, K. Ellis; Prince Ogden, G. Sheldon; Lord Redigo, Guy La Rush. Znd Division Liz Song, T.B.A.; Beau Blazes, T.B.A,; Joannes Gem, Guy La Rush; Tarport Baffer, J. Baskin; Barbara D, Pride, G. -Robinson; Beverly Chief, J. Warner; Magic Joan, D. Heath. 3rd Division: Hîgli Triple, W. Brown; River Gal, Dr. J. Findley; Tary Victory, Duford; Cavan Mary, J. Mchr- tyre; Canadian Maid, J. Graham; A =mago T. Grattan, R. Armitage; Lynn D. Dale, B. Gordon. Invitation Pace: Jerry Hat, D. Roughley; Dilly Bob, Dr. J. Findley; Dixve Wick, KEllis; Grattan Portage, R. Gas- sien;7 Fleetwood Dusty, B. Shea; FreddY Pick,- B. Gordon; Moore- 1ahd's Dusty, B. Moore. Invitation Trot and Pace Molly T-aw Lee, R. Brown; Lila Bars, T.B.A.; Captain Rijdell, R. Given;, Rodwyn Todd, G. Sheldon; Ozark Jeffrey, G. Robinson; The Tag, B. Moore; Bucky Song, V. Hlicks; Peter Bing, G. La Rush, Orono and District Business- men's Trot - Ne Wagering Siskiyou Song, Ivan Cochrane; Robert Lee Jr., Keith Wood; Windy Coed, Leonard Bligbt; Hava Julep, Lloyd Cochrane; Wînd S'ong, Lorne Hoskin. Apple Growers Forcast Heavy,, Orchard Yields Most local apple growers are pleased witb their crop so0 far this summer and like the -look 'of their main crop, whleh tliey start picking about the id(dle of Sep- tember. S A spokesman at the provincial agriculture and food office in Bowmanville said lie understood from I. B. Elîs, fruit and veget- ables representative for Durham, Ontario and Victoria Counties, that both the yield and quality of apples in this area were good. Bob Adams, genexal manager of Red Wing Orchards, Whitby, which grows 17 varieties of ap- pies, said lie considered the crop Cramped Quarters Force Testing Cen- tre Relocalion The Depart ment of Transport driver examination centre at the Oshawa Shopping Centre will soon be moving. The department is short of space and if necessary ils office wifl leave the shopping centre for some other city location. It is, now advertising for office space. W. A. Gray, acting chief of the department of public works pro- perty section, said.- "I f a larker centre could be found for us, we would move there. If not, we vrill try te find another location suit- able to everybody."" The present office is too small and cannot be enlarged, he ex- plained. "It has about 2,500 sq. ft. and we need at least 3,900 I do not think we would consider two separate centres, as that wouild be too, expensive." Ideally a new centre would not be t oo f ar from the presetone, hie said. More.space is needed both for the driver examnination centre and for the selling licence plates. "Oshawa is getting pretty big, and there bas -been a sharp jump ini business," he said., "The same is true across the province., We are having to enflarge most of these offices." The present 'Centre 'has 12 staff members, who are hamlper- ed by a shortage of working space. The departmnent of. public works bas set a September 25 deadline for submissîons to lease' office space. comparable to last year, a good year. Algoma Orchards Ltd, Brook- lin, a1so antîcipate a > good crop of main varieties of apples groWn locally; Mcîntosh,- Delicious'aifjd- Spys. Herb Gibson Orchards Ltd., Bowmanville, said 'the quality of bis, .crop 1ooked excellenit. Early ."Wpler, were good too, and lie was stili harvesting varieties sucli as Meibas. Harold Watson, another Bow- manville grower, said bis ýorchard was a littie liglit on early van- eties but lie did ne-t grow many of them, 've beard some orchards are down a little on the' main crop but ours is tbe same as last year, whicb was f airly good", lie said. "We had a dry speli we could bave done without but there was a good rain last week." HIAMILTON MAN KILLED NEMI PORT HOPE A Hamilton man was killed in- stantly Saturday nigbt, whe*n he was struck by a car on the east- bour1d laipe of I!Ighway 401 at tite Higbway 28 intersection, Cobourg OPP identified the IIARNESS RACING AT ITS BEST man as John Edward Hlman, 42. A police spokesman said that apparently Hliman was attempt- ing to cross tse bighway, to hitch- hike a ride to Hamilton lnstead of-crossing' the bridge, lie erossed the highway from south to north. The driver of the vehicle was Singli Brar, 35, Cleveland, Ohio. Police sur-mise that Hiliman was in Port Hope, missed the bus and decided to hitchhike back to Hlamilton. n-ls wufek MildregIM idcntified the body at the Ross Funeral Chapel. ENJOYMENT FOR EVERYONE t Durham Central Agricultural Society AT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY J HARNESS RACING, -SATr, I p.m. WAGERING PRIVILEGES H Thursday Ev.ning, S p.nî. Oshawa- Suicide Heu ' Drivers 2 Hour Show of Spills, Turn-Overs, Crashes, Thrills, Clowns, Stunts- Ad. $1.00' Friday's Program SCHOOL PARADE- AT' 1:30' p.m. FLOATS, DECORATED BICYCLES Meet N.H.L. Hockey Players at Esso Booth Sponsored, by A. H. Sturrock, H. Partner AMATEUR' SHOW - Sponsored by Smith Beverages Ltd. BATON TfLILERS _' HOLSTEIN SHOW SHEEP SHOW - 4-H CLUB DAY RABBIT; SHOW FARM IMPLEMENT SHOW FAT CALF SHOW-l3ponsored by Lawrence Hooey and Associates MAMMOTH MIDWAY - C. & S. Shows CHILDREN'S PONY RACE QUARTER HORSE RACES - 6:30 p.m. CAKE and FAT CALF AUCTIONS VARIETY SHOW Sponsors, Robson Motors, J. DeWith Real Estate Featuring Emcee, Jack MeLean Organ Selections by "'Thomas House of Music" -Admissions: Friday- Public Sehool Children --------- FREE A d u its ------- - -------- ---------- ----- .75 Cars ----------------- --------------------------- .25 GWlandstand ----------------------------- FREE Saturday>"s Program OFFICIAL, OPENING - 1:00 p.m. ORONO BAND IN ATTENDANCE '-BIG l 4GUEËNSEY REGIONAI, ,SHOW LIGUT Jand HEAVY HORSE SHOWS BEEF, CATTLE' .HOW - RARBIT SHOW DAýIRY CATTLE SHOW FARr, iMPLEMENT DISPLAY AFENONHARNESS RACI >NG -Wagering Privileges - ' DURHAM CENTRAL STAKE FEATURzi.ý 1VAMMOTH MIDWAY - C. & S. Sho ws Exhibits epen Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. SATURDAY NIGHT FAIR DANCE Arena at the Fair Grounds Dodsworth Orchestra, Oshawa - Ad. $1.00 - Admissions: Saturday - Under School Age --------------- FREE Public Scbool Children-------------- -- .25 A dults --------------------- -------- $1.00 C ars - - ----- ---- --- ---- --- --- ----- .25 4lrandstand ---------------------- FREE MOtUS Barber S hop- Co ofectionery Phone Orono 983-5310 Agents For BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS Pick-up and Delivery Tuesday, Thursday & Friday