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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1968, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 3 6 The Book.Sak Some cf the rnost deadening bits of literature are the reports of government appointed commis- sions. A notable exception is "Living and Leanning", common- ly referred to as the Raîl-Dennis Report. This is a report cf the Provincial Comnittee on Aims and Objectives of Education in the Sebools of Ontario. The at- tractive and stylish booklet of over 200 pages of excellent quel- ity paper is lavishly illustrated and generally :eadable. An extrernely lucid introduction tells, in part, why this committee was necessary: "Today, on every side, however, there is beard a growing demard for a fresh look at education,,in Ontario. The Committee was tcld of inflexible programs, cutdated curricula,: un- nelistic regulations, regimented organization, and mistaken ams of education We, heard fromn ah- enated studerits, frustrated 'teacli- ers, mrate parents, and concerned educators. Many public organiza- tions and private individuals have told us of their growing dis- content aid lack of confidene in a seh ool system which in their opinion, lias become outmoded and is failing those it exists to serve." The introduction further points out: "The cbanging patterns of living, of working, and of recreýa- tion require that the educational system prepare the children of tomrrow te live in a world vast- ly different frein that of thîs generation." "Living and Learning" is -must reading for both.critics and cham- pions of the present educational systein, of Ontario. NEW BOOKS (chosen especially for the back to school set) Libraries ahd You Rubber: Natural and Synthetic Wonders cf tbe Spider World Fun Witb Frencb The First Bock cf Hospitals Bible EncyclopDedia for Chlîïdren Let's Go Explonîng WtihMag, ellan The Boy's Life of Mark TwaVin_ Battle Stations Wonders cf Mathematies Mrror on the Wall Dorothy Robinson. CAMPAIGN TO IPROVE NIGHTIME VISIBILITY A national campaiga to lm- prove the biglittime visibility of pedestnians and cyclists is being launched by major women's or- ganizations 'in co-operation with the Çanada Safety Council. Frein coast te, coast, branches of the IODE, Catholie Women's League, National Counicil cf Wo- men and Federal Women's In- stitutes cf Canada will cà5ry eut demonstrations cf retro-reflect- ive matenials intended te make people more visible to motorists. Prominent among these mater- îais will be pedestrian dangle tags - small tags whicliccan be carried in the pocket and then dangl-ed by thread at the pedest- ian's side wlien Ie is walking along a street t niglit. Having retýo-ref1ectiveJ surfec- Sorry cur rinister did not get back in tîrre for service Sunday morning due to fog at the airp rt in sevý,foundiand, which delayed bis planle and entailed a ýour htndred mile trip by bus to an- other landing field. So Kendal Chuýrz-h will open next Sundoiy morning after being lased for zieSundays. We il1 expect a large congregaion. Sunday School will also begin again. .Now the holidays are over and the cildren are returning to school. Those fram tbe sixth lino, will be bused to the new Cen- tennial School at Kirby. It bas nine rooms. Mrs. M. Elliott and Mrs. K. Lowery are teaching there Mrs. A. Swarbrîck entertained ber daughter Mr. and Mrs. F. Cronmiller and Mrs. Bell, the past weekend. Mrs. Wayne Foster and Miss Dorothy Mercer planned a, sur- prise birthday party for 'Mrs. Jack YFonk with the help of Jaëk and other members of her fainily. A fine evening was enjoyed by ail including a bon fire and wieti- er roast at the Fonk home on the f ourth line. Even thje weather was ideal on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cathcart visit- ed Mrs. Roy Langmaid on Sun- day. We were glad to see ber able to be Up and about in her own home. SMiss C. W. Stewart and Mrs. A. Dobson took in Toronto Exhibi- tion on Saturday. Th.ey enjoyed the ,air show and the evening Grand Stand performance. , Kendal Midget team went to Dashwood to, play on Saturday. They won and the score was 17-O es, the tags flash when hit by automobile headiigbts and are visible to idrivers ýeven wlien the pedestrian may be invisible. The tags are of particular im- potance .to elderly people and to eilîdren in the late Éall and winter wben days are short and many such people are on the streets after dark. Tbe tags will be offered for sale by the wom- en,'s groups conducting the dem- onstrations. School supplies by Guage BINDERS RFLSPENCIL CASES MATH SETS PENS, PENCILS, RULERS BIG PEN SPECIAL! 3 pens 49C Itegular 87e. Agents for: BOWMAN VILLE CLE ANERS Tues., Thurs., Fri. ORONO, ONTARIO, 1- sterd cif the c L-tomarv teaeb 'er shortage, Osrnxwa's Dur- haro -Cillege of Aoplied Arts and TebnD!ocy is £a x0tb a stud- cnt shortage.'> Dr Gardon Willey, college presidept, made un appeal for more stud2nt s last week in Wbit- by at an Ontario Cou nty Council meeting. Dr. Willey said be expects 150 students beck fbxr a second year and hopes for an ehrolment cf 500 this faîl but, "We just don't bave thein. lVe're perturbe-d. I don't know the reasons; the mail stnike certainly didn't help any." Dr. Willey said 'it might be that Durham College is not effer- ing easy courses. Other colleges in, the province similer to Dur- hem liavet't encountered any en- rolment problem, he poixted eut. Dr. Willey said Durham, College wes net offering any fun courses. "We'Ill offer courses only wliere there are jobs available for the graduates of tlie- course." 11e asked his audience mem- bers te do ýeverything they could te encourage prospective stud- ents especially mature candid- ates. County Coutiil members were encouraged to consider taking a Municipal Administration Course which the college is effering this faîl for future civil service and municipal workers. UNITED CHURCH Orone Pastoral Charge, Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER th Orono United Chureli Sunday Scbool at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Sunday Leskard-. Sunday Sehool at 11:00 Schoolet 9:45 MrW,. M. H. StaDles, Miss Sally eand -Mn. CIo Penfound t.'eavelied by plane on a three vý,i.ek tour ci Copenbagen, Cen- many, France, Ssxeden and otl'er points cf interest. Db 2hShe; sin-ot Brandon, 11anitoba, and ber son Douglas, subo bas been atteviding tbe Uni- versity of Nebraska et Lincoln, tis-es and friends rccently in Or- ono. .Mrs. Neil Ponter, aceompenied by Miss Audrey Billings cf' Osh- awa, spent severel deys lest weeek witb Mr.,and Mrs. Jack Bahl, John and Barbare et Aylmer. Mn. ahd Mrs. Rochester, NY., itors with Mr Watson. Jas. Ferguson of were recent vis- and Mrs, Alex Mr. and Mrs. Orville Challice moved last roeek te the former York reisidence which 'they pur- chased from Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Doîlman, who have taken us res- idence in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. F. Walton and family have pur- chased the home of M. and Mrs. Challice. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Bailey spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKenzie and Michelle, Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gibson LADIES SIIOES & 0XFORDS REGULAR PRICE TO $'7.50 bave taken up residence in the house rec3ntly built bv Mr. W. H. Rowe on Rosse Avenue., ?Jr and Mrs. Robt. Cooper-and frmnPy, Birmningham, N.Y. visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. 0. Cooper and Mr. Cari Tex- 'nant. Mrs. E. R. Woodyard is a pat- iernt in thra Prinrcee s Margaret Iioszital, Toronto. Miss Elva Reid of Taronto is visiting' ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid. Mr Ken Bail is a patient in the Boveman-'ille Memorial Hos- pital, Orono Building Contractor Brick -Block -Concrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet Work FIoors Tile 983-5441 ORONO for 98c GIRLS LOAFERS. REGULAR PRICE $5.45 for $1 .98 C'.HILDRENS, SHOES. REG. $1.98 TO $3.50 for 69c MISSES & CHILDRENS 510E S fr$11 REGULAR PRICE $4.45 r$.9 IF YOU WANT SHOES COME QUICK TRIÏ s_________________________________________________________________________ :~~--- The Township of Clarke Notice f0 Public Schools The Council of the Township of Clarke hereby declare Friday, September 6, 1968, Orono Fair Day, a civic holiday to provide a legal public sehool holiday in the Town- ship of Clarke~. H. E. MILLSON, Clerk.

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