OIIONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY,SETMR5h,16 Two baskets ofwhite gladioli with green tinted 'munis and car- nations' created the setting for the afternoon ceremony1 in St. Paui's United Church, Bowman- ville, at 4 ao'clock on August lth, 1968, uniting in marriage Miss Catbryn Joyce Hooey and Mr. Larry Bruce Bate. The Reverend H. A. Turner officiated with Mn. Ross Metcalf at the organ. The 'bride<s. parents are Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey; the bride- groom is the son of Mn. and Mrs. Roland Bate, Jr., al cf Bowman.- ville. The bride, who was given, ln marriage by lier father, wore a ey edding formai length gow n or rose de- signi Chantilly' lace with a front p-anel of satin backed crepe ac- cented by a, bow at the empire waistline, a rounded necklin.e and full length lily pointed sleýeves. A self attached lace train fell softiy to a chapel length,, Her bouffant shoulder length veil was held by a crown of pearîs and crystal, drops. A penn neck- lace, and earrings accented the bride's gown. She carried a cas- cade bouquet of yellow roses, stephanotis ahd green fernery. Mrs. David Green, Bowman- ville was matron cf honor, and M iss Vicki Schneider, Newton- ville, 'was bridesmaid. They wore OUT 0F HOT WATER? RENT A IMPERIAL OIL FGT WATER HEATER NOW 6 -MONTHSFRER RENT SAVE UP TO $80.00 A YEAR SEE H ARVEY, PARTNER Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5206 OFFICI1AL. OPEN.ING The Public are invited tû attend the Officiai Opeamug aMi inspectio f the new ORONO HYDRO OFFICE ORONO, ONTARIO made available by the Orono Police Trustees on Tuesday, Septembeàr'17 7:30 p.m. ---- Coffee and Donuts M'USIC LESSONS * fIANO and TIIEORY: TIME: Haif-hour lessons on Mondays from 3:30 - 9 p.m. beginning Sept. 9th, 1968. PLACE: Orono United Church. TTSIC KINDERGARTEN' TIME: One-hour lessons on Fridays 1:30 p.m. OR 3 p.m. beginning Sept. 20th, 1968. PLACE: Orono United Church. METHOD: Combingtion of Dr. Carl Orff and Kelly ýKirby. TEACHER: Mrs. R. D. Morton, A.T.C.M. R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont., Phone 983-5682 identical floor length gowns in briglit green Serrano miaterial, cmpire sty'led. Miss Jane Clarke, Huevia, Spain, cousin of the bride, was junior bridesmaid in a bright yeilow dress of the same material. Their bouquets were white baskets with 'mumas tinted green and yellow shasta daisies. Their beaddress bows and shoes matched tbeir dresses. The best mat was Mr. David Green and the ushers wcre Mr. Richard Bate, brother cof the groom and Mr. Neil Hooey, bro- ther of the bride. The reception was held at The Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, Bowmanville. Mr. Charles Rogers, Barrie, was master of ceremonies. The bride's' mother received in a light pink lace dress with matching coat' ahd pink access- ories, with a ,corsage. of deep pink roses and white carnatiords The bridegroomn's mother assist- cd in a turquoise lace dress. ovex i taffeta with matching accessories and 'corsage of light pînk roses and carnations The wedding cake and the attendant? bou- quets decorated the bride's table. For travelling ,to Ottawa and Montreal, the bride wore a two picce royal blue and lime Otto- man cord dress with, matching coat, yellow and brown accessor- les, complemented with corsage of yellow roses. They are resid- ing at 127 King St. E., Bowman- ville. -Statesm4n 200 MEN TAKE PART IN SUMMER PAINT JOB ON ONTARIO'S HIGHWAYS Give a kid a pot of paint and a 'brush and he'd paint a fence- at least that- used to be the sum- mier chore in the oid days. But if you give 200 men 200,000 gallons of pairnt today, what hap- pens? They sperd the Summer on one of Ontario's biggest annual paint jobs - recloing more than 14,000 tiiles of lane ýmarker lines oni paved highways thraughout the province. Department of Highways road painting crews are now halfway through the annual $300,000 pro- ject. But by the time they finish they will have gonie through enough paint to spruce up a small city. The white lae Runes and yel- low pavenýent edge Unes flot only make driving easier, they also are an important safety aid. With solid white lines laid down in areas of restricted visi- bility, motorists are warIned not to attempt to pass. Should, they do so, and become învolved in an accider.4, lhey face prosecution if they are still alive! The cost of the' annual paint> job works out to a littie more than 10 cents fof each of the 2t750,000 vehicles registered in Ontario, Department of Highways paint crews operate only on the King's Highway system of the province while local road and street paint- ,ng is carried out by crews cm- ployed'by muncipalities. >Although he was a pretty shrewd operator, Tom Sawyer would have been envions of the 4nethods used to paint lahe strips lu OurMit Matt's Barbershop and Confec- tionary bas undergone some ex- tensive change durng the past holiday week-end, The change bas further enhanced the inter- ior cf the building. A new serving counter has been enected with ýarbonite top and plywodd panellîn2. Show cases have been built into the counter giving a greater effect to the display cf menchandise in the store. Improvements have continued for the past year ln this local busiess. Another recent addition te a local business enterprise bas been the installation cof a rc.frigerated fruit an'd vegetable counter at Cornish's Red anid White. COMMUNICATIONS OUT Tuesday. evening the crew cf the Commlunity Telephone Ceom- pany was called out te repair a, cable that had been severed on painting units, which make up ment's fleet, are nated as some of the finest cf their kind operating on the Continent. The design gives them the capability of laying paLat from either or both sides cf the, ve- hicle always going with the traf- f ie., Operated by a four-man crew, they can cover 15 miles a day. In additîi ot spraying solid on broken uines, the machines re- lense a topping cf fine' glass býeads on the paint a s'plit second after it is laid te provide a re- flectîve coat for easier night drîving. Somerville Street. The èable wa.s broken when a tree fell on the line as it wns being remuoved from the propcrty of Mr. S. Mather on the south sîde of Somerville Street. Flower Show From page 1 ment, of Iands and Forests. The T. Eaton trophy for the most points in the show was won by Mr. C. Billings and Mrs. Bill- ings had most entries in the show It just couldn't happen ta two nicer people! Best arrangement in the sho\v was entered by Mrs, Keith Tre- gunna. Best potted plant, Mrs. W. Wood; Best dahlia, Mr. W. Wood; Bet gladiola, Mr. W. Wood* Shlow chairman spec., b4rs. K. Schoenmaker; Best Tea Rose, Mrs. Alice Iîooey. First prize in the beautiful home surroundings went te Mr. and Mrs. Bosbraaf for the class for oIder homes and to Mi-. and Mrs. Goforth for the new home. Mrs. Don, Evans had the best planter andMrs. Zegers the best arrangement of vegetables "Mar-, ket Day," Prize môney for the1 regular classes will be distributed at the October meeting'* as it has been decided' not to meet in Septemb- er. S We- have great men ln our group! Our lunch convenor, Mrs. Taylor was unable to attend, so her job was taken on by' Mr. Billings and Mr. Jakeman, leav- ing the ladies to get the, show ready. Wedding When planning your wedding be sure to view the beautiful and complete line of Wedding Station- ery'handled at the Orono Weekly Times. .,A complete uine of Invitations, Announcements, Thank-you cards Serviettes, Matches, Place Card, Reception Cards. Orono Weeklyr Times Phone 983-5301 Orono, Ont.