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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1968, p. 1

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U'~U ~-r-r ~ ~h~ YTL,~ -.IMM Loc'l ydrToOen Mw fficý, Officiai epening and inspection of Orono Hydre building, Park and Churcli Streets wili take place on Tuesday evening, Sep- tember 17, at 7:30 p.m. Residents of Orono have been invited by the Police Village Trustees to attend the brief cer- emony officiaily opening the new- ly renovated Hydro headquarters and to inspect the modern office, garage and storage facilities.. The former armoury building which houses the Hydro office is owned by the Police Village of O0rono Weekly Times VOLUME 31, NUMBER 35 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSD AY, SEPTEMBER l2th, 1968 Orono. The Village Trustees, who are also the local Hydro commis- sion members, are renting the renovatcd quarters to the Hydro systeo.n. Orono Hydro Commission lias invited the Chairman of Ontario Hydro, George Gathercole, aiso senior officiais of the Provincial Commission, Donald B. Ireland, Executive Manager-Regiots; Geo. Currie, Director of Consumer Ser- vice; Frank J. Dobson, Manager of Central Region, and others to participate in the officiai epen- ing. A rilibon will be cut at the en- trance to the office. This wiil be followed by remarks from Orono Hydro Chairman,j Floyd Nichol- son, and brief- addresscs by the Ontario Hydro officiais from Tor- onto. Following the ceremony and in- spection of the Hydre office fac- ilities, liglit refreshments wîll be served to those attending. Chamber Supports Lighting Projeet Orono Public Sciol was full-force for the sciocil te the Orono Faim on Fi- day iast. Above are five grade 8 students, Sheily Hooey, Sheila Kennedy, Jtanice Caldwell, Joan Duvali and Veronica Ciesieldski, carrying the school banner. Orono Fair Hits New Attendance' Record Judges Acclaim Poultry. And Heavy Horses The D>urham Centrai Agrieul- tural Fair held in Orono last weekend reached some new rec- ords over that of former years' Attendance was up and, it lias been estimated that for thc twe days cf the fair close te 10,000 ,ýAere in attendatce. The gate re- ceipts for the 1968 edition cf thc fair~ weme up $800.00 over that of last year, a year which was down by seme $500.00. This tiýen put the gate rcciepts up by e3Qf.00O over the average year. The total take at the gates was $4300.00 which is ;a record for the local fair. The grounds on Saturday was packed and this was especi- ally se around the grandstand. It was estimated that tiere was frein.6000 te 8000 ift attendance on this day alone. EXCELLENT SHOWS Both the poultry and the heavy hlorse show won great- acclaim from their respective judges who submitted glowing reports on boti shows. The poultry judge, Mr. M. Wallace cf Iroquois, gave the poultry show higli praise, stating "this is an excellent fair show, being beautifuliy couped." He spoke highly ef the arrange- nment of the exhibits which num- bered 497 in ail. H1e aise said, "'This show is weii managed by M. Lep, Pears who lias ne super- !or in t his country for that pur- pose. "This," he contitued, "is one -of the best pouitry shows in this country with ail birds cf at least average good quaiity. The birds are fit te be shown any where in Canada with front uine success." He complimented the cemmittee in charge of the 'show, being Len Pears, Russell Merrili and Vern Harris. The heavy herse show came in -for similar comments from their judge, Professeor . W. Kennedy of Guelph. Here again the judge commented on the fine classes and the number of exhibits. H1e stated that anc would not view a better show at any other f air in Canada. Like the poultry judge Professer Kçnnedy pmaised thc organizationý of the heavy herse. show paying tribute te the co.m- mittee cf Messms. Cari Biilings, Vie Cookson4, Howard Allilu'and Laverne Bcyd. Tic cattie show and thc horse shows in both liglit and hcavy herses was a -big feature for Sat-- umday. This was augmented with saddie classes and ten heats cof herse acing on tic Orono track.' Inside ýthe building the displays cf baking, flowers, fruits and vegetabies, ncedlecraft, school exhibits and a fine showing cf art hcld the intcmest cf many. In ailthtue faim at Orone t'ais year was a success and onc that held many biteresting events and intetresting exhibits for tic thousands cf spetators who were ih attendance. 908 Ini Clarke Scitools. On Opening Day Enroiment in the Clarke Tewn- slip Public Scis on opening day increascd teo 908 from a fig- ure ef 852 as cf June 1968. This number, it was reperted at the meeting of the Seheol Board on Monday evcning', is incrcasing ai- most daiiy. As of Monday there was a shortage cf twcnty-fivc dcsks iWith, shortages occurring, in both Kimby and Kendal Schools. The Board approed tic purchase cf fifty more desks which they feit will be ncedcd befere the ycar is out. The Board wvas informed that tenders have been called for the construction cf la Genemal Pur- pose room at the Orono Public Schoolt Tenders close for this work on October 8th, 1968. Tic estimated cost of the preject is now estimated at $75,000.00 which is an increase fmom the original estimate of $63,000.00. The final plans of the construction are now compieted and should be in the hands of the Board on Wednes- day cf this week. Tic Board approved the pur- ciase of a Record Player, Tape Recorder and Overhead Project- or for Kimby School. Monies fer thus purciase to come out cf funds net used in the- construct- ion of tic Kimby School. With a few miner changes bus- ing appceamed te be operating most- cfficientiy this ycar. Mm. L. Greenwood stated that lie lad 2 md enquiries on- when an ý..officiai ,cpening écf tie new Kirby Sehool would bc held. Mr. Stutt recommcndcd that the Kir- by principal, Mr. Golder, be con- sulted on this matter. The Boar feit that an Officiai Opening cculd be hcid early in November. At an cariier meetihg Mr. Stutt' reported that with 'two miner changes in the bolier at the Orono Sehool thatthe bolier now was ready for operation. The bolier new meets ail require- ments, he said. The Scioci Board are te pur- chase a Sentinci liglit te, be erect- cd near the Kehdal Scicol., The Orono Chamber of Com- merce on Monday evening en- dorsed a proposai to provide per- manent Christmas Lighting in the business section of the Vil- lage of Orono. The Chamber now is to seek the assistane of the Orono businessmen in con- tributing to the cost of the pro- ject. Mr. M. Down outlined the pro- pesai in which the Orono Hydro are to bear the cost of installing the decorative pieces and to pro- vide yeariy maintenance and the power. -He also said that the Or- ono Police Village wouid contri- bute $250.00 towamds the costs of the fixtures. It was preposed that the Orono Chainher of Com- merce contribute a sum of $250.00 and aise provide thé necessary liglit eplacements needed each year. This left a 'sum of $500.00 to be collected from the Orono businessmen and in this the Chamber is ta, contact ecd bus- iness 'establishment in Orono for a donation of $25.00. SThe Chamber passed a motion to the effect that they would cot- tribute $250.00 to the scheme a- long wt> providing the lights on a yearly basis. Mr. Downs outlined, the lit fixtures which measure five feet two incies and contain some six- ty ligits. It is intendcd that twelvc sucli fixtures be purchas- Village. The total cost of the fix- tures is cxpected to be $1000.00. The Chamber of Commerce also passed a motion in which they are to purchase six garbage dis- posai unit heads for garbage con- tainers to be placcd on the Main Street of Oono. The total cost of the six heads, which have a swinging door, is around $100,00 including one thousand garbage bags for the containers. Mr. Hazelden reported that his commîttee had approached, the Orono Police Trustees in the mat- ter of enforcing the parking by- law on thc Main Street of Oono. H1e said that the Trustees were to approacli the Township~ Coun- cil in thc enforcement of By-laws te sec if they had, an enforce- ment officer to carry out' such work. Mr. Forrester stated that lie was informed that thc Trus- tees - had approachcd the Town- ship and that the Townsliip' at this time do not have an enforce- ment officer ta carry out such werk. A copy of a letter from tic Minister' of ticý Department of Highways for Ontario to Mr. A. Carriithe)rs was brouglit before the meeting. The k(.ter states that it would be against Depart- ment poiicy ta place the naine of Orono on a sign at the intemsec- tion of 115 and 35 Highway with 401. Thc secretary was instruet- er to write Mr. Carruthers giving thc support of the Chamber cf Commerce te have such a sign erectcd. The next meeting of the Cham- ber of Commierce is to be heid on the second Tuesday cf the month of October. It was feit that possibiy a Tuesday evening might be better for a meeting ather than Monday. The Tues- day ,meeting night is ta be given a try for one nigit. Scarboro Wo mon Dies In Accident A 59 year old Scamboough wo- man died Sunday aftemnoon when the caY sic was drivîng went eut of control and rolled ovel' on Highway 115, five miles north of the Higiway 35 junction. Mrs. Elizabeth Tief, 39 Sum- mer Dr., died at the scene of the crash. Uer husband, Richard, 61, is in Scarborougli GencraileHs- pital with a fractured ieft leg and facial lacerittionÏs. The couple had been south- bound from the Peterborough (Contînued on page 4) The Orono Hydre cofficiaily o- wiii be in tic front cf tic arm- Mcl Down, malnager, and Mrs. R. pen their new offices this coming curies w-hich lis been competeiy West, office staff, stand at the Ld Tuesday evening. The offices renovatcd for this purpcse. Mr. door. Ont. Hydre photon The out in ýparade

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