r,~< ~ --7 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, 1968 400 StaIrt Cssesl .At Durham College As classes sfarted Monday, of- ficiais et Durham College re- veeled fliet enrolment lias more than doubled te 420 students ov- cm lest yer's figure of 203. Nof sefisfied, however, tflic oi- lege is 'optimistically sliootng fowards an enrolment of 500 and is sf111 eccepting applications. "'Maybe we're being f00 oDptim- isf le," seid college spokesman Qordon Willcy, "but we would like to have sf111 more student s. We think what is going ounliere is quite an excifing effair." The 1968 enrolment figure in- cludes nursing students. Sixty per cent of students are from flic Oshawa area. Mr. Willey said flic two-year courses arc filling Up "quite nicely" but more students are nýeded for flic three-yeer cours- "We don't know wiy flic two- year courses are, so popular since flic. biggest contribution will probebly be made 'by three-year students but flic difference in en- rolment in the two courses is 'quite considerable." The college thîs year lias et- tract cd quite e few girls, par- ticularly in secretarial sciences and applied arts. "But", seid Mr. Willey, "We've even gof one girl lu teclinology. Rebekah Lodge The first regular meeting, af- ter summer recess, of Heather Rehcekah Lodge No. 334 was held Tuesday, September 10. Noble Grand Sister Jean Lewis pres- ided assisted by Vice Grand, Vi- o'let Dunlop. A fuir report was given by Sister Dunlop,, Convenor of the Visiting Committee, on the work she had carried on during the summer montbis. Sister Betty Major reported on the District meeting which she and Sister Irene Murray lied at- tended late in June. Sîster Lillian Harper, Port Perry, who is the District President of District 8 was in charge' of this meeting which was held iu Port Perry. Sister Laverne Barrabail, Con- venor of thec Benevolent Com- nMittee, thanked ail those who (Continued page 6) It's too bad more girls don't get interested in technology, there is a very good future in it for them. 11e said few applications have been turnied down. Those who were refu-sed admittance did not have the qualifications to enter a desired course. ONTARI O DEPARTÎMENT 0F TLANDS AND PO1RESTS Sealed tenders for flic construction of approxi- ~mately 1600 rods nine Une woven wire feucing (la- bour only> boundary, fences, N%2 Lots and Part Lots 10-16, Con. VlI Clarke 'Township, Durham County, will lie received by fthc Deparfmnent of Lands and Forests unfil 12:00 noon, September 27, 1968. Ail feneing materiais wiII be supplied by the Oepartment. Tender forms, plans anid specifications are a- vailable on request from the r District Forester, De- partment of Lan'ds and Forests, Lindsay, Ontario. The lowest or any tender nef necessarily ac- cepted. A. E. Walroth, District Forester. Lindsay, Ontario. 1958 Dodge 5 Ton Truck Front end Hoist, 20 ton Hoist. License No. Y-33819 1951 Dodge 1 Ton T ruck With Stock radks. License No. 39782B 1956 G.M.C. Truck 15 foot platform, 5 foût $'Ides. License No. Y2299' 1964 Rambler Sedan, VB motor, Standard Transmission. License' K-99207 ACKERMAN -Auto VWrecker TELEPHONE 623-5756 BOX 38,. BOWMANVILLE $10,000 Spent On Hydro -Office Orono Hydro now lies modern, ali-electrie facilities at its head- quarters. The local bydro office, lias been moved into the newly- renovated sector of the former ermory building on Park Street at the corner of Church Street. Since it wes established in 1946, the office of Oroho Hydro has been located et thei rear of the armoary building. This had lie- corne inadequate in recent years because of the, growth and chan g- ing conditions in the police vil- lage. For that reason.flic local hydro commissioners, who are ai- so village trustees, dýecidýed to take over the entire armory that thie village lied purchased 15 )ýears ago for a recreation centre. The front portion of the building was complefely modernized and' insiated for clectrie heating and flic rear section was altered for e storage area and garage.' Work started on the renova- flou of fthc interior of the sturdy, solid masonry brick-faced former armory on July 1. The old liard- wood floor was removed end re placed fliroughout with a concrete floor. The front of thie building was altered teo provide a new en- france with attractive, modern doors and new, large thermopene windows. Arýound flic inside of the perimeter walls four luches of mieral wool însulation bafts were placedbefore fthc plywood pa*el- ling was applicd for flic office area. Six luches -of insulation ai- so xvas placed in flic ceiliug. The office electrjc heatIng and fluor- escent liglifing were installcd to fthe up-to-date requirements of Ont ario Hydro. The teio f the frt por- tion of te U iliq roidsan attractive, modE ru iobby en- france; a omhied -ana,-ger's of- fice and board xoom a main bus- iness office; a vaýult section for records storing and a washroom. Iu fthe rear sý,zcfor, threre is ade- quate space for, storage of mat- criaIs, as wcl as plcnty of room for the two hydro trucks. This part of flic building will continue to lie heafed thyfli existing oil f urnace. Tue mo'dernization work was donc by Roseiand Construction Co. of Trenton. Cosf of flic en- tire renovaflon work and instal- ation of- electrie heafing and fluorescent lighting in flic office sector amounfed f0 approximat- ely $10,000. This prýojeet now provides about 1,000 square feef of officie space, as svell es some 1,40 0 square feet of storage and garage area. Manager Mcl W. Dowus esti- mates fliaf flicexcellent improve- mehts made et sucli reaisonable cost liy modernîzing facilities will provide, ample headquarfcrs, space for Oronýo Hydre sysfem for mauy years lunflie future. Plan To DIN E &DANCE Saturday Sept. 2X At CLUB ANNRENýE Kendal News The Kendai U.C.W. went lu flirce cars fo flie home of Mrs. L. Burwasl inl Cobourg lest Thtirs- day affernoon. Aff cm flicmeeting e social heur was enjeyed. The next meeting will lie October 2. Remember flic home baking sale lu Oshawa, September l9th, Inext Thursday . Any articles fliat would seil would lie appreciated. Mr. -and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy (nec Jane Fester) arceflic proud parents et a baby girl, Karen, bore September 8th lu Bowman- ville Hospital. Mr. Ind Mrs. John Awde arc spending this monfli with their daugliter and family Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster. Mrs. Kersiake of St. Catherines is aise with lier nicce Mrs. Martin Foster. .Mrs. Blackburn (nec Jean Fells) lias b een lu Oshawa Hos- piftai for four weeks. We hope fliat she wlll soon lie feeling st ronger. Mis~s Margaret Anu Thompsou is baving a tonsil operation ini Port Hope Hospit ai on Septemi- ber ,10 before geing ihto Oshawa, Hospital f0 train as a nurse;. Mr. Jack Fonk and sons flou and Robert visited his family, iu Bircli Falls lest weekend. Miss V. Carlile of Toronto, Mrs. S. Caldwell, Port Hlope and Mrs. L. Burwasli, Cobourg, visif- ed Mrs.. G. Caficearf oni fhp oc- casion of lier birfhdýay., A number from Kendai took lu Orono Fair and said they en- joyed if. Earl Haw of Meaford and lis two brothers of Toronto xcrce t flic fair. Mr. Wm. Dar- lington and lis son and daugliter of Kingston wcre et flic fair. Tliey were former Kendal boys. EVENING CLASSES will begin October 15, 1968 REGISTRATION DATES 7:00 PXM. - 9 ,00 P.M., BOWMANVILLE, HIGi SCÙOOL Tuesday - October 8 Wednesday - Ottober 9. CLARKE HIGIT SCIHOOL Monday - October 7, COURTICE SECONDARY SÇHOOL Tuesdgy - October 1 Wednesday - October 2 A registration of at Ieast 15 students is required to con- duct a class under Dcpartment Of Education'regulations Courses will be advertised next week CANADA ELECTIONS ACT, Eleet oral District of Northumberland-Durham SUMARY 0F RTUN 0 There is below set ýout, as required by Section 63 (5) of flic Canada Elections Act, a summary, signed by the officiai agent, of the return of election expenses made to me liy hlm on liehlaf of Russell C. lloney, one of the candi- dates at the recent ýelection of a member to serve in the House of Commons of Canada held lfic healiovc-mentîoned electoral district, which said return is on file at my office and may, on payment of a fee of twenty cents, lie there in- spccted and extracts taken therefrom et any reasonable time during the six month next aftcr the 9 day of Sept., 1968, being the day upon whîch the said return was fur- nished to me. Dated at Port Hope, this 9 day of Sept., 1968. Carroll Nichols, Returnitig Officer Summary of Return of Election Expenses of Russell C. Honey Rcceipts 'A Rcceipts, contributions, etc-------- Promiscd unpaid contributions, etc. T o ta l - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - Paymeits Candidafe's personal expenses ----- P ostage -------------------- T elegsram s --------------- ------ Petfy daim s --------------------- Hire of prem ises --------- ------- S erv ices - --- ---------- --------- - Travelling expenses andhire of veh. Goods supplled ------------------- A dverflsing ------ - ------------ T otal ------------ ----- Number of persons from Anmount wliom receivcd $ 11,713.00, 32 $ 11,713.00 32 Number of Amount persous peid $ 1,600.00 2,145.93 -- 610.00 4,174.80 hiles 98.50 2,855.74 2,099.94 $13,584.91 Dated et Bowmanville, this 9th day of Sept., 1968. Glenholme, Hughesý, Officiai Agent