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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1968, p. 1

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,Municipal Board Hear.*ng, VOLUME 31, NMEI36 bORONO WEEKLY TIMES-, TUSASEPTEMBER l9th, 1968 on Tuesdayare sliown Mr. Doug- ic Chairnr, Mrv. Fi,)n'i Ni>chol- Folioing -e oenin cere- las Simpson,,Mr. R. Smith, Con-so .P. od,,t. monis o th re ~fdr3Offices tracter; Mr. G. GathercDie, Ontar- soadMrE.RWoyrd Man Afen officiai ald icks For penPing"0f N-Hydro Office OrnAmure Following the officiai, opening A great deaal of interest was elling andi attractive ceiling tile. of the new Orono Hydro offices .shown inth Officiai Opening of The . area also inclucdes a walk-in on Tuesday evening we learned the new b0rono Hydro offices on vault and to the north of the from Mr. Milton Tamblyn that lie Tuesday evenng by resîdents of offices a garage for trucks and had hauied bricks to Orono 'used the Village and aiso by officiais storage of supplies. in the con.struction of the anm- of the On,tariD Hydro. A- oo Around mone hundred and fifty ourles in, 1913. The bricks for size crowd a v-s in attenidaàne to were prese-nt for the officiai op- the building were transported to ,wtness the officiai openling cer- ening which was conluded with Orono from Bowmanville by team emonies and to view- the new and the serving of &o-nuts and coffeï: and wagon. spaclous office faciities ln Orono. The' facilities for the Orono Mr. Tamblyn recalîs that the The offices located in the fron~t Hydro are macde available ride was a littie on the rougli of the former Orono Armouries tlirough the Orono Police Trus- side using steel rimmed wagon take the full width of the build- tees, owners of the building. It wieels on the wagoins. Often he ing havlng both a general office was the Orono Police Trustees said the, heavy load wold shift and a manager's and general who 1.ý,anced iani supervised the causing, problems. At tl'.s lime board room office. The entrance renovation , who now in turn the culvert in the hollow of the openis to la spaclous foyer and rent the premises to the Orono Miii Hili was out ançi the wagons throughout the decor is most at- Hydro. The total cost is expected Jad to travel south and east of tractive with use of piywood pan- to be slightly over $10,000.00. the Stapies f arm to get to Orono. Wo-uld Seeâk Ministry 0f Conservation Mr. Rradshaw, in speaklng to the Tuesday meeting Qf the Clarke Township Ratepayers' Associa- tion ln the basement of the Or- ono United "Churcli, urged the formation of a Department 'of Conservation for lands and build- ings at the Provincial Govern- ment level. This Department should lie lieaded by a minister iwith top men to, conduct our planning on, a large area basis. Sud a DepýIartment would lie somnewlie to go to sea iï a plan was fai tùdlionest, lie said. The speaker stated. "'You -would bli ise to put one hun- tlred dollars apiece and, lire a ,good pianner and go toconi witli ta good plan." Mr. Bradsliaw outli.ned the ear- ly history of the Counties of Northiumberland and Durham and lu his' outline said that in 1878 Clarke Township was notedl as the best settled Township ln the area. The earliest surveys, lie said, dated back to 1797, The United Counties, said Mr. Bradsliaw, front on about one third of the total lake frontage of Lake Ontario, a distance of about 60 miles. I find in thsarea land zoned for iidustry and lie abliored this type Qf planning -a- long the beauty of the Lake. In speaking of such planning lie said lie was not only directitg lis re- marks on tlie local Clarke! Plan- ning Board but of most Boards. Thesa men, lie said, liave/1not tlie ability or the training to plan for our future and the future of our dhiîdren. It takes, lie claimed, a trained expert with wisdom, im-~ agination and witl no confliet of interest. Ha referned to the area in Clarke novw to lie zonad industrial ai atd said it was onea of. the most beautiful araas and was critical of the fact that it would have smoke stacks and pollution from industry. The plan also destroys good farm land, le said. "Why can't the area along the lake lie park land wliera people can swim and play, it is our, priceless asset." He referred to planning in -Switzerland iera land around lakes is kept opph and tIns bodies -of water are kept lean for recreational use. Mr. Bradshaw pointed eut that by the year 2000 the area along the lakes from Windsor to the Quebec border wililibe complete- ly built-up and witli this in mind we must have better planning. He referred to a conservation ar- ea of 6000 acres near Hamilton which was preserved and whicli the, Departmrent of Higlways bias now divided witl a four-lana higliway. He said there was some excuse in the past but this (Continued page 5) 0MB TO HEAR CASE 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIP PLANNIN'G BY-LAW The Ontario Municipal BDard is to hold a hearing in Oron3'on October 8tli at 10:30 in the fore- noon for the purpose of hearing the case of the Clarke Township Restricted Area By-lav No. 1592. At this meeting the Board will hear those lnu accord with the by- law and those opposing the appli- cation of the by-law in the TQwn- ship of Clarke. The meeting should create con- siderabie interest as th e issue lias been arousaed through the Clarke Township Ratepayers As- sociation and individuals who have spoken out against the by- law in its' present form. Ail tliose wlo have objected to the by-law in writing will lie not- ified of the liearing by mail from the Clerk's, office in Orono. Otlier notifications wililihe sent to vani- o us departments interested in the by-law -and in planning in the Township. Chairman Ontaro Hydro, Attenids Orono Opening In speaking ,at the Officiai Op- ening of the new Orono.ilydro' offices on Tuesday qening, Mr. George Gatliercole, Cliairman of the Ontario Hydro, referred to the great strength of Ontario as th~e resuit of the claracter of its people,, sudh people as you,,in Orono, le said. Mr. Gathercole was* introduced to, the gatliering by Mr. Floyd Nicholson, 'chair- man of the Orono Hiydro and master of ceremanies for the of- ficiai opening. Thc Ontario cliairman was in- and a brief prayer by the Rev. troduced folbowing a few words B. Long wlio also, expressed thanks to those responsible in spreading the liglit in Orono. 1Mr. Gatliercoie neferred to the expansion lu hydro in Ontario to the point that the Ontario Hyd- ro is now the second largest on tlie Northi Amenican continent. "We are in the big leag-ue," lie said. He alsoreferred to theNu clear development in Pickering with enormous capacity to, pro- duce ýhydro energy. He congratu- lated the Orono Commission on tlieir new office facilities but also stated that new offices and new equipmant did not lu itsalf make for a good system. Mr. Gather- cola declarad tlie building offici- ally opened. Mr. Donald Ireland, Executive Manager of Ontario Hydro aise spoke of the apparent dedication by the local people of the com- munity and stated 'that lie liad known Mr. M. Downs, Orono manager for a good number of years and knew that tlie Oono system was in good liands. Mr. Ireland spoke, of the success of the Orono Hydro over the past thirty years and its expansion. He said that we could look for a greater rata of growtl lu the fu- ture. Mr. Nicholson in a reply to .Mr., Ireland commended, the 'local staff-of Mrs. West, Mr.' Downs and the local contractor, Messrs. G., DuvâIl and O. Chatterton wlio asist wlth tl&ý Oron'o Hydro work. Mr. Çeorge Currie, director of Consumer Services, pointed out to the gatleritg, the use of pow- er in Orono which was above the Provincial average of 584 KWH. In Orono this figure lias- reached 660 KWH. Your average' of use in Orono is 13%, higlier than the Provincial average, lie said. Mr. Frank Dolison, Regional Mýanager aise spoke at the Offici- ai Opening 'referring, as did al speakers, te the most pleasing nature of the new Hydro offices. Mr. F. Nicholson iniformed the audience at tlie opening tliat due to iii liealtli iMr. E. Dent was uni- able to attend the ceremonies, Mr. Dent, said Mr. Nichiolson, was Mr, Hydro of Orono liaving serv- ed Orono Hydro for . t least aigliteen years. "I join witli you toý wisli Mr. Dent improved liealtli soon," lie said.' Mr. Roy Foster, Reeve, of the Town~ship of Clarke, brought greatings from the Township. Other speakers on tlie program were Mvr. Bob Smithi, contractor and Mr. Douglas Simpson, chair- man of the Orono Police Trust- es, under whose direction the work was comnpleted. The cutting of the riblion opened thie building to the general public. Prior to the Officiai opening of the Hydro office a dinner was enjoyed by the officiai party ut the New Dutcli Oven Restauratt. Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary Appi~v Oro Road Program Thec Ontario Municipal Bo3ard last ,w(ek gave apoa to the -Orono $108,000.00 road project. The app)roval! was receivedi by the Townsipi last Tirdy Thiîs approval gives the go- ahead to OronioPlieTrustees to proceed, wtî the project of major street construction lu. the middle of the Village. >1 On speaking to botl Mn. Simp- son and Mr. Woodyard it is not known at this date when tenders may be called for the wor'ks or just how mudli of tlie work will lie let for tendering or how mucli will ha done tînougli the Town- slip road dapartmnent. Mr. Woodyard states that the Orono Board now must meet with the Engineers to arrange the final arrangements to undortake the work. Mr. iand Mrs. R. E. Logan, Or- ono, wlio celebrated thein 50th Wedding Anniversany on Satur- day, Septembar l4th at the home of their daugliter atd son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Lake Shore, Newtonville. il j'

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