ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY., SEPTEMBER l9th, 1968 ORONO WEKLYîTLE ,-,aithoized as, Second Class mail, post Office D partir O1±awnaý Published every TIiursday at the office ci publicatioe Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Ontarlo Etaiblished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edttr and Manager What About Msoat The liopes and plans for Msport las the cýentiE motor car racing in Canada may be fading into obliv. It has not obly been plagued with finànçial problems fi its'inception but also has had to fa2ce in recent yearsc petition from Ste. Jovite in Quiebec and- now, a poss. circuit using the Lakeshore Boulevard in Toroto. Mosport, this year, lost the Canadian Grand1 *to Ste. Jovite and if the new circuit becomes a fact Toronto, wil sureiy lose the Grand Prix and the Play race in 1969. This wouid be a serious blow to the Mo: circuit it rlarke Township. t is possible that the Mosport track lias accide *bit numerous pitfalls but it is also possible that the W. idea was ill-conceived in the fîrst place. Road conditions into the track, even after beirl existance for a number of years, are still deplorable.' yeàr the boundary road was pot-hole after pot-hole, h. a welcome mat for tourists, nor does the area have en( accommodation either for eating or for overniglits This in itself hanmpers the success of the track. Enter ment, other than the race, is aiso lacking. Trouble brewed when overniglit camping was stigated and was finally ruled out at Mosport althi available at other international tracks. What could on( pect wben five to ten thousand people were turned lo a barren no-man's la±Id with nothing to do or see. Mospo too remote - too desolate! lent, Canadai's 28th ParliamettOpen- cd last week. You have followed the descriptions of the pageantry and the details' of the Throne Speech tbrough the pre.ss, radio and TV. Foilowing my former practice in these Weekly Reports 1 will not deal witb those tbings wblcb are reported in the news media but will try to write, about curretit events in Ottawaà which e of have a partivular ,Ibeal interest vion. in Northumberland-Durham and from whieh might net receive national com- c overage. ;sbie The past twvo weeks have been busy ones for me in. acquainting Prix myseif witjh the officiais of Mr. t inl Marhand's' Departmerit of Re- iyer's gional Development, and in dis- sport eussions with the Minister, and officiais of -the various agencies ently whieli come within the scope of whtly the new Department, such as, ~hole A1IDA, the Atlantic Development Board, the National Capital Com- îg in mission, Prairie Farm Rehabilita- This tion Act, The Maritime Marshland iardly Rehabilitation Act, Area Devel- .ougb opment Incentives Act, ands0 on stays. rtain- The Prime Minister- bas re- peatediy stressed the absolute ýs, in- necessity of levelling out the e& 5 in conomie opportunities for Can- ough adians. He 'gives highest priority e ex- te this work. We now have a mul- ut in titude of agencies siiel as those cii I have mentioned above. These agencies xiii now a11 be merged and their operatioris co-rdinated under the-ncw Department head- ed by Mr. Marchand. Our experience in Canada in- dicates successful regional devel- opinent must be based oh a co- ordination of the programs of this wbole series of agencies in- to. lan over-ail:plan. Mr. Marchand is a capable and cbarming man. H1e is certa.iniy one of the best liked in in Ot- taWa. The Prim~e *Miistwlias bas given bim a job te do and I am výery pleased to serve with hlm as bis ParliamnentarY Seere- tary. It will <lie abusy and inter- estiÈg time.- WINNERS AT THE ORONO RACE WAY Two Oroâto horses were win- ners at the Orono races Iast Fn-. day evening .along witli a third Orono driver hitting the top position, at the finish lime. Bill Reid drove his own horse ish in the 3rd race while Jack Williams did likewise with bis horse Wii Lor Ace in the 6th. Wii Lor Açe was te bave been in the Durh~am Stake race at the Orono Fair but due te virus was ,net placed in the event. Geraid Robinson contfiued his winning way with Barbara D Pride, the same horse lie won the DiËham Stake af the fair. W., Br own of Lindsay had two winners, last week, Jim -Dusty in the, 5th anid Rob, Ron Chief in the eighth. Other, winners were Bucky ong, Master MeDuff, Char Den Craig and Blue~ D'Ennes., Toronto, if the present scheme jelîs, bas the ac- conimodatien, the facilities and the entertainment to host a large crowd. Tbey aiso appear presently to have the en- thusiasm to host the sport atd ,of course, reap a financial benefit from the tourist dollar. The Toronto site also bas a built-in audience served by public transportation. Toronto certainly' appears te bave, a big edge and the day of the big races at Mosport may be ail in tbe past. Seods Of Danger The idea that the world will be a lot bette'r off if thie United States decided tbat it bas no "global respontsibil- ! ties" and pulls. out of mogt of its commitmnents beyond its o-wn shores is becoming ever more prevalent, and yet it' co)nIains wtbin it the seeds -of great daliger for fre-edoni on this *planet.. With the1 witbdrawal of Britaiin'from "east cf Suez", th e Indian Ocean is fast becoming a Russion spbere of. in- fluence. This cannot lie a particularly, welcoie deve lop- ment froni' the point of view of, India, the only sizable bastion of democracy in Asia. The logical result cf a complete U.S. withdrawal from Viet Nami wiIl be to leave sucli basicaiiy democratie countries as Australia and the Philippines open to Chines e expaàtsonism, even if it lie trvW that Viet Nam wiil not tolerate and will be able to resist the embrace of ber large neighbour. t would be fooiisli to assume that China will be con- sumed wtb internai. discord fore-%er, and lier recent bor- der warswith India, eoupled with bier published designs on Burma, Malaysia, Viet Nam, Laos aid Camboria, leave no doubt that none of them can hope for many years of 'in- dependence if tbere is not strong couniterbalance to Chin- esc ambitionis in the area. By riglits no country can or sbould escape the obli- gations that go with power, and whilce the United States has mot always exercised that power wisely, it would bic a, great tragedy if disillusiomnment, warweariness and a de- sire te be popular in the short terni led lier to pull in hber liorns evcrywhere. -Port Hope Guide Ontario WiII Join The Province of Ontario must be drawing dloser to joining the Federal Medicare Plan. t is ýonly hatural that with more Provinces joining the plan the greater pressure will be on Ontario to be included. Ontario may sec at this time advantage financially to stay eut of the plan but the time will cone when this will not be s50 and it depends on bow many Provinces are members of the federal scheme. With the announcement recently that Nova,,.Scýotia will join in the near future is an indication that Ontario's day is coming. t will now be that Ontarloians are not only paying their ýown shot for Medicare through OMSIP but they wîll also he payîng part of the costs for Medicare * coverage in B.C., Sask. and Nova Scotia. Not only will the financial picture change drastically but public opinion will also mount for the inclusion of Ontario into the Federal Scheme. At the presenl time many are fearful of the plan but this bas been a product of Pro)vincial MPs rather than that of fact. <i Take a look PLYWOOD P AN ELilIN G- A liew shipment cf f~1ir rade pnlii uset 4'8' aid 4'-x WANT CHERRYý MOHOGANY4 S SILVER 'ELM $6.75 RUSTIC MAPLE $7.95 SPECIAL!' With the purchase of 15 or more sheets of plywood at the advertised price, can pucaea GENUINE SKTLSAW pâ% WWM SAW Reg. $63.OO POWER SAW 6%" blade$2 ORONO FUEL ANOD LUMOBER, LIMITED ORONO, ONTARIO Red & White PHONE 983-5201 is making a Sensational ]English Dinnerware offer COUNTRYSIDE PATTERN By Wedgewood Different Piece Featured Eaeh Week!! Pi"%ece a Week Plan With $3.00 Purchase Plenty of Time Left to Complete a Collection -Start To-day- 29;c shet$10-95, sheet $10.7 5 sheet .$4095 With $9.00 Purebase your may buy 3 Pieces n Call us- at 983-5201 NotcetoCedor LT-E ESTATE OF ELEANOR BOURNE late of the Village of Newcastle, in the County of Dur- haip, Wîdow, deceased: Ail persons baving claims against the estate of the said Eleanor Bourne, who, died on or about the 23rd day of Juneý 1968, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Administrator or biis solicitor on orbefore the i'ht day of October, 1968, their names and addresses and' full particulars of their dlaims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duiy verifieci by stat1Ltory declaration. Immediately aftçr the, said 7th day of October, .1968, the assets of the said deeeased wili be dis- trîbuted among the persons en- title4tereto having regard offly~ to, the claims of wiehc the Ad- ministrator or the undersigned solicitor shalh then have 'notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, thÎs 17the day of.Spte;mber,, 1968. JOHN ROSS BOURNE, Newcastle, Ontario. Admhinistrator. W., K. LYCETT, Orono, - Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator.