General 1INSURANCE SEE FRED LYCETT OFFPICE - MAIN ST., ORONO phme 983-5032 Reg. 983-5142 CHARLES REID' Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoî Specialize in' Farm and Furniture Sales Consit me for terme and dates PRONE ORONO 983-5914S menuments aind Family Memorials >ur quality and service leaves nething t. be desired à*k the persen whe beught frein us, a neighbeur, friend or relative The RLITTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street 1PORT HOPE "dLargest display in Seutheru Ontario" WATSON'S Marine and Cycle ono Phone 993-5343 MCCULLOCH BZOATS & MQTORS CHAIN SAWS Rtepairs te ail makes. ef Lawii bMewers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bort Tompkins' Phone 784-255 BnUiln A New Iems? JOE BECKER fl8M73 Orne SLYCETT Plum-bing & Heating PH ED3-5407 Orne, ntafi ORONO WEEKLY'TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPEERlh,16 1Ià.UC HELP WANT PLU0BOC. and EATIOe f at n Service ZHOUR BURNER SRIL jBA FINAN CING SLew Interesi ,Rates Pheups: Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 Orvijie Chatterton Electrical Contracting Electric lleating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING >ELEcTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI, FRIGIDAiRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- I amiltons Insurance L service c> rire fi package Poicies [ FideIity Bond# Llability Id e O First Mortgage Leana OôSadie Hamiltonm Phoue 983-5115 0 Bex 133 Phono 668-3552 Staflord Brothers 318 Dunias St. E. Whlitby, Ont. Manufacturers, et Cemetery Memorîals Deiersla DestIe & Foreign Granites and Maniles - InwcriptUenu Cut la Cemetery RepIdr W.rk Building a flouse? or remeMelng yeur pret one, thon contact FIoyd Nicholson -FOR SALE A walnut occasional chair, tap- estry upholstery. Phone 983-5570. b-c FOR SALE 5 roomed house with 3 acres of ]and. (3 -bedrooms; large kit- chen; 3 pc. bath; buit-in' cup- boards and forced air furnace). Carage and barn. Phote 983-5157 or 983-5821, Must seil. Terms arranged. FOR SALE One Box Traîler, , size 4 by 6. Box in good condition, good tires. Price $25.00. Phone 983-5639. b-36-p FOR SALE Blue and white Gendron baby carniage with stroller. Cail 983-5724. a-p NOTICE Sewing Alterations and Repaire done at home: For Women: Alterations in skirts dresses and coats. For Men: Turn shirt collars and' cuffs, shorten and lengthen trousers and draping and back seams; also zippers and pock- ets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. and Church St. Phone 983-5493. t-f AUCTION SALE Antique and Classic Autos The property of Roy Graham wvill be offte9 for sale by public auction on, Saurday, Octoher 5th at Grahiam's Garage in the village of Hayden, haîf mile e-ast of the ScggRd, 8 miles riorth of Býo wianville' at 12:30 sharp. -Many antique Jýand classie cars. Terms cash. C. Pethick, Aule. AUCTION SALE Farmn stock, implements and furniture, the property of Ernest' Bryson, lot 24, Con. 6, Clarke T1ownship at Kirby on Saturday, Septemiber 28th. at 1:00 o'clock. Pethick and Reid, Auctionee!rs Cal jour licensed ?hiabiq a Mechauifcal Conwractor wko els, frstalls CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phono 983-5207 Orono Oxford BRICK LAYERS STONEMASONS. W. Schmahi Spcializing in ail kids of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do Chimuey Repaire Middle aged womana for two weeks at Rest Hlome. No cooking, no washing, no floors. Phone 983-5639. a-p WANTED A sal]es woman to hinWith Restaurant -and, ,Baking Couniter. Apply llank's Bakery, 'Orono. a-c WANTED Bookkeeper for haîf days for small business. Write in own hand writing 'giving qualifications wages expected etc. Write~ Box 500, Orono Weekly Times. ac 1TOPS Anyone interested i attending TOPS Club in Bowmanville Tues- day eveninge. Contact Margaret Hancock at 983-5256. a-p WANTED Clean experienced waftreýs. Good workcing conditionis. ýExcel- lent tips. Phone 983-5560. b-36-c JACK 99 King st., E. BOWMANVILLE When BuYing or Selllng cal] WILF, HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE e83-52 74 rIâembers of ')shawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board E VENT Kirby Un ited Church Faîl An- niversiary will be held on Sunday, Septeinber 29th at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. Tilley Ashel, 1known as the Padre on Peterbojrough radio station. Special Music. b-p COMING EVENT The Canadian Club of West Durham opens the 1968-1969 sea- son on Monday eveting, Septen: ber 30th et 8:15 p.m. -in Trinity Sunday 'Sehool Auditorium, Bow- manville, with the Hon. Matthew B. Dymond, M.D., Minister 'of Health and Welf are for Ontario, as the speaker. Five other excelle speakers are. listed for the season. ýMembership is open to any ini- terested Persan' and may beob- tained f rom Mr. E. F. R. Osborne, any member of the Executive, or a#t the ,door. Mýe-mbership fee $5.00 per persxon; $8.00 pe-r couple. .- IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear husbandýj Norman E. BairsÏtow, who passed away September l8th 1966.e1 For hlm, life more abundant, For us, a guiding Star. Lovingly reenibered by wife Aileen. a-p IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a husband and father who assed away.sud- dJenly September l7tlL 1963. Though his smile is gone for- ever, * And bis hand we, cahinot touch, StiR we have so, many memories 0f the one we loved so much. His memoirY is Our keepsake, With whieh we'll' neyver- part, Gýod has hMm in His keeping, We have him ini our hearts. L1oyiglyý rememberedand nev- er forgotten_-by :wife Connie and daughter. Trudy.- a-p Gord Simpson g Phoue Orone 983-5Mf Orono, Ontario 0 0CARPENTRY J 1 REMODELLING GEEA EpR Interier Exterier D., ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD ... C AL LU S W. FRANIK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, cOurteous, effici- ent service when buying 'or seLling and for the largest sel- cetion of properties lu the area Contact Orono Area Representatives iRoy Foster 983-5801 ROSS Gilhart 983-5533 AndY Sutch 983-9119 Roy Strong 52 -r il Bethany 1 qLýuiviiiN qx