Orono VOLUME 31, NUMBER 37 Weekly ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMIBER 26th, 1968 Proposai, To Clarke Library ýDone e On Monday evening the Oronio Police Trustees met with Town- ship officiais to discuss the $108,. 000 road projct to be undertaken by the Police Village in pa.'ving, storm seweritilg and curbing., Reeve Ro y Foster, Counillor R. Carveth, chaîiman of the Road Committee and Rond' Superin- ~tendent, M. Ross rýepresented the Township at the meeting. Also p)resent a t the meeting was Mr. Ted Sims of Totten, Pims and H-ubicki Engineeringý firm. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the m-eans of construction of the works, wheth- er through the Township Road Department or by Tendering. ~Contracting. At the close of the meeting no deffinite decision had been arrived at other than the Towý,nship is ta côrnsitier doing the work thIrough their Rnd Depart- ment. This decision when settled by the Tawýnsh-,ip is ta be fIorw,,ard- cýd ta the Police Trustees. -Ail ag-reedl that it was out, of the queïstion ta do the works this fi eitfter by the Township oJY by contracting the work touhtenders. Mr. Ted Simi-s was of the opin- ion thiat w,-.ih,,,-(rk beîng done by the, Township) the costs wouild be from a quarter ta a third cheap- er thaiby tend4(red contract. flJe pointed out that the figure cf $108,000 for the project had been arriveti at with the under- standing that the Township wouid be doing- the work. 11e said "Your superinýte-ndent kn'ows this kind of work and is quite capable of doîng ýit."' M\,r. Ross stated that the Town- ship had :enough work ln the ooming year ta keep themu busy without, additional projects. Me said if the, Township Road De- partment undertk ok- thi3 Orono project t would mean an addi- tional crew 'ahd the renting of additional equipment. He. point- edti t a number of projects in the Township that wouid be of a major nature for the Depart- ment ln the corig year. Mr. Simpson stated that the Police Trustees had stated at the Municipal Board hearing that they wouid be using the Town- ship Rond Departmnent ta do the _Work. This was econsidered in or- der that they could keep the cost of the project down ta the $108,- 0~00 figure. Hie further stated that even using the Township forces the costs may go up some- MUr. Woodyard stated that costs wvouId more than likely go up, annyway. He said that when the work star-ted it had ta move rath- er fast because it was in the ar- ~enof trade and commerce for Orono. 1He aise said that they shouid istnrt nat inter thau the first of May. <Mr. Ross, Rond Superintendent, stated that the Township is kept busy in general maintenance and oinup uintil nearly the end of June. This work, hie snid, keeps us -going fuit tisse. Uniess I can put an an additional crew there seemis littie hope and this, of course, depends on the empioy- ment picture at that time., Whien questioned on the tisse to do the work Mr. Sims stated that a pro)ject of this size with few,, hold-ups eouid take up ta eighit weeIks ta complete- by a con.tractoýr. Mr. Ross asked7 where thie ex- cavateil soit was ta be dum-ped, ta which the Trustees stated that they did not knaiiw at this time b~ut were sure there wvere a nium- ber of places it could be dispo-,sed of. Mr. Ross said that a short haul would be most ndvantnge- Gus. Mr. Simpson stated that the Police Trustees were looking to see if the Township could give them six we-eks of work for the project. Reeve' FQster said there npp-reai7drioe ayin which the Tow,,nsh"p ecouldc rne by the lst of -May. Mr. Woodynrd nsked what would be wrong in tendering the whoie j ob at which' time they would get a price for the work. To this Mr. Simpson stated that 'We atready have a" price of $108,000 whicl' we have placed before the Municipal Board. The engineer, Mr. Sims, stated that his firm had only a day and a haif left of work to prepare the plans for tendering. At this time we have stopped afly fur- ther work until you make up your minds on how this work is ta be done, he said. Mr. ,Cnrveth said that he didn't know what to say atthis tisse on whether the Township Rond De- partment couid do the. work or not. There -wouid. certainly have to be an extra crew if we, under- take to do this work, he said. Reeve Foster said there surely wvas a, way it could be done and thtaplan coiul'd be worked o)n during the winter montlis.ý Mr. Ross side it ail boiied down to labour. At the close of the discussion it wns lift with the Township Road ComMittee to further con- sider the project being done by the Township and ta suhmit their recommendations to the Councit of the Township of Clarke who in turn would informn the Police Trustees. Mr. NiTcholson asked if the Trustees had yet obtnined the necessary optrions. Mr. Woodynrd repiied that it now appeared that the Village wouid fmot - b going on private property with the storm sewers s0 ensements were not necesa-ry., Kendal Midgets Enter Finals, The Kendai Midget basebal Club enter the Ontario Midget 'D' Final playdox'n series.. The first game of the series wiii be piayed in the Kendai park this Saturday fternoon commenci1ng at 2:30 îi.m. In case of rain the gesse wil h-e postponed until Sunday aftcrnoon ýat 2.30. lu this final sertes Kendal will face the- enitry, from Langton for the Cham,-npions hip of Ontario. Keda n their bld for the On- tarloý championship have already elimina-Cted e2ntries f rom Keene and Dashw-,,ood. A numrber of boys from Orono play for the Kendal entry. The team, would appre- diate support from the area bal fans, On Monday evening the Orono Police Trustees suggested to rep- resentatives of the,-Clarke Lib- rary ;Board the possibililiy of the Library moving into the niorthern section of the Orono Municipal Building which at the present tisse was flot being used. Mr. Simpsoni stated that there would be a total of 1200O square -feet of floor area for the library.. Mr. Sinmpson further pointed out that this section of the build- ing couid be done over as was the area for the present Hydro offices. The entrance would be ta the east on Church Street. The area, he felt, was, central and, wouidceanl improve with the completion o-fthe Village Road program, Mr. Simpson said that it seemed more feasible for the Library to) move to this location rather than to purchase the Fire Hall and then for the Police Trustees to fix Up the north end of the Hall for the fire department. H1e felt it would be a saving of mo ney, especially for the Lib- rary. Mr. Fo rrester said that the room in the basement of the Township Hall was now too small and more books were being ad- ded ail the tisse. 11e said the next move would certainiy have to be of a moie permanent natujre than had been the last. Reeve Foster saîd that the proposais shouid certainiy be considered and that he rather liked the idea.. Mr. Woodyard said he couid see more advantage for the library -being in.the fire hall which wouid give the iibrary roomn for expansion. He said' it' wasflot going to be too long before the fire depart- mient wouid grow out of this accom-modation., Mr. r orreýter suggested that the Library Board get in touch with the Library servicesý branclt which should have some idea 'on the necessary area for a Library in this area and what expansion-a the library may expectlover thÉe next, ten or fifteen years.Th dîicussions were left ýat this p',oint See Satelite City 0f15,0 The hamiet' of Columbus couid ssuitipiy its populatîn 1,000 tisses by the year 2000 ta, form a muscular 'yaung brother' ta the city of Oshawa. Officiais of the Ontario gov- ernment reveaied plans for the new city whiie spotlighting the Oshawa 'aren during a sessinar last week in Bowsanville held ta review the four-goals' plan of the Metropolitan Torontoannd Regian Transportation Study, first un- veiled in Tune. Maethan 10c, prominent local figures from Bowmnnville ta Pickering 4ttended the Serninar. If goals Plan 2 wns impleiment- ed a. city of Columbus would de-' veiop in the aren of the present- CPR uine from Toronto, north cf a green Parkway beit, whichý would keep it distincet froirn OSh- awa. A gavernssent spokesman was rqpoîýtecl as snying that Goals Plan 2, was the one mast, likely ta be implemented. 150,000 POPULATION Columbus wouid have n apop- ulation of 150,000 and Oshawa 280,000 by the year 2000. E- ployment in commierce, idsr and services.,wod be given te 40,000pK pe nColumbus. The Par-kway .-Beit .wouid po vide' naIigh speed commuter rail connection with Toronto plus ai .(Continued page 3) Orono Hydro Makes Presentation Tol Mr., Ernest Dent Mr. Exn est Dent, who had been associated with Orono Hydro for twenty-two years, was 'honoureti on Wednesday evening of last week with a, presentation from the Oroho Hydre ýCommissiÔn. The presenitatian was made at bis home in- Orono when Commis- sioners Floyd Nicholson, E. R. Woodyard and Douglas Simpson were present. It had been the intention of the Commission ta make the pre- sentatian at the Official Open- ing of the new Hydro Offices the previaus night but due ta iii heaith Mr. Dent had been unabie ta attend. Mr. Denit fîrst became associa- ted with the Orono Hydro sys- tem. lu 1945 wheÙ he acted as mneter reader and collection a- gency for the Commission. At, that time and for the next fiVe years the systemi was maintnitied by the Ontario Hydro out of the Bowmnvilile office. In 1950 Mr. Dent took fuit charge.of the local system, being bath 'manager, linesman, meter reader and bookkeeper: Mr. Dent retired from the Oronao Hydro lu 1967. During the years from 1950 to 1967 Mr. Dent saw many changes lu the local hydra system from 180 customers ta close ta 400. In the early 1950s Mr. Dent engineered, and constructed a change-over in voltage for the en- tire system from 4 KV ta an 8 KV system. This states Mr. Dent wns one of the targest undertnk- ing for the local system. H1e wns instrumientai, often under adverse conditions, ln keeping the system apace with e N.ansidn in the Village. Mr. Dent took his early train- ing ln electrical work in Toronto where he served bis apprentice- ship with the Canadian Comstock Ca. Later he served with the Canadian Army Engineer Corps being n staff Sargea-it and Eiec- trical Machinist. On bis return from the A-my he entered inte, business in Orono ns an Electri- cal Contractor. Ernie, as he is known, ai- ways extended bis services ta hy- dro and its dtistomers inost gen- erousiy. His first concern was that hydro was alwnys available, Shown above are Mr. Prloyd Nicholson, Mr. E. R. Woodyard, At the presentation onz- Wednes- day eveninig, Mr. E. R. Woodyard, as ýsecretary of the Orone. Hydre, rend a brief address andi witih the Cammissioners, wishçd Mr. Dent weti ,anld thanketi hiiV for bis past services ta the community. Mr. Dent was presented with a harameter with suitabie inscrip- tien. The faliawing is the nddress: Dear Ernie: On beha?4F of the Commission, would like ta present ta you at this time, a smail token in appre- ciation of your long-term services Mr. Ernest Dent andi Mr. Douglas Simpson when the Or-ona Hydre te this -community as Manager of aur Hydre System. Although, we, as Commiîssioni- ers, have the honour of making this preswtatian, we are alsoa expressing the gratitude of your many friends andi associates. We regret, that, due ta 'iii health, you were unabie ta attend the epening of the new Hydre Office, as this presentatian hnad been planned as part of the cere- manies. We theref are ask you at this tisse ta, please accept Vhis haro- nieter alang with aur very hest wishes. CoImmissio)n Presented Mr. Dent a harometer for 22 years service. TirnesPolice Trustees -Make l4ý - - .-»*..e..,«,4.0-«,...» W.4.