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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1968, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1968 ORONO ý.., -.-'jWEEKLY TIMES (Athorized as Second Clasas mail, Posit Office Deparutment, - Oltawa) Published every Thursday at the office c« publcatior Main Street, Phone 109, Ororte, Ontarlo EWbablished ln 1933 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - l<bter a.d Manager At Long Last The message at last seems to be getting through to the higher leve Is of govemnment that you- cannot continue to spend more moniey than you colleet. Recent develop- ments both at Ottawa and at' Toronto reveal that Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier John Robarts have corne te the realization that the people are being over taxed. Both governments are speaking of cut-backs with the Fed- eral government already cropping some projects in the interest of economy and in the interest of the taxpayer. There is no doubt that both levels of governiment could institute many savings through proper planning and threugh a rigid control over priorities. This is especially true at the Provincial level where the goverument has supported local projets knewin.g full well that they were, flot in the best interest of the taxpayer in the long run. Polîtical pressures from the local areas have over-ruled, the better judgeme~It of the government ln Toronto and in Ottawa. The new tax structure being considered for Ontario cannot help but be an increase in taxation, no matter hew anyone looks at it. A tax placed anywhere on thée e- conomy eventually affects everyone. It is encouraging to see that the line is to be drawn and that some measure of control is at last comihng into play. Effective Sept. 30,- 1968 BARBER PRICES, ADULT IIAIRCUTS STUDENTS 14 and over CHILDREN $1.25 SE] SHAMPO'OS $ 1.00 $1.75 $1.50 [AVES $1.25ý *TONICS 25e NEWCASTLE AND ORONO BARBERSHOPS BUSINESS HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAVSATURDAY: 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.nx. THURSDAY and FRIDAY: 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. WEDNESDAYS *CLOSED Complete Cedar Dale Holstein DISPtmàERS AI -SALE 100 HEAD Thursdaiy,.October 3rd, 1968 1:00 P.M. At the farm of Rena and Ivison J. Tainblyn,.Orono, Ont., (Durham County). One of Canada's oldest herds. Production tested since 1910. Herd Averages: 13264 lbs. mill< - 519 lbs. fat; BCA 125 - 133. 4 Ver>' Good, 30 Gpod Plus, 8 Good. 45 Milking ege - 17 bred heifers - 37 open heifers and calves. Seiliag Rockman was used heavil>' in this herd with il daughters selling and 30 head carryig his service. -Also, man>' fine daugliters 'of Rockdale President, Lassie Leader, Kayen Farm Anthony, Seiling Petro. A therd with exceptionally good udders throughout. This, comibined 'with the sharpness of these cattie as well as man>' decades of sound breedig and rigid culling, will provide one of the finest opportunities te purehase re- placements this fall. The young cattie are outstanding as well. Selling at one eook sharp 1031 lbs. of milk quota plus a 66 can Delaval bulk milk cooler and a "Sputnick" both one year old. Lunch available at f arm. Shore Hoîsteins Ltd., Glanworth, Ont. Sale Mgrs. & Autioneers TULIRKE.,ySHOOT RNOF1811 HUNTCLUB VUDA, 7"tOBER 6tb, 1968 Hunt Clu1b Rne-Fio ia off Taunton Road at lsardInesti, Froam 10 A.M, on Lunch Served at Range SHO'1ýTGUNS ONLY ukes20 - 25 lbs, La0 Ngt0 Racing In Orono Harness racing la Orono closes this Friday evenh-jg for the sea- son after a successful fourteen night stand at the Orono Fair Grounds. We understand that the 0,shawa Driving Club, sponsors of the racing events are more than satisfied with the attend- ance and with the races in gen- eral. Mr. Bud Rolph informs us that the two old-timers are going at it again this Frida>' in what he termis a return grudge match. This of course is the test of driv- ing and racing between Bud and Alex Forrest. In a previous race Bud was the victor and he tow wants' to make it two in a row. The~ feature race this Friday is the eighth race in which. a number of speedy and time prov- en steed are entered. Attendance last- Friday night numbered 710 with a total of $20,006.00 passing _through the mutuals. The following is the list ef entries for Friday tight. lst Race Quinnella Bonnie Delîght, T.B.A.; Not- tawa Spencer, T.B.A.; Lilo Bars, T.B.A,. Reid's Honeur, J. Wil- liams; Lorraine, Hal, R. Rahme; Meadowview Hal, G. Robinson; Misty Heather, T, Brock. 2nd Race Highland Bill, T. Grattan, Rusty Bill, R. Rahme; Peggy Ann. Dillion, B. Minifie; Rob Roti Chief, R. Cissien; Hillcrest Jet-. frey, T. Brock; Frisky Grattan, M. Hope; Bracelet,, T.B.A. 3rd Race Char Den Craîg, C. Hie; Mar- joram, B ha Lii Buck, C. St. John; Chief Clyde, 0. Burrison; Country Mir, K. West-, Chief C. Tmes, B. MlcDonnell; Fastry, T.B.A.; Diplomiat Mir, B. Gordon; Qhne Towni, S. Brown. 4th Race Quinniella Happy Mluf C. H-ie; Captain Riddle, E. Givens; Hoot Valley', F. Alexander; Kits Kid, F. Gif- ford; Van Pride C., B. Reid; Oz- rk Jeffery, G. Robinson; Buckey Son,,, R. H-icks, 5ili Race Kawartha Candy, G. Sheldon; Hligh Triple, R. Gassien; Superior Ted, C. H-ie; r Har-vey,, H. Stin- er; Frisky Herbert, G. Robinson; Stirling, Grattan, A. Downs; Molly Haw Lea, R. Brown; Shotgun Hanover, D. Roughley. 6th Race Titan Song C., I. Thackeray; Trev- or Song, L. Breatthoure; Moore- lands Alice, S. Moore; Black Is- land, B. Minifie; Missie Way, V. Hicks; Pepper Ogden, V. Kelly; Rod Wyn Todd, G. Sheldon; Meadow Breslîn, A. Nicholls. 7th Racc Quinella Margaret Ual, R. Brown; Little Tim Pee, H. Donaldson; M. B. Song, R. Hicks; Parkview Ann,, R. Glover; Blue Deanis, G. 'Burns; Vince Adios, K. Jeakits; Meadow- view Bird, R. McQuaid; Doras- Duke, M. Hope. Sth Race Barbara D. Pride, G. Robinson; Ben Herbert, B. Shea, Sly Frost, J. Hughes, Snowball Direct, L. Breathoure;* Freddy Pick, B, Gor- don; Oro Lee Herbert, G. . Shel- don; Singleland; W, Givet; jim Dusty. 9th Race- Burt Bumpas, T. Brock; Leslie 9 ~., K. West; Karen Dillion, R. *McQuaid; Moorelands Tom, S. Moore; Sharpe Look, G. Sheldon; Portage Anne, D. Boyce; Deputy Chief Ore, W. Norris; Miss Buck- eye Lady, L. Dixon. The Corporation of- the Township of Clarke DY-LAW NO. 1592 NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF Section 9P of The Planning Act (R.S.0. ISLO, c 296), -and - IN TIIE MATTER 0F an applica- tion hy The Corporatiion. of the Township of Clarke for'.approval?, of its Restricted Area Ry-law- 159?, passed. the 23rd day of )May 1969 APPOINTMENT FOR RWEAIRING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL, BOA, herehy appoinfts Tuesday the $th day of October 1968 ut the hour of haif past t" o'clock in the forenoon, (local t¶iue) at the Council Chambers, in the Township ofý- Clarke, (at Orono) for, the hearing- of a1L,' parties interested in supporting- or opj- posing tWis application. DATED at Toronto thî s l2th Iay- c September, 1968- R. SG0TOrT EVENING, CLASSES will begin October, 15, 1968 A registration of at -Ieast 15 students is required tama Sduct a class. BOWMANVILLE IIIGU SCHOOL:- Registration Datese October 8th &: 9th'from 7.00 - 9:00 p.mý Courses available in: Art Typing Sewing Ladies Rhythmie Exercises and Volleyball' CLARKE HIGHI SCHOOL:- Registration - October 7th from 7:00- 9:00 p.m. Courses available in: Commercial Sewîng Physical, Health & Educaion (Women: Physical, Health & Education (Men) and any academie subjeet where there are 15 or mom- requests COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL:- Nash Road, Couro Registration - Octoher 1 and 2nd : 7:30 -79-3we Courses available in: Generâl Courses Arts & Crafts Hostess Cooking, Millinery Sewing 1 & Wl Interior Decorating -Physical Fitness (nien> Woodworking (hobby) Physical Fitness- <Women) Commercial Courses Typîng I & il Business Machines Techuical Courses Auto Shop I1, 1,111Electr Machine Shop 1, il, III Wei( Drafting 1, 11, 111 Bookkeeping- Iding r H-, l, The above technical courses are not avocational or h courses. To successfully complete the course of studqr , each requires 3 years. At the end ot each year a e~ cate ot achlevement is, issue pnscsfu o F of, an examination.eduo sucstlome A registration tee of $5.00 will be paid at the tïiiu- registration. If a class is flot held this fee is refunded, DURA CUNT DISTRC k

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