I ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBEýR 26t], 16 CLASSIFIED ,ADS DIED SHAW-At, Memorial Hospital, Bowmunville on Friday, Septemn- ber 2th, 1968, Margaret Jane (eie)Shaw, Newcastle in ber 87th year, wif e of the late David Shaw, dear mother of Ruby, (Mrs. William Brunt) Newcastle; Mul- îel (Mrs. Mansan Patton) Orono R.R. l1, and the lote Gladys (Mrs. ~R~sRate Sericewas h-eld in the Mori )Fneral Uha,-el, Bow- m~nvile Ôn onday et 2 o,'clock. Intermnt ýli Lakeview4 C~i~ey Newtîv iOnt,.- OBINSN t Sunset id NuL,,ing ILm1-re, Bowmanvillle onr Wýedne.sday, September 25th, 196-8 Robert John- (Bert) Robinsonl, formerly of Orono, in lis 78th year. Dear brother ofoMary Rob- inson and Mar-garet (Mrs. Louis Wood) Bowmanville. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- inanville. Service in the Chapel on !Friday at 2:30 p.m. Intermlent Oronol Cemnetery. a-c' DIED GAMSBY, Garnet Sidny-Passed away suddenly at his residelne in Islingtin, Ontario, Thursday,, September 19th, 1968 Gariet S. (damsby. Husband of Lulu R. Sammons and father of Judith (Mrs. Fiorelli) To ronto and Wil- liaem of Lonid on., Rested at the Reid Funeral, Home, 'Kingston, Ortarlo. Service was held from the Queen t. United Church, Kingston, on Monday, Septemnber« 23rd at 2 p.m. Interment at Kingston. a c Not!e toCreitors IN THE ZSTATE 0F ELEANOR BOURNE late, of the Village of Newcastie, in the County of Dur- hem, Widow, deceased: Ail persons baving dlaims againýt the estate of the said Eleanor Bourre, -who died on or about the 23rd day of June4 1968, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Adminîstrator or his, solicitor on or before the 7th day of October, 1968, their names and addresses, and fuit particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by thema duly verified by ýstatutory declaration. Immediately after the said 7th day of October, 1968, the assets of the said deeeased will be dis- tributed among the persons en- titled >tbereto having regard otly to the dlaims of wýhich the Ad- ministrator or the undersigned, solicitor shall then have noice. Dated t Orono, Ontario, this l7th day of September, 1968. JOHN ROSS BOURNE, Newcastle, Ontario, Administrator. W. K.* LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicito for the Ad ninistrator. SPECIALS Orocno5 to $100 Store Heidi ikiaus, Cyndy MacGregor Dao-.ny Voss, Mi'hele Major, Gr. 3 and 4- Ricky Clarke, Amy Morton, Margaret Taîsma, and Charles Harris, John Berry and Anne Todd. Gr. 5 and 6- Karen Wilkins, Patricia Hope, Debbie Miller, Carole Topple. Gr. 7 and 8 Becky Mitchell. Hamhiton ToWpship Fire Insur- ance Company. Gr. *5, 6, 7, and 8 - Wendy 'Gibson, Karen Bail, Wesley Knapp Katby Pollitt. Curvply Wood Products Gr. 1 and 2- Teresa Ciesiel- CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan wish to express their sincerce thanks to relatives , friends and rieigh- bors for cards, gifts and flowers rýeceived on the occasion of their 5Gth Weding Anniversary. They wefemuchappreiatd. 8-p Bob and Suq Holmes are proud to ~ ~ 1 fncucîtebit o'f their Douglas and Barbaraýý Simpson wish to announce the arrivai of their chosen daughter Lori Lee. IN MEMORIAM TENNANT - In Ioving memory of J. Arthur Tennant, whp passd away Sepytember 28th, 1965. lis memory is as dear today, as wheh he passed away. Ever rernembered by wife and family. a-p .rafly-;piôo"v'en! tik7i-tsted! SEE THE ALL NEW 69 'e§Mto -Ski'LINEý NOW va 11 MODELS FRQM WHICH TO CHOOSE ffROL PH I-RA DW AR E Orono, 'Ontario ,Phone 983-5207 Corne see the cr with the corncloser look. New top-of-the-line Olds 88: Delta 88 Royale They're at your Chev-Olds dealer's rght now. C'Iva.n cars like this all-new Delta 88 Royale .-yongmobile thinking in a big, beautiful package. S Uer looking vinyl top-that >s youngmobile n .g.Longer, easier riding 1247inch wheellbase - .s joungmobile thinking. So is the custom pïîspug The side fender louvres. The draft-f ree, ventipane-frea side windows.To say:nothing of a Rooket 455 V8. They're standard on Royale, along wîth the new GM safety features. There's even, an ingenlous anti-theft device to keep your Delta 88 Royale your Delta 88 Royale. Stop in soon. Sea ail the c ars with the corne-closer look. They're on display and waiting for you right now. E.cape fwom the ordinary at your Oldsmobile dealer's: Toronado, Ninety-Eîght, Delta 88, 4-4-2, CutlassVista-Cruiser. Every Oldsmobile befl SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE DEALER tu hs ta make It F~ ore we mark It. MARK OF EXCELLENCE Roy Nichols Motors Limited BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Phone: 623-2556, Bowmnanville Phone- 728-6206, Courtice