ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY OCTOBERüýP 3rd, 1968 O-RONO WEEKLY TIES (Ânthorized, as Second Clas mail, Pogt Office Departrnent, Publfshed every Thursday at the office cg publicatioe * Muin Street, Phione 109, Orono, On'ario EtWmblished in 19M8 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Fiditer and Manager Congratulations Last Saturday ýon -attcending the baseball gaime i Kendal we were inpressed witbl, the appearanice of their park. It is 'a credit to those who administer its aff airs and also, to those who look after it. The park is neat in appearance'with the grass well cut and trimmed over the entire area. No patches of tal --weeds are in evidence. The bail diamond and facilities are also well maintaied and well planned. Visitors to the park could not but be impressed. It is in fact a show piece for Kendal. May we take this occasion to congratulate those who are in charge of the affairs of this park for a job well done. It is a eredit to Kendal and to the municipality. Where To Now? The decisionà of the Ontario Municipal Board to cancel the hearing in conneetion with the -Restrictive Area By-law came te many as somewhat of a surprise. Further, the notice gave no indication of the reason for cancellin.g the hearing or whether or not it will be recheduled. It is however very uhlikely that the 0MB would pass down a decision in this matter without holding a public hearing and we would suggest that the Board will hoîçi the hearing. There are too many* objections and even though Wany are not valid it is not policy to override such ob- jections without givihig people the opportunity to voice their opinions. From this corner we would beliýeve that the 0MB bas cancelled the October 8th hearing due ta the fact that the Council of Clarke has already submitted two anianding by-iaws to the Board. t, would seem logical to hear ahl ocbjections to the original by-law and the amending by-law at the same time as the~v deal wîth same issue. T1he 0MB, could now be waiting for the Township to process the ,amending by-law and giving citizens the opportunity to objeet to it befo re holding their hearin.g. - Lack 0f Communictfion There- appears to have been a lack of communication between the Oronyo Police Trustees and the Township of Clarke Council over the matter of whether or not the Township Road Department was going to do the proposed road project in Orono. As it now appeats the Township has asked the Trustees to tender the work. Along a few months ago the Trustees stated before the Ontario Municipal Board that the work was to be done by the Township but it now appears that no such plan had beehi officially agreed upon between, the twç bodies. The unfortunate part of the whole incident is, that 'ith ten.dering the price of the project may, skyrocket. Any price, so we understand, that is accepted more than ten percent higher than that approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, will have to be reviewed by the Board Thlis could mean fuether holdups and if the price is away above thc original perhaps cancellation of the project. The Engineper has stated> that the $108,000 price was set with the uniderstan-ding that the Township was going to do the wokand in, th-is lie sid -!there would be a consý,iderable, sain. ndthspricewa sblsd over thiree years The \vork wouý7Ld certainfly bc qan asset to the Village and iit would be a shamne to lose the projectthrough a lack of planinig and communication. O ro no Fair Brize Winners GRAIN and HAY Bariey: lst Leslie Smith, Port Perry, 21,,a,, Larmier Bros., Nestle. ton, 3rd, Harold Swain, Nestle- tocn; 4th, Ceresmore Farins, Bow- manville. Bparhey 6-rowcd; Larm-ier Bras., Faîl Wheat; L. Smith, Ceres-' mnore Farms. Oats (Gary or Russell) lst W. Yellowlees, 2nd Murray Yellow- lees, Eniiiskillen, 3rd L~ Smith. Oats (A.O.V.) Murray Yellow- lees, Wes. Yellowlees, 'L. Smith, and H. Swain. Hybrid Co)rn;l Donl Staples, Pier sikma, Ivison)r Tamnblyn, Ceresý Siliage Cor, . Jose, Pier- Sikma Murray Yellowlees, Wes Yellow. lees. Sheaf of Wheat -and Sheaf of Oats, both won by John Cruick- shank. Mixed Hay lst eut; E. Gilbank, Wm. Tamblynl, C. Tamblyn, W. Pirsma. Mixed Hay 2nd eut; C. Tam. blyn, Wmn. Tamblyn, Pier Sikma. Best Exhibit of Barley, Spe- cial A. H. Sturrock and Sons, lst L. Smith. Best exhibit of Oats, Sturrock Special to Murray Yellowhees. DURHAM COUNTY MILK COM. MTTTEE SPECIAL Unpasteurized Standard Whohe Milk, F. Jose, Pier Sikma, Carlos Tamblyn._ Let,ýter f0 Edoitor 14 ýMadison St., Port Hope, Ont. Sir, In the Sep. 23rd edition of Port Hope Evening Guide (Oth- er Editors' Opinions) you state that consideration is being giveh to establishment of a deductable clause in Hospital and medical in- surance.' You are ill-informed Sir. This clause you réfer to: is in ac- tiobi in Ontario at the moment, and has- been in effect since July 7th 1967. 1 was in hospital in Toronto hast year for surgery. I had a series of x-ray and dif- ferent tests of the spine. The total bill was $125 of which 1 had to pay $50 deductible. I was in a semri private rodt'n for a period. Bill $53 J had to pay $50.60; ahi the insuratce paid was 80% of $3 or $2.40. I have neyer got a receipt from Western Hospital for Income Tax purposes, although -I have sent them 9 letters. This .year I have paid 'on the deductible clause, to Port Hope hospital $62 for semi private, the onhy accomnmodation available. I hope this note brihgs you' a littie more up to date on Ontario's supposedly free medi- care. P.S. My Great West Hamilton. Sincerely .yours, Ephriam Keys. Insurance Company, Life, Pigott Building Orono Fair Prize Winners PUBLIC SCHOOL ESSAYiS, NOTEBOOKS AND SCRAPBOOKS Gr. 5 & 6 - Tonimy Lowery, Diate Boyd, Mary Allin, Linda Copping. Gr. 4 - Work Book - Donald Martin, Debbie - Sneed, John Kirummenacicer, Ronald Rend- ricks. Gr. 5- Social Studies Noteboôok - Diane Boyd,, Linda deJonge, Cindy Angers, Brenda Brock. Gr. 6 - Soc. Studies Notebook- Karen Wilkins, Kathy Pollitt, Sandra Patterson, Debra Heard. Gr. 7 - Science Notebook- Larry Iunn. Gr. 8 - Geogrýaphy Notebook- Valerie Partridge, Dale Evans. Gr. 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Serapbook - Veronica Ruegger, Charles Hall Timmy; Paul Ferguson. Ge'. 5, 6, 7 & 8 Serapbook - Kathy Grady, Peggy DeWitt, Wendy Gibsonî, Patti Powell. MAPS Gr. 4 - John Cornish,' Donald Lucyk, Betty Van Hatten, Donna Tennaht. Gr. 5 - Cheryl Cornish, Betty Richardson, Gary Cox, Stephen Bahl. Gr. 6 - Doris Knapp, Tom Martin, Donna Knapp, Lorna Low-eryv. G-. 7- Kay Martin, Katie VancLùenibrink,. Nico DeJonge, Wayne Hazelden. Gr. 8- Terry Lucyk, Richard Bunting. POSTER Gr. 5, 6 and 7 - Irene Allun, RodneyPayne, Debra Hleard, Jan- ice Caldwell.' ART and CRAFTS Gr. 1, Torn Paper Picture, Shehle!y Brown, Susan Burgess, Kathy Lycett, Billy Clarke. Gr. 2, Decorated Article- Vieki Ciarke, Lance Lucyk, Mich- elene Harris, Wendy Reid. Gr. 3 and 4, An Igloo, Janet Schoenmaker, Peter DenBeicher, EvehMn McLaren, Maureen Shet- 1er. Gr. 5 and 6 - Dressed, Mod.el,' Margo Allin. PHOTOGRAPHY, Open te ail Gr. 3 snaps of beauty spot, Yvonne Schoenaker. 3snaps of pet, , home or sehýool, Dawn Vaneyk. 3 best Snaps, any subjeet, Joan Duvaîl, Dawn Vanýeyk and Debbie Miller,ý Yvonne Schoenniaker and John Gilbart, Blake van den Heu- vel. GIRL'S CRAFT Necklace or bracelet, Kathie Lycett and Kathy Grady, Marion Zegers, Janet Sc-hoenmaker, Dale Evans. Haif Apron - Debbie Miller, Dale Evans. Box, gift wrapped, Laurie Schmidt, Janet Schoenmaker and Yvonne Schoenmaker, Faye Ste-, wart, Geralding Vanderbrink. Embroidered article, Debbie Moore. A table bouquet, Marion Ze- gers, Bonnie. Dunlop. BOYS' CRAFTS Collection of Postcards - Jeff DeJonge and Larry Lunn, Steven Boyd, Dennis Knapp, Paul Van- eyk. Article made from empty spools Franky Zegers. Artcile from tin can or plastic John Coatham, Larry Lunt, Blake vancien Huevel, Martin Zegers. 5 Diferent vegetables, Douglas Rutherford, Martin Zegers. GROUP CRAFTS Mural, Penny W'ebster and Pat- ti Powell. Display of Craft, Orono Bible Vocation Sehool, Shaw's Sehool. SIIEEP N. C. CHEVIOTS & LIECEST- ORS:- Lloyd Skinner 5 lst, 5 2nds 2 3rds. Russell Dow, 1 lst, 4 2nds a Srd and a 4th. SUFFOLK and HAMPSHIRE:- T. C. Glaspeli and Sons, Oshawa, 3 lsts, 2nd, 3rd, 2 4ths and: qth. Lloyd Ayre, 3 lsts, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 2 5ths. Boyd Ayre 4 2nds, 3 3rds, and a 4th. R. -A. Gill, Ty- rone, 3rd, 2,4ths, 6th and 2 7ths. OXFORD and SHROPSHIRE:-,R. Dow, 3 lsts, 2nd, 3rd, 2 4ths, 5th H. Skinner, 3 lsts, 2 2nds, 2 3rds, 4th. W. E. Crawford lst,3 2nds, 3 3rds, 5th. DORSET CHEVIOT and SOUT- DOWN:* W. E. Crawford. 5 lsts, 2 2nds, 3 5ths. R. Fowler, lst, 4 4ths, Sth, fth,-7th. BEEF CATTLE SHORTHORNS- Grand Champion Bull, H-1eatlh- erdoon' Farmns, Indian River.' Re. serve Champion Bull, John Rick- ard, Neweastle. Grand Championt Female, Ross Flett, Oakwood. Re- serve Champion Female,; John Rickard. Ross Flett, 2 lsts, '2nd, 3 3rds, 2 4ths, 6th. John Riekard 1§t, S, 2nds, 3rd, 5th, 6th. ileatherdoon Farms. 4 lsts, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th- Wm. Siater, 3rd, 4 4ths, 5th. M. Bailey, Uxbridge, 3rd, 7th. ANGUS Malcolm Bailey, Uxbridge with Grand Champion and Reserve Bull, Grand Champion and Re- serve Female, 6 lsts, 3 3rds. Ellanvanin Farms, Gormley, 2nd Srd,, 4thf, 5th, 6th, 7th. G. B. Beatty, Richmond Hill, 3 2nds, S 3rds, 2 4ths, Sth. Dr. R. K. Hol- hows, Lindsay, ls t, 3 2ncls, 2 4ths, 5th. J. B. Parkinson, Sharon, 2ý 6ths. HEREFORIDS:- Gran'd Champion Bull, Cyril Cook, Barrie. Reserve Champion Bull, Milton Cornish andj Sons. Indian River, Grand: Champion Female, M. Cornish and Sonis, Reserve Champion Female, C- Cook. Milton Cornish and Sons, 4 lsts 2 2nds, Srd, 4th, 5th. J. Winter- bottom, Woodville, 2 2nds, 2 3rds 6th and 2 7ths. Gerry Cofiiish, Tyroneq, 2nd, 2,3rds, 4th, 5th.. Cy- rul Cook,' 2 ists, 2 2nds, 4th, 5th, 8th. Clifford Fonk 6th. Dr. R. J> Watson, Cross Creek Farms, Lin- dsay,, 3rd, 4th, 6th 8th, 9th. Dr. C. M. HornMer, Cobourg, 3rd, 4th. Best Beef Female M. Bailey- Best Beef Bull,' Heatherdoon Farms. Best Hereford Herd, D. L. Cornish Trophy, M. Cornish & Sons. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Trophy for Best Beef Herd, M. Bailey. VEGETABLES R. Osborne, Newcastle a 1st. G. Gummer, Coiborne, 7 lsts, 3 2nds 5 3rds. E. Stapheton, Orono, 7 lsts 4 2nds, 2 3rds, 4th. A. Hollings- Worth, Orono, 2 lsts, 2nd, 93Srds. E. Harncss, Orono, 3 Ists, 7 2nds, 2 4ths. F. Zegers Orono, 3 lsts, 2nd. A. Pos, Orono, lst, 2nd. W. Farrow, Newcastle, lst, 2 2nds, Mrs. C.-Downiey, 2 lsts, 2nd, 3rd, 4Vh. S. Chapman Orono 2nd. Robt- ReInstra, Orono, Znd, 3rd. Mrs. G. Coatham, Oronto, 2 3rds. B. Co- wan, Orono lst. TURKEY SHOOT ORONO FISH& HUNT CLUB SUNDAY, OCTORER 6tb, 1968 Hlunt Club Range - Follow signs. off Taunton Road at Leskard Intersection. From 10 A.M. on Lunch Served at Range SHOTGUNS ONLY Turkeys 20 25 lbs. SAVELO Forthe Whole Fani$ily OCTOBER LARGE SIZE SALE 20% OFF, Good Ocetober 1 through October 31 (rnly STUTT'Sb PHARMA CY. ORONO, ONT. PHIONE 983-500v,