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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Oct 1968, p. 1

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Mrs. Annie llollingsworth, 77 year old graudmother of Orono -miled thraugh tears of happiness last week when she emibraced ber 55 year old brother wýho she was meeing for the first time. -Mrs. Hollingsworth waitedl zalmly at Toronto International a and see my sis- "Mr. Eldred was - ýyear after bis sis- with ber fiance for iite a surprise to brother was com- icld on page 7) Brother and Sister Meet For First Time -VOLUME 31, NUMBER 39 Desugned to acquai -witb the beauty and features of Durham ýolor motorcade tour has been scheduled 1 'October 2tb. by th County ProgressiveC Association. The motorcade will Orono Park at 1:30 after a visit througb ful grounds of the Station, will follow inarked route which casion will be confine -the central and nont ef the county. FollowIng a' wooi through Leskard val port, the tour will5 'OBER lth, 1968 Coi t zmb,,rfôorcade will pass througb av interesting fo an village,' the Millbrook valley, * County, a Enaiikill ýý stock to and the rolling, wooded huis of- of the area Caesarea. Hope t<ôwnship ta the Ganaraska for Sunday., Eastward from Caesarea the Conservation Park at Garden he- Durham tour will follow the shore limýe Hill. Conservative of Lake Scugog to the Janetville Wcstward from Garden Hlli area and thence by highway 35 the route will follow the county stýrt from and alonig the boundary road lie- road to Kendal thea south to the p.n. and, tween Manvers and Emily town- Orooked Creek communcty and the beauti- ships to No. 7 bighway. Turning westward along the sixtb line of Provincial southbat Omemee the nmotorcade Clarke township to Highway 35 an arrow will follow a beautifully wooded and Orono.. on, this oc- route to the village of Bethany. ci chief ly to From Bethany the route takes Interesting features of the hern areas an casterly and aiortherly direc- tour include: Orono Forestry; tion through the wooded pictur- Mosport, Racetrack; McLaughlin ded' route esque hilîs of Cavan Township to Historie Plaque at Tyrone; Old ,ey to Mos- the village of Ida on Conuty Rd. Mill at Tyrone; i-Hampton Park; swing wcst- No. 10. Again turning south the Memorial at Solina:, Enniskilien SixtLeen Mherchants Support Decorative Lighting Plan Conservation area; New School at Enniskillen; Cartwright War Memorial at Bhackstock; Cart- wright Municipal Park at Caesar- ea; Scugog lVarsh and River; Bethany Ski area; St. John's Churcli, Ida; Cavap Park; Mill- brook's historie Mill and _Pond; New South Cavan School; Cavan Municipal Hall and War Memor- On Sunday, Septemfber 29, Clarke High School sponsored a competition of orienteeritng. This relatively new §port to Canada is certain to appeal to al those people who enjoy thegreat outdocrs. You do not have 'to participate on a competitive 1ev- el, but the whole family may "Iorienteer" for recreation. Wbat is "oriente'ering?" Brief- ly, it means to find one's way in unknown territory, with the help of a map and cempass. To bc able to read a miap is the most im- portant factor since this acquaints you witb the terrain. The com- pass should' be used ln case of dire necessity only. The "oriernJteer" is asked to navigate througb the bush to a number of ýre-set conirol ~points where be stamps his control card. The 'person who visits ail con- trois in the rigbt order, in the ;hortest period is the winner. Tbe Clarke meet was very suc- cessful with seventy-five partici- pating. While the ù,najority of competitors were frîom Clarke High School. some came from as far away as Toronto and King- gton. For instance. Professor Ed- wards of Queen's University, whose wife incidentally is a nat- îal, Millbrook; Garden Hill Con- servation Park; Gataraska Look- out at Dean's 1H11l; and Site of the new Provincial Recreation Area at Kendal. ive of Newcastle, was the winner in the Senior Division although t-he other contestants in tbis class were much younger. The race was held just north of Kendal on the edge lof- the Ganaraska. A few of the competi- tors attempted to get lost, but werpe not successful!1 Mr. Bromley and Mr. Carlson of the staff of Clarke High School with the assistance of Mr. Ames- bury, were in charge of the meet witb the much appreciated help of Mr, Bunting of the Dept. of Lands and Forests; Mr. Carman, of Orono and Mr. Stevens of Bowmanville whio provided trans- portation for equipment; and the co-eperation of Mr. Low and Mr. Elliott on wbose property the meet was rua- In the Itermediate men Bill Caldwell placed first followed by Fred Buntig and Glen Wither- spoon, al from C larke Higli Sehool. The team of Leslie Ste- phenson 'and Patricia Wallace placed first in the Intermediate Wayfarers section. Heather Hoar and Bob Simpson placed second with an outside group from KCVI of Reid and Reid placing third. in the Junior Ladies section Diane Hazeiden and M. Groot placed first with Rhonda John- ston and Rhodes second and La- combe. Allia and Christie third, ail of the Clarke lligh School. Bezubian ani Lowry placed placed first in the Junior Men's division. A report at the monthly meeting of the rono Chamber of Com- merce on Monday eveaing at the New Dutch, Oven Restaurant re- vealed that a sum of $400.00 had been suiscribei by the local businessmen towards the instal- lati on of, decorative lig¶ting for the Main Street of Orono. It was pointed out that a total donation of $700.00 is needed from the Or- ono Business enterprises to comn- plete the finaacîng of the pro- Those on the committee of 'the decorative ligbting are to person- ally eall on thplse Who had not as yet made their subscription to the project. After some discussion it was propozed that the Chamber again sponsor Santa's visit to Orono, prior to Christmas. The, Chamber iîs considering havinaî Santa in Orono for a three day period and that they set-up shop for him i the vacant store owned by Doc- tor McKenÉzie. A comitittee of ,Messrs. R. Dickson, M. Down and R. Forreser. was appoitted to look after 'the arrangements. it is proçosed to decorate the store botb inside and outside, if it is aoailable for the occasion. A committee of Messrs. R. Haz- elden, H. Hoenepzb and W. Car- man was appqinted to look into the possibility of placing pianters for small trees and flowers on the west side of the, business section of the Main Street. It was point- ed out that thlis side of the street is somewhat unsightly with the present arrangement of steps. Further it was pointed out that with the road construction to beý undertaken lu the near future that 110W wou,,l be the time to -have sometbing wortb- 1,hile done. The appointed com- mittee was formed to see what eolild b., done and also to obtain a tentative price for the works. They are also to cantact the Or- ono Police Trustees la this mat- ter. It was stated at the meeting that the ToW.nship of Clarke is considering the appointment of a by-law enforcement officer. At the present time n acion bas been taken ia this matter by couincil. Up AndOver During, the Clarke High School Orienteering mect held ia the Durhar-. Forest area, it was up, over- and under for the, many stude.nts who competed. Here Miss Nancy Foarrester makes ber bld for over while Miss Diane' Nicholson roDnders the obstacle, Clarke Ratepayer's, Association Hears V iew- On' Hearing CanceloationI The Clarke Township ýZatepay- there is now no indication that ers' Association held their mon- the by-law is being brought be- thly meeting in the Newtoýnvijle fore a hearffig, and this could Community Hall on Tuesday ev- create doubt as to the by-law ening when Mr. Gene Butt, »- now being v'alid, and in force. chairman of the organization,' out. ,ile further pointed out- that if lined a recent conversation with ineonsistency appeiared in the ad- the associations lawyer Mr. John ministering of the by-law that Weir. Q.C. of Toronto. The con- any citizen could lay it before the versation was held in conijunction County Court asking for a writ with the cancelling of the hear. of mandamus. Mr. Butt said. tItis ing by the Ontario Municipal w/as a common occurance in otlk- Board in the matter of the by-law er municipalities where inconsist- No. 1592, Restricted Area. encies showed Up.,, In the cancelling of the hear- In addressing the meeting Mr. ing, Mr. Butt said that no one Bntt stated that the. Ratepayers' seemed to know just why it was Association was not in opposit- cancelled. He also said that n in to planning for hie said, we answer was, at the time being ail know that it is necessary. 'We given for the cancelling of the want the best plan possible," he bearinýg.said. He further, said that citizens herig.shrnîld ask and demiand the best Mr. Butt said that the lawyer YIani possible for the municipal- in looking up cases in point ity. that may now apply lu Clarke The next meeting of the Assoc- Township, that the by-law No. iation is to be held in Orono 1592 could be deemed in effet when Mr. Tiny Bennett, sports if the legislation bias been editor of the Toronto Telegram brought into effect in good f aith. will be the gutest speaker. This This is, generally the practice was brouglit before the me.eting where a by-law is pending a.hear- ýby Mr. R. D. MortoÉ, chairnîian ing. llowever in Clarke Towýnship of the entertaiemient committee.' cark ih col od toc I OienteeringMèeet

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