ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAlV, OCTOBER lOth, 1968 Up And Down The Bock Stocks Elraiie Konigsburg won the 1968 Newbery Medal Award for the m'ust distinguiished cintribution te American Literature foar ehild- ren with this unusual titie: I'From theý Mixed4JgFieaof Mrs. Basil E. Fra'nkweiler". In this hbook, Claudia and lier broth- er, Jamie run awav from their suburban home, and bide out in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They sleepin one of the antique beds on display, bathe [n the gi- gantic restaurant fountain, and wash their clothes in the nearby laundromnat. They find that even liere they are living a well-or- ganized life on a schedule. The cnTy rcd:3-.mingc feature of their vernture is the Angel, a beauti- f 't a'tue in the Museum. Wzs il. or -w-5s it nit carved by Midih- arear o?'quýstion the ext e,ts. C» deýperate1y warts ti soi îe 's"ise At the Clarke Library also this a' ek arc th'ý four runners-up for îh ý -,wbery Award. The first in the h St is 2Vs3 a Kanigsburg book ~ha, way-out titie: jcn'fer, Hecate, Macbeth, Wil- 1it"m nMKinley, and me, Elizabeth. The Black Pearl The Fearsome Inn The Egypt Game. Dorothy Robffison Russell C. Heney, Esq., M.P. Northumberlanid-Durhanl There has been a great deal of apprehehsion in Canada about the position taken by the goveru- ment with respect to aid to Bia- fra. Much of the criticismn has been based on emotion, rather than on a rational appraoach. Biafra is a state or province forming a' constieiert part of the sovereign country of Nigeria. Nigeria, like Canada, is a con- federation of states or provinces. Biafra, of its own volition, de- cided to break away from the Ni- gerian confederation. A parallel situatioi would occur if ýone of Canada's provinces decided to secede from the Canadian confed- eration. We would, I am sure, deal with such a situation by ne- gotiation rather than armed con- flict. Nevertheless, wlile the re- sults would be different, the legal and cohstitutional situation would be the sainie. Opposition spokesmen have, ur- ged the govrnuient to force its way into Nigeria to suppely food, drugs and medidal supplies to the Biafrans. Prime Minister Tru- deau pointed ot that this would be an act of war against the friendly couttry of Nigeria... the consequences of which could be very serions to Canada. The Organization 'of African States voted 29 to 4 agaihst intervention When the neighbours of Nigeria,, who are the most direetly con- eerned, refuse to interfere how can Canada, as a sovereign coun, try, rationally bc asked to pro- ject itself into the civil Àrar be- tween Nigeria and Biafra. We can draw a close parallel in the Irelationslip of Cahiada and France, and the verbal interven- tion of General De Gaulle and the French government. Mr. Trudeau has been very adamant that Can- adians will work ot their awn problems, and lie pointqdly tol d France to -stay ont of Canadian affairs. If we were to intervene in Nigeria's conflict with Biafra the Canadian government would indirectly acknowledge the riglit of France to interfere in Cana- da's affaîrs on behaîf of Quebee. Mr* Trudeau did emphasize that Canadians as individuals can con- tribute to the aid of Bliafrans. Through the Red Cross, church groups and other organizations &anadians can assist in talus hum- anitarian cause. Indeed, we hive been more generous, on a per capita basis, than any other country in the world. This is how Canadians can help . . not by intervening in the affairs of a friendly country. We should keep our perspective. Kendal News Wild, birds are flying south." Last Friday, October 4th many large flocks of wild geese flew over the Kendal area on their way so uth. There was the first white frost in the village on Sat- urday morning. Congratulaions to Mr. Douglas Cathcart and Miss Frances B3ell who were united in marriage in Omemee United Chirdh on Sat- urday, October 5, 1968. Tliey will reside on the Cathcart Centennial Farm north of Kendal., The Kendal Womeb's Institute met'at the home of Miss C. W. Stewart the last Wednesday ln Septeuiber. This meeting was- led by the convenors for Canadian Industries, Mrs. R. Elliott and Mrs. A. Low. The roll caîl was, name something in, your liome made of Nlckle. Ten dollars was donated towards the 75th Anni- versary Project of the Macdonald Institute, Guelphi. Mrs. R. Elliott gave a most i- formative talk on The Romance of Nickel. t was discovered in 1751 and called the old nicks copper. When the C.P.R. was built it was found i Canada. A slip building company found that by adding nickel to their steel' it made the metal stronger. After 'World War One stainless steel made a new market for nic kel, t is used ini making buses strong and toughJ It does not rust, and stands up under great heat, it re- sists corosion. t is used in aero- plane engines and stainless steel trains. The next meeting will be the third Tuesday at Mrs. A. Low's. A pr etty wedding took place in' Courtice, United Church on Fri- day evening, October 4, when Mr. Grant Robert Greenwood was Mr. Rkihurd B1ack, Western Universiy, London,, spenit ate weekeuid with bis parent.s Mr. ad Mrs. Robier t'and xlf wî Sernervill-Drive. L\ rs. C. S. Mc eh r?:u returned hýe aoathe' xaekel.-d after s, .,mding severa1 weeks wth lier rn3ither at Massey. M,/r. and Mrs. 13- a zCow m Artioch have taken up residence, ia their home or. Main Street wnieh they purchased from Mr-,ý, Chas Taylor. r ;7ited in marriage to Miss Jane Valerie De Coe. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell De C3e, w'hle Gr ant is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood of Ketdal. Kendal United Church cele- brated World Commution in their service on Sunday Inorning. The Thiankoffering service will be lield October 20th at 2:30 p.m. when Rev. R. C. White will be wi4th us and the music will be provided by Mr. M. McCoy ahid a group of the Excelsior Choir singers. Mr. Les Morgan attended the wedding of his niece, Miss Bon- nie Simon in Oshawa on Saturday afternoon. They plan to live in their tew home north of Orono. Kendal Church sent ip $36.00 to the Biafra Fund. Mr. and-Mrs. Milton Boyd,>Miss Ruby Boyd, Mrs. M. Falls and Mrs. J. Stone were visiting ith friends in the Kendal area dur- ing the weekend. UNITED CHURCH Orone Pastoral Charge Minister -Rev. B.-E. Long SUNDAY, OCTOBER l3th, 1968 Orono United Church Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday School at 9:45 'ai N. SWLJ Virs. and Mrs. Jack Bailey and Mrs. Bailey Sr. spett Sunaday with 1r. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins. -pur. and Mrs. Wayne 1{ý31v und fToronti visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. e eand Roi, Mvsfeý -y vMorgan att aided t e rkns CoAiboy wedding at -.--. stwaeek and alsa spent a hidàs with lier niece in Ot- Mr. anid, 'Urs. Perey Morgan at- '-ded the Simon-Cornish wed- cr- in Oshawa on Sturday. Orono Building Contractor Brick -Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983.5441 ORONO t ~'a Oteler rd, 1968- Ap- 10.in two federal t' 'Ontario Ilousingi Coi a -fîo.lr tticconstruction b- ousing projects ini Port Hope, Ontario, was announc- cd teday by Russell C. Honey, M.P. (Northumbearlanid-Durham). Provded for under the Nation- ai Housing Act, the lbans will as-, 'est in the construction of an il unit projeet for families of low incare and an il-unit projeet. for sen-or citizens. Tbee project for families of low- incoie for w'hich a boan of $129,. 724. is provided, will consist of' il row housing units containing three two-bedroom, four three.- bedroom and four four-bedroom units.. The project for senior citizens for which a boan of $88,326. la provided, will consist of il one- bedroom maisonettes. The federal boan and subsidy ,arrangenient's are made under a section of the National Housing Act wýhich provide for long-terni Mans ýfor public housing projects and. grants to ajid in meeting op- erating losâes. Se our ~new "Kitten" Sweaters and skirts to -natch. New ýfine botany dressmaker sweaters with striping. ,Ful'fashioned Fishernman Knits. Medium weight bulky wool pullovers and cardigans. TurtIe- neck puilovers. Ail in exciting new Fail f asliion colours. &TERS $10 to $17 $17*00 ARMSTRONG' Report From Ottawa G'OLENAYR KITTEN SWEATERS 'GIFTS FOR MEN PIPES -69c and up POLAROID SUNGLASSES 20'7,0OFF LIGHTERS - $1.00 up We have a. large selection of Gift Items at reasonable prices. Mat'sBarber Shep-Co.fectionery Phone Orono 983-5310 DOUBLE KNIT SKIRTS 1 l