ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER, lOth, 1968 IN MEMORIAM CA.1NTREL-In loving memory cfÀ a dear wif e and mother, Cora Mlay Cantreli, who passed -away October llth, 1965, "ISadly miissed along life's way, Qiuietl1y remembered every day, No longer in our' life to share, But ln our heaints she's ever there."_ Always remembered by husband, Henry and family. a-p CARD 0F THANKS W,, would like to express our neee apreiatonand thanks ~ail who were se kind and Uouglh',tful during the illness and death of Mrs. Jane Shomw. For the floral tributes and e-.pressons of sympathy received from rela- tives, friençis and neighbours, ai- so to Dr. Miklos, 2nd floor nurs- es and te Rey. T. Sith for his comforting words, also to the Morris Funeral Chapel. a-p The Shaw Family. BlED HENDERSON, Elizabe',h R.-At Bowmianville Memorial Hospital, Monday October 7, 1869, Eliza- bethilenderson of Orono, Ont. Wife of the late George F. Hen- derson and dear mother of George, Toronto, Nellie (Mrs.ý E. Lunnv), Bowmanville, Keith of Whitefish, Ont., and Kennetlh of Orono. Age 90, years. SResting at the Barlow Funeral Home, Park St., Orono, Ont, for service Thursday, October 1th at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cern- etery. NEW INDUSTRY TO HIRE 350 Bawmanville Town Council on Monday aufthorized the sale of liand to three prospective indust- ries and 'another pareel for the expansion, of another. The sale of 15 :acres te P.R. Connolly Construction Limited was the largest of the 'parcels. The firm, which will manufact- ure prefabrieated hotel and motel units, plans to employ between 350 and 400 workers. Callyour licensed Plumbing &. Mechanical Contractor who selis, instals apqd guarantees PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Oreno OrLUiueSktngCu GARNET GAMSBY Funeral services were held re- cently for Garnft Sidney Gamsby former president of Frontenac Packers, Khxgstoni, who died sud- denly at Islington, Septeniber 19 at the lage of 51. Mr. Ganisby moved to Kingston in 1934 and opened the Fronten- ac Sausage Company on Brock Street. 11e later established Froh- tenac Packers on Ontario street which he* operated until 1957. At the time of his deiath he was an inspector with the fedeval depart- ment of agriculture. During his 33 years ini King- ston, Mr. Gamsby was a mcniber of the Kingston couneil of the ,United Commercial Travellers and a presidenit of the Kingston Optimist Club. 11e was a if e member of Optimist Internation- ai. Born in 'Oronot, he was TABLE MANNERS AT THE LORD'S SUPPER (From page 3) lical "Emily Post" on table man- ners at the Lord's Supper. If we ignore the courtesies of the Table, we make a chaos of the dinher. Manners provide the sanity, -and structure for the exchange of di- vine and human love. When the courtesies are obse'rved, we flot only enjoy the meal, but also the host, Jesus Christ. We come -to the Lord's Table to receive Christ, to accept our iiieighbors, to, kcep an important appoint- ment over wbich we will permit notbing to usurp pnioity. * This is the Lord's Table. Our Saviour invites those who trust in Hlm to share the fcast he bas prepareýd. the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gamsby., At one tine the late Garnet Gamsby operated a sausage plant ithe Village of Orono. H1e is su.rvived by his wife Lulu Gamsby; a son William oM Londohi and a daughter, Mrs. R. Uxbridge, Box 309, 852-3132 Bowuianville, 14 Frank St., 623-3348 (Judith) Fiorelli of Toronto. AI- se surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Oda Lang and Mrs. L. ýSinclair, -boli of Toronto. Funeral services were held from Queen Street United Church Kingston. Intermett was in the 'ýCataraqui Cemetery. Lindsay, 322 Kent St. W., 324-6121 Peterborough, 164 Hunter St. W., 745-6851 The Orono Figure Skating Club held their annua 1 meetfing on Wednesday evening of last wcek when a review of the year's act- i vities was miade and a new siate of, ôfficers c,ted. 11 The 'financial report showed the Figure Skating Club in good condition. Reports were received on the operation of the booth'at the fair and other activities. In thie Shirley election of officers Mrs. Williams was, elected with Mrs. Elaine Mer- J . Ell iotJr 66 Grenview blivd. N. Toronto 18, Ont. (List Coins -Do Nt, Send) Co7qecs,: C an., U.S.,ý Newfoundland Coins & Papcr Monies For 21_1 Occasio n s Gift Wrap Bows -Ribbon Pick-up and Delivery Tues, Thurs., Fri. MIDDETON ORONO, ONTARIO cer, lst Vice president and Mrs. Beryl Clarke, 2nd vice president. Mrs. Madeline Madill was elected secretary and Mrs. Edna Watson, treasurer. The Board of Directors élected are as, follows: Mrs. Car-ol Boyd, Mrs. Margery Lowery, Mrs. Dor- een Wood, Mrs. Peggy* Blaske, Mrs. Joyce Major, Mrs. Audrey Buckley, Mrs. June Kramer, and Mrs. Rosenvay Hartwig. Test chairman is Mrs. Kaye Gusgter. Carnival convenor, Mrs. Margery Lowery and Banquet convenor,' Mrs. Dorothy Tennant. The new directors, held -a meeting following the annual .meeting on Wednesday evening lhast. From page 1 ing to Canada," said Mrs. Hl- lingsworth, who is now enjoying showing her brother and his wif e around her country aiid especi- ally the local area which she knows so well. Mrs. Hollingsworth's busband died two years ago, a few years after they had retired -from the family farm to take up residenoe on Park Street in Orono. raily-piôo'ven! tzi-itested! SEE THE ALL NEW 69 Cg6toeSkiL1N E 'NO W 1MODELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5207 ATTENTION FARMERS Have you heard about the short course ini Agriculture to be conducted lu Peterborough-Lindsay area this, wiuter? Co0mmlencemeént - 'November, 25 Duration - 20 weeks Time - Nightly 5:00 p.m. - il1:00 p.m. Participants - full tiue farmers of limited iucome, who may be paid according to sched- ule during attendance on course.. The Canada Manpower Division of the Department of Manpower ,and Immigration; the, Manpower Retraining Centre; and the Ontario Departmeut of Agriculture and Food are co-operatiug to make this, available. For' further information contaci your couuty office of the Ontario Departmient of Agriculture aud Food. Appli- cations accepted up to Octoher 21, 1968.' Don t let your local Fiie Depait- ment b emergency visitor at your home OBSERVE F iR E P R EVENb0TON WEEK October 6th to 12th ROSS ~MERCER, FIllE Ch-IEF