________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURS.ýDAY, OCT£OB-,,eR 7th, 1968 Up And Down The Book Stocks Americn author, Sinclair Lew- is was the tOPie Of discuwssion at the Otober mieeting o'f the Read- ing' ClubI. Bora in Sauk Centre, Minnesota, lie was the first Amnericani author ,to win the Nlobel Prize for literature. Puirsuied by a haunting lI.heli- Dess fraim boyvhood to his death at the age Of 6(j, his personalhlfe mnarriage to Grace Hegger, a wri- ter for Vogue, ended in divorce, as did lis second marriage to the famnous newswornan, Dorothy Thompsdn. Sensitive about his ugly physical appearance, cursed with a drinking 1-problem, and un- able to sustain satisfying rela- tionship xith famnily, friends or acquaintances, lie \wandered con- stantly from iPlace to place. Sinclair Lewis' most significant work was "Maini Street", a book that satirizes the duillness and iack of culture of a typýical small town in America. It derîdes the inhabîtants who, afflicted with the 'Village Virus' are narrow- ýminded and self-satisfied. Other notable novels were 'Babbitt', Ar- rowsmith,' Elmer Gantry,' and 'Dodýworth'. NEW BOOKS Adult- Time and a Ticket - Beh-chley Isles of the South Pacific - National Ge.ographic. Animals inField and Laboratory - Simon. The Golden Rendezvous -MacLean Juvenile- Meet the Malones The Enchanted Castle Chitty Chitty Bang Babig Alofýa Kind Family Wealth from the Ground. The Wind. Alexander Graham Bell, Lâoking at Holland. by Russel C. Honey, MP. Canada has one of the finest postal systemns in the world, but it has been costing the Canadian taxpay7ers an increasing amaunt eaC. year. ThiS year the deficit irt the operation of the Post 0f- i Department will be, atjut $92 million and if we do nothing to correct the situation àt will Le $130 million aext year. There are two ways we can bring the situation into balance One'I is by reducing costs. The re- ceni1y announced change to a 5 dayý week, the amalgamnation of some services and other changes will-o part way to reducing the defiëit. The increase air rates ap- praved by Parliament this week will increase revenue to a point where the budg-et of the Post Of- fice will be balanced next year. We are -living in the age of the 'five-day week.' Government and business now operate on a 5-day week praduce more than 80% of the first lass -mail. There will be somre inconveniences but it does seem that the savings ta Canadian tsxNpayers jülstify the Firet class. letters will1 now1 be 6 cents for delivery anywyhere in' Caniadai. Ail first class mail for delivery in Canadî will now be delivered by air-mail1 for 6 cents. The rates for newspapers and periolicals wifl be increased sa this type of mail will pay its'fair share, Some criticism lias been level- led at the governnient for the in- crease in rates. It Seems to be reasonable, 'howe'ver, that the people who use the mail service shou4 1pay the. cast. Some con- stituents have complained that it w>il cost 5 cents (unsealed) to maIil Christmas cards. Oil reflec- tion, however, why should the taxpay,ýers whio sends 25 CIist- mas cards subsidize, through tax- es, his ineighlbour who sends 200 Christimas cards? It seems more fair that they should each pay the fair cost of delivering the cards they send. By/ the same token how can the cobtinuance of present rates Kendal News The weather, for Thanksgiving week-end was perfect. With tem- peratures of seveaty, and sevcty five in the daytime perhaps evea the wild geese made a mistake in going South ten days too soon. The tobacco picking is comple- ted se the mea from Barbadoes are now liarvesting the apple crop. There are many large fields of corn la, this area. Sonie of the corn is going into huge nerw silos whle some will be left ta dry and harvest latier as grain corn, M'v. and Mrs. Jack Stapletan an'd Mr. .and Mrs. Dean West and family took in Norwood Pair on Thanksgiving Day. The coming Sunday, October 20, is Kendal Anniversary Service at* 2:30 p.m. Come and hear Rev. R. C. -White and the Excelsior Choir. The, United Churcli Women met at the home of Mrs. W. Mer- cer for étheir regular monthly mneeting on the first Wedhiesday even.ing. This mee$ing was in charge of Mrs. W.' Luxon'so she asked Mrs. T. Stevens to tel of lier early if e. She was bora in the Rainey River District of Missionary parents. Rer mother had came as a bride of twenty years of age froýîn Eiigland ta this Indian reserve. Several years later the family moved ta Le P4s la nathera Manitoba when Mrs. Stevens was two years aId, This was a very old settlenient bu lît at the confluence of three rivers. The Pas- means gateway. It was gateway ta the west.. Sir John Franklit twice passed through The Pas an trips ta the Artie via the Saskatchewan River. Thp re- for f;-e great flùw of phamplilets and leaflets which lutter the mail be- justified. Theae'w rates will insure that the cost of deliv- ery of this material will naw be paid by the sender, and will na longer be subsidized by the tax- payers of Canada. nearihg corapletion on the St. Lawrence, 110 miles northeast of Montreal. J. C. Brown, manager of 'the West,'ýinghouse atomie power divi- sin adwork on the order will start in late 1969 and completed by mid 1970. 'V- Aciditional staff, he said, would be needed. Mr. Brown revealed that Atom- je Energy of, Canada has pur- ch'ased nuclear fuel rods in smnaller quantities over the last nine years. The main element re- quired in nuclear reactors, uran- Expanding Us f Port Hope 1The effect of the expansion of the use of nuclear power is beginning to be f elt in Canada's ma in uranium processing town, Port Hope. Mtomic Energy of Canada Ltd. lias placed a $31/4 million order for natural uranium fuel rods with the atomie power division of Canadian Westinghouse Ltd. The industry here 'will supply 3,300 zircaloy-clad fuel bundles to be used in the initial loading of the Gentithlly power station, lief party that was sent out to find the Franklin Expedition whiceh was lost in 1845 spent the' winter in The Pas. These men made the original churcli pews which are still used today 'i the later church built in 1896 to replace the One erected in 1847. Mrs., Stevýens to]ld us of the Mis- sionery visitors that stayed over- aight in their homie on their way to, points. west and north. When she became a teaclier she went to teach the Indian girls at Nor- way House north of Lake Winai- peg. She met her husbaad hile teaching here. H-e was teaching laý the Methodist school five miles away.- Prpparations are being made for Keadal Turkey Dinner next Wetiesday niglit, October 23rd. Tickets may be purchased by tel- ephoning 983-5188, 983-5676- or 983-5190. Settings are at five, six or seven. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, OCT09ER 2th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Rev'. Arche McCurdy, B.A., B.D. frein the Board ai Evangelisir and Social Science. Orono UJnited Church Sainday Scliool at 10:00 Service at 11:15 ajn. Krby- Moraiag Service at 9:45 Sunday Schaol at 11:00 "Bonnie Doon" TIGHTS' Sec aour, new Bannie Doon Tights which are kait of fiaest quality stretch Nylon. They are desigaed ta fit perfectly and will give long satisfactory service. Plain kait, cable patternanad fancy cro- chet pattera. Several shades ta choose from. Sizes to fit,2 ta 14 years. Priced frýom. ... $2.35 to $2.50 Panti Stockings Ail Nylon, can't rua, seaniless streteli Panti Stockings by Bannie Doon. Ladies' sizes sinali, medium and' large in black and off-white. Priced per pair ........ $1.95 Ladies' Hats We are clearing tûc balance of aux Faîl and Wiater Rats at HALF the ori- ginal price, ium îs presently refined in port Hoûpe and the second necessary element in the manufacture of fuel rods, the Zirconium for sheating, will alsoý be made in Port Hope following the comple- tion of Eldorado Nuclear's zir- conium plant. In addition to the new zircocium plant, Eldorado nuqlear started construction a week ago of a $10 million uranium hexaflouride gas plant, which when completed will give Eldorado Nuclear a 3- factory complex, all located on ten acres in Port Hope. REQ UEST VETOED BY DARLINGTON A request by ýa citizens' coMý mlittee that a referendum be eomi ducted in connecetion with the civice elecion lias been refused by Darlinglton township, council. The committee asked that the opinion of the electors be soughit on the questioli of issuing de- bentures to assist in the financ- ing the cost of an auditorium, indoor simming pool and. an outdoor skating rink as part of the Proposed 'new high, school at, Bowmanville. Council eoneidered the sub- misioù o« the question unaecess- ary. DX DX -DX DX DX iDX DX ÎX/ 1$ Be WVise: ..e lehl ECONOMIZE! $AVE$ WITN FUEL OIL Phone, 668-3341 $ DX-DX D X - D X- DX -DX -D X=-D X Men's Gloves. A new stock of Means Gloves in gen- uine Goatskin with knitted lining, Lamb- skîn with Silk ining and Vinyl with a FleeKc lining. Black, browa, grey and natural. Sizes 8 ta o 1/ Pýriced fram $2.50 tu $5.95 a pr. Boy's Knitted SHIRTS New knitted Shirts for the boy from 8 ta 14 years. Turtie necks lu streteh Nylon and permanent press Cotton. Shades of brown, hlue,, gold and green. Priceýd froým . ... $2.25 to $3.25 Report From' Ottawa ....... GIFTS FOR, MEN PIPES - 69e and up POLAROID o SUNGLASSES, 2 OFF ~.LIGIITERS - $100 up S We have a large seleetion of Gift Rteins at reasonable prîces. Matt's Barber Shop-Comfectionery Phone Orono 983-5310 1' ~1 Ai, àrTRONGa49" -Ox