ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24thi TlHANKSGIVING God sees the little sparrow fal Seripture: Matt. 10: 26-412 Taken from a sermon preadhed by The Rev. B. E. Long._ (., < Each year at Thanksgiving timne, we make, ourseives aware of the abundance arlound tius, offer up prayers and hymns, of thanks- giin an then go on ta live rather selfish lives as we forýget the need of others. To-day we thiink of the, words of Jesus and of the hyron which we, have known since early child- hrood. "God sees the Iittle spar- row fail." We, are a generation of people, who., in general, are overwhelmed by the new, dimensions of size. It is difficuit' for one ta compre- hend the size, of aur national debt the distances that we traveil ta outer space, or the counting of the population explosion. The un- whoiesome effect of ail this big- ness is to make one: feel that the individual does! nat count. H1e is just an 'unidentified drap in the vast ocean of bigness, and, yet, the need ta be identified as a person, as an individual, is one of the most needeýd experiences la our discovery of the purpose in if e. Lýong ago, ýman was impressed with bisi smaliness. The, Bible re- cords the word of ancient man as lie lùoke;d up into theý starry heavens, "what 'is man thiat thou art m1indful of hlm." If the an- cient thinker found àt difficuit ta feel significiant in the universe lie kaew, how, much har;der it is for the man of today. There is a true story about a man ,who wanted his retarded son to attend a certain church, camp L pr teen-age young people. The dirèctor of the camp wýas hesi- tant be-cause George was 22 years aid, six fooat taîl, weighied 205 paunds, ndhad the mind of a six-yeiar-old. 1-le, of course, car- ried the label "retarded", and L you'd be surpriised how ,many i'peiople never. sece the persan be- hind that particular label. The father was sa anxiaous ta have his son get t.his camnp experience that the director didn't have the heart ta tura hlm down, And sa George came ta camp. There was a lot of adjustments that haýd ta be mýade, but the fel- Iows la his c >abin rose V'o, the challenge and went out of their wa 'y ta let George know lie was welcom-e. Hie became sort of a cabin miascot, and w1herever the boys fromi his cahin were, George was not far behind. On Wednesday niglit at the camp fire the camip director spoke about things that really appeaied ta youthful idealism, about a world full of challenges for young Christians. After the campfire, a girl named Mary Jane sought out the camp ýdirectar. She was a bit disturbed and she came straiglit ta the point. She said ta the director: "Yau talk- about haw wonderful 1f e is, and how it's full of opportunity, but what about George? What does life have to offer hlm? He'll neyer be able to earn a living. He'îl neyer be able to get married and rase a famnily. He'l neyer be able ta, do any of the things a persan would like to do. She began ta ask questions, the hard questions that fne of us can Ireally answer. "Why does God allow a thing like this Vo happen? How can a God whio is just iet a persan liye who will neyer'have a chance?" The camp director heard her out, an.d then had to frankly say that lie didn't have the answer. Ail he knew was týhat In this world accidents hap- Pen, and that when George was bora he suffered an accidentai brain injury. But theal he went on to say: "Tt doesn't do any gaod to blame God for the trouble. That won't cure George or make ife any better fo.r him. What we do have to do is ta, help .him find happiness. He responds ta love and attention the same as anyone else-" After a f ew mare, ques.tions, Mary Jane left the camp director and returned tg her cabin. On Friduy night there was a square dance in the iodge. George was there, but of course, lie was on the sideli-nes. AIl of a sudden, Mary Jane atýiced him sitti'ng there, and she went oyer ta George and said, "Came on and dance xith me." They didn't' really dance, of course, but George just be'aid with happi- ness and he and Mary Jane lum- bercd around the floor. The éth- er young people caught Mary Ja-mj's spirit, and thcy ail had a worderfui time. On Sa.iurday afternoon camp wasover, and just as George was ahôut ta leave camp with his dad Mary Jane ran over ta, the car an.d said, Gajodbye Geoarge."l- And George grinned at, lis dad and said, 'That's Mary Jane. She <Continued on Page 4) ANN OU N CIN G DOMINION HARDWARE Domninion Hardware is an association of independent Hardware dealerýs sponsored and supported by Canada's le'ading Hardware Distributar... COCHRANE-DUNLOP HARDWARE LIMITED, with.over 78 years of un- sdrpassed kno(wiedge and service in the hardware industrýj. 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