ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1968 A fasciniating new biography for onir aduit readers is "Tl Dress You IiiMonng which gives a delailed account of the dramiatice rise of El Cordobes (Manuel Ben- itez>. He is Spaiin's flamboyant idolized matador Wfho, rose fromn p9verty (often as a ehild bis only food xa r's- fame and fortune (a ilionaire, he is stili lcuaring to, read and write)! OTHIER NEW BOOKS Adult A Cab at the Door - Pritchetit Young People and Drinking - Ferrier Cain Young People and Smoking- Cain Juvenle The Art, of the North Ameni- can Indian A Long Long Time The Circeus of Adventure The Indian and His Horse From Spinning Wheel to Space- craft, Snakes The Ghildren of Green Knowe Ginnie and Geneva Dorothy Robinson -ý Challice Wedding A pretty candle-light service in Orono Uite:d Churcli, October 4thi, 1968 at 7:30 p.m., was the setting for the pretty fall wed- ding of Dale Challice and David Ferrier. The bride is the daught- çr of Mr. and Mrs.. Orvýille Chai- lice, Oronoantd the groom is the, qnly son of Mr. and Mrs. William 'Perrier of Bolton, Ont. Bey. Basil Long ,officiated and Mrs. R. Mor- ton was the organist. Mrs. Ever- ett Brown, Orano, was the guest soloisrt, .rendering Vree iovely solos, (Prayer Perfect) (The Wedding Prayer) and during the signing of the, register Oh Per- f ect Love." The bride given in marriage by ber fâther, lookead lovely in a formal gown of Frenchi lace, scal- loped neck-line, elbow, lengtb lace sleeves and featuring a full length train attacîbed to the shouilderý. The headdress as of four-ier nylon with pearis and rhinestones. The bride carried a bouquet of red roses and white baby mtumns. The attendants were Mrs. Jas. Thanksgivisg (From page 3) d'anced with me." The Bible- revcils ýover and over again tlvt God is concerned for the individual, "God was in Christ reconciling t!he world to himself." Jesus, as the. crowd pressed around him asked, ewho touched me?" for a wamani seek- ing healing h'ad touched the hem of bis garmen. Jesus tauglit that even '_the sparrow's fali was ioticed by Gad, an'd in it ýhe tauglit tihat Gad is concerned with, *huat we might cali the small thângs of life. On this Thanksgiving Sunday, when we are reminded of the many blessings surrounding us, and as we focus aur, attention on the words "God sees the little sparrow fall," we are ohallenged ta note that the teaching bas two sides. If God's oconern is so sens- itive that lie is aware of, our smnallest needs, then lie is also sensitivé ta our responsibil'ity to otiùhers. God not 'only sees the litt!e, black sparrow in Biafra 1 in al bis agony of starvation,i but, also, at the same time, the abundance whicli resuits in waste1 and ill4healtih in our society. Tru e 1 Tbanksgiving expresses tself in action. McKane, Kitchener, sister of the groom, as matron of honor and Doretta, Donna and Denise ChaI- lice, sisters of the bride as brides- maids and flower girl. Their floor-length gowns were aIl alike, in Italian Peau de santung; Mrs. McKane in orange apricot and the others in Jade green. Ail car- nied baskets of shasta yellow and bronze mums. The best man was. Mr. Pacey, Bolton and the were Donald Challice, brother of the bride, and James, Bolton, friend groom. Richard ushers Orono, Douglas of the The reception was held in tihe Churcli hall with the U.C.W. cat- ering. The bride's mother receiv- ed the guests in royal blue nylon embroidered lace, with blue ac- cessories, and a corsage of rose carnations. The groom's mother chose a two piece suit of silver lamé with mauve accessý,rIes and a corsage -of pale yellow carna- tions. Guests weiýe present, from Bol- ton; GeorgetoWn, Toronto, , Wil- IDwdale, Ilb-rth, Osiawa, Bowmna-- ville and MillIbrook., Mr. Lawrence Goldmintz was the genial master of ceremonies at the recepiion and' also tape- recorded the marriage service. 1As the happy couple left.,for (thleir honeymo.on, by plane' to Florida, the bride waswerini two-piece, ensemble of. rose wool, dress and, top-coat, miniature sweetheart roses -were worn' as headdress. The bride was guest of hionor at several showers, Mrs. J. Kil- leen, Bowmanville and Mrs. A. Mujnieke, Orono, aunts of the bride gave a shiower, and Mrs. L. Bowins and Mrs. Don. Long gave a community shower, Mr. and Mrs. William Ferrier, the groom's parents' entertained the rehearsal party at the 'Acres' restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrier will re- side in Nobleton, Ont. Spedial Meting, Oshawe No. 3' and Heather Lodlge joined in a special meet- ing on Monday, October 21st to eitertain Sister Marlon Wilkie, Presid ent of the Rebekali Assem- bly of Ontario. Also District Deputy Presidenit Sister Lillian HUarper and Bro, UpI- And Down The Book Sticks Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1968 Orono United Cliurch Sunday School at 10:00' Service at 11:15 a.,m. Kirby- Morning Sunday Service at 9:45 School at 11:00 Mr. Gary Black attended the "Home Weekend" at UIuron Col- lege with Mr. Richard Black. 'Mr. Douglas Moffat of Guelphi University, speit the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moffat, Blain and Ian. Miss Leslie Campbell, Toronto is visiting ber grandmother, Mrs. Hector Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. C. Billings, Miis. H. Bailey spent over the Thanks- givinîg weekend with Dr. J. H. Billings and daughter Miss' Juiaý Billings, at Broomail, Penn. DiX--DX- DX - Sizes 4 to 6X Yeats $8.95 - $9.50 Sizes 10 to 14 Yeats . ... $12.50 tildren's Snowsuýits in nylan and, pile. BLANKET SLEEPERS One piece Blanket Sicepers of heavy weiglit banket clotli, zippered front, mna- chine wlialiabIe. Pink, blue, yellow end white. Sizes to fit 6 to 18 months. Priced at $4.00 THERMAL SLEEPERSl Thermia 1 Streteh le iepers, -warmth witliout weight, machine wasliable. Pink, blue and yelow. Sizes to fit 6 to 24 mths. PrFiced at...$3.25 Local News Mrs. R. Hollingsworth and lier family iail gatherced at the home of ber granddaughter Erva Dom- erchie of Bolton on Sunday for a moose dinner and farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Eldred the former being lier brother wbo bas been visiting from Engl'and for the past three week. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred de- parted from the International Air- port on Tuesday. Visitons with Mrs. Ken 'Gamsby for Thanksgiving were Mrs. H-. Snell, Danny and Bobby, Toronto, Mr. 'and Mrs. J.- H. Boyd and Terry, Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Jimi Ganrsby, Melanie and Steven, Lorraine, Quebec. Mr. Ernest Dent is a patient in the Bowmnanville Hospital. Mrs. Bertha Touchburn attend- ed the Faîl Conference of the Women Teachers' Federation of ýRegion 4, in Madoc, last Satur- day. CORRECTION- In last week's issue we bead- lined "Sister Laverne Barrabal &1oble Grand ilcather Lodge." This was in error and should have read 'iSister Violet Dilnlop Noble Grand of Heather. Lodge." Harry Wade, Grand Conductor of Grand Lodge of Ontario. Oshiawa No. 3 opened the meet- ing. Minutes of the Lodge were read; also minutes of Maybelle 348 of Port Penry and Heather of Ororto. Heather lodge presenit- ed a tableau of the stars. Duets were sung by Sisters Bernice Stark and Doris Wannan. Lunch and a social evening was enjoyed by ail. 4 ~UNITED CHURCH Ileather Rebekah On October 22nd Heather Re- bekab Lodge opencd their regu- lar meeting with Sister Violet Dunlop, Noble Grand assistcd by Sister Maude Cooper taking the Vice Grand chair. Roll eaUl show-' ed two officers, absent. Sister Mac Allen wolunteened- to convene the banquet for the I.O.O.F. Lodge on November 7th. Meeting closed witih lunch and social evening enjoyed. Sister Irene Murray discusséd the Bazaar while wc were baving lunch. DDX DX - DX - DX - DX DX - DX $ Be Wise. . db ECONOMIZEt 1]e $$A V'mE$m $ di WI' Dx FU EL ux- -D-- DX- D orlon PLAID JACKETS Ginl's wood plaid Jackets with hood, quilted llning. Knitted storm euffs, zipper front. Predominant shades of blue and red. Sizes 4 to 6X years ..... $9.50 Sizes 8 to 10 years.--.. $11.95 QUILTED NYLON JACKET-S Good, quality quilted nyloni Jackets with orlon Pile lining, concealed hood. Black, blue, green, brown and red. Price, Size 4 to 6x yrs. - $7.50 Sizes 8 to 18 yrs. - $10.95N ARMSTRONG'S Kenldal News Kendal Cfhurch was conuforteb- ly filed on Sunday for Our an- niversary. There we e'visitoi-s, fromi Kihby, Orono,. Shloh and -ý NeWtonville to, hear Rev. R. C. White,' our former mînister, and the fine singing of the Excelsior Choir. A social hour was enjoyed at the close of the service. Sorry to bear thet Mrs. Cecil Tebble *is in, eowmanvil1e, Hos.. pital. We hope she may soon be feeling better. Mr. Tomn Stevens celcbrated bis birtihday on Mondey. He re- ceived congratulations froin Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia,ý Bostgn, M4ass, and Guelph., Phone '668-3341 ORLON PILE JACKETS Childreu's hooded Jackets of good quality orlon pile witli warm quilted lifting. Turquoise, red and blue. GIFTS FOR,, MEN PIPES - 69c- and u p POLAROID UNGLASSES H:0%OFF LIGIITERS - $1.00 up .~We have a large selection, of Gift Items at reasolnable prices. Matt's Barber Shop-Coifectionery Phone Orono. 983-5910 ------ --------- -------- ýL