f ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1968 INSURANCE SEE OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone, 983-5032 les. 983-5142 CHAURLES RE-ID, Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoir Specialize iii Fari-mand FurntureSales Coni),At me for terins and dates PIIONE ORONO 983-5914 Moenuments and Rtepairs to afil m-akes of Lawn Miowers andi 2 andi 4 cycle Engies, OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY Phone 796-255 EuiIdIag A New Heo? co 10E -BECKER "3-57138e iLYCETT SPlunibirig & Heating i PHONE ,s3-5A Orto n6I Herb and Gerry Duvali OAuto, SFireU Package Policies g Fidelity Bond, 0 ~Llability- 0 ~Lii e0 O First Mrtgage Loans g o Phone 983-51150 Box 133 Phone 668.35521 Stafford Brothers 'J-lt. 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, ont. Manuactueret Cemetery Memorlals Dealers fa Demesti & Foreign Granite andMarbles - Inscriptions Cut endi Cemetery RePuir Werk PLU!MB1NG and IHEATîNG Satts and Serviire A MHOUE BURNER SERVICE! li-A FINAINClN( Low Jniterest Rate$ Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 NOTICE Sewing Aiterations and Repairs done, at home: For Women: Aiterations in skirts dresses and coats. For Men: Turn shirt collars and cuffs, shorten and lengthen trousers and draping and back seams; also zippers and pock- ets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. and Chureh St. Phone 983-5493. M- . JR SALE A five piece kitehen set. Vel- and brown table and four brown andi white chrome chairs. $3000. In excellent condition. Phone 983-5725. a-p FOR SALE Girl's winter coat, size 10, gored condition. Phone 983-5212. a-c FOR SALE No. 1 smaller size Potatoes. Perfect taste, 95 cents 50 lbs. Large size $2.00, 75 lbs. Bring own containers. A Van Hattum, 8th line. Phone 983-5267. c-43-c COMING EVENTS Leskard U.C.W. Afternoon Tea and Bazaar wil be held on Sat- urday, Octob er 26th at 2 p.m. in the Sunday School Room. b4lp Orvile Chatterton Electrical Contracting Electrie Ileating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 9835940 Oronio, ontarlO, COMING EVENT The Or ano Girl Guides are ha-ding an Aftern-3on T-ca and Bazaar on Saturdiay,-.November 2,ý conuuencing at 2:00 p.m. Home- baktng, etc., etc. Everyonie wel- corne. b-42-e AUCTION SALE 3rd Inventory Reduction S'aie of Farm Mahinery and Equip,- ment for M. J. Rleid, 3 miles north of Cabourg at Preelous Corners on, Saturday, Nov. 2 at 1:00 p.m. Coônsistdng of Tractors, Balers, Combine, new Seed Drill, PI'ows, Cultivators, 4 row Corn Planter, Mâwe'rs, Side Rakes, Dise 'Harrows and rnany more articles. Plan to attend. Lunch served. Gerald Rogers, Auctioneer. b-42-e AUCTION SALE The undersigned A ýý-toneer will seli by publie auction for tîhe estate of the iate Misý. Violet Bail, ail her househo'dc effeets. Selling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Pears, corner, of Miil St. and Dickson St. in the Village of Or-ý ono on Saturday, October 26 T.V., Monarcli 17"; floor lamp, table lamp, 2 baby cradies, old; chesterfield & 2 chairs,' rocking chair, sewing machine, captain side board, chrome table and 4 chair, round table, lothes chest, chairs; extension table and 6 chairs, pots & pans, smuli table, pî,llows, coueh, 2 trunks, 2 beds, frig., washing machin-e, garden tools, blankets, mats, linen,, dress- er, was-h stand, chest of drawers, gramophone, .wicker fernery, rolis for piano, TV tables, dr'op leaf table, parlor chairs, 3 rock- (y-s, doilies, fancy work, table eiotbs, oid cuco ock, 8-day dlock, radio, 2 ruu, 3 piece set of dishes,_,cut 's, te dishes, wicker- rock'_,r fn small old s't'fve. Sae at I1 eserve. Lawrence Haýr',, clerk. Cliff Pethi k, AuctÈia r'rPhone 623- 2313. a-c AUCTION SALE Auction Sale M 70ý beef cattle, consisting of 23 Shorthorn and Hereford cows with calves by side, 21 yearlings, Shorthorn, Hereford and Char'is; 8000O bales of choice hay; 3000 bales of straw, 1250 bus. oats, M-F 85 dies- ei tractor and M-H 30 tractor, good self-propelled Allis Chalm- crs Gleaner combine and 15 dise Ailis Chalmers seed drill, New Iiland haler, haybine, rake and 163 bus. spreader, ail just 2 yrs. old and under; full line of modern farm machinery and quanity of household furniture, the property of Ross Miller, four miles north, of Grafton and 1½2 miles east on Pipeline, Ave., Saturday, October 26 at 12 noon sharp. Farm sold. ,Lunch served Gerald Rogers, Hayden Taylor, Auotioneei-s. Phone 349-2229. a-c Ilth ANNUAL ALL BLACK BREEDER & FEEDER SALE ei0 heiad - 550 Feeders; 50 Breeders (mostiy cows and breti heifers) and one complete dis- persai. at Peterborough' Sales Barn South of amber iight on HI-wy. 7 SATURDAY, OCT. 26 1968 at 12 noon sharp. Sale commencing with Breed- ing Cattie. Gord-on Ribey, Ross Baiiey, Auctioneers. d-41-c Roy Strong 52 r il Bethany WANTED F emaje help. Curvply Wood Products, Grono, 983-9171. b42c, WANTED Maie help wanted. Preýss oper- atirs, over 25. Shift work., Apply i pers>-,n at Curvply Wooed Products. a-e LOST Female Hound, black, tan and white in the Kirby and Leskard area. Reward. Phone 983-5270- after 6 p.m. a-e LOST Would the person who picked up an orange, black and white cat, wearing a rhinelstone collar, at third line, Newcas'tle, please phone 987-4205. Reward offered. a-c STRAYED One Hol8tein , two ileifer. Finder please ison Tamblyn, Orono. 5708. year old notify 'lvi- Phone 983- a-p Visilt FRED'S FRUIT MARKET South of Orono on Highway 115 Fresl Apple Cider and Ice Cream for saie, also a wide, variety of apples and pears. tf NOTICE Euchre Party, 'Friday, Novem- ber lst, 8 p.m. Odd Fellows Hall Admission 75c. Lunch and prizes. Sponsored by Orono Home and Sehool Association. a-CI COMING EVENT qNewtonville United Church of Canad'a Anniversary Thank 0f fer- ing Service, Sunday, November 3 at, 10:00 'a.m. Special mueis by Male Quartette., Guest Speaker will, be Rev. R. C. White. a-e COMING EVENT Newtonville, Annuai Bazaar and Snowflakeý Tea will be held Fni- day, November lStb at 3 p.m. in the Sunday Sehool Basement. Aduits 35e; children 25e. b-c NOTICE A-nn's Beauty Salon will be closed Wednesday afternýoon, Oc- tober 23, 30, Novemnber 6 and 13. c-43-e NOTICE Shiloh United Church Anniver- sary Service will be held Sunday,, October 27th at 2:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Rev. B. Long and the music by the Orono United Church, Choir. a-e DIED Suddenly at Toronto on Mon- day, October 2lst,, 1968, AMie de Groot, 35 years, belov-ed husband of Suzan Van Belle, dear father of Jo-Ann,' Wilnva, Deb.by and John, dear brother of Co (Mrs. Ralph Bouwmeester), Bowman- v Ille, and Truus (Mrs. Cor A. Bos) Whitby, dear son of the late Mr. and Mis. John A. De Groot. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in Re-hohboJth GhriWtian Reformed Church on Tliursçlay, October 24 at 2: 00 o'clock. Donations to Canadian Cancer, Society would be appreeiateýd. a-p THANK YOU The lad ies of St. Saviours ex tenid a sinecre thank youi to al w-ho p atronized theiir Bazaar and Tea, to the meýrchant1s and1sinI11- e"s people and 1ai l the k1indiend whlo doýnated articles and bakiJng We had a most successfui da-y, thanIks to you. a-P iACK REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Duying or Selling eall WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-52M4 Mecmbers of ý)shawa and Dis-' tilt Real Estate Board W. F RA NK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21King St. W. Bownianville Our quaiity and service leaves ELECTRICL HEATING nothng t bedesietiT.V. - COLOUR T.V. sk the person who bought from RADIO - HI-FI as, a neighbour, frienti or relative FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. The RUTTER GRANITE DOMINION ELECTROHOME COMPANY GRATEEDTHOR 73 Ontario StreetSEVC - PORT HOPE =oGG=Q "lLargest display lu Seutheru 0 Ont arto"g WATON' Maine GHa îIons and Ccle g Insurance g Orp 'oe933-5343 Service g 1IK'TLfLOCH ROAT.S Building a flouse? or remodeMllg mr proua e, tiea contact 623-3393 Toronto 923-91741 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent service when, buying or selling and for the largest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 Ros s Gilhart 983-5533 Andy'Sutch 983-91191