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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Oct 1968, p. 1

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Ornooy Re ceives Nw Kd An Orono boy, Mr. Donald -">-sberry, 21 years of age, son ýýï Mr. and Mrs. Hrarold Rans- .2 -ery, Orono North, was the re- Lépient in a success ful kidney trpnsplant conducted in Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday. Doctors performing the operation said on Tuesday evening they were pleased with the condition of Mr. Ransberry and did say, "'He's coming along nicely." Alex Carruthers Opposed Tol Proposed Church Taxation Mr. A. Carruthers, 'M.P.P. for Durham, in speaking to about fcrty members 'of the congrega- f!ýn of the Orono United Churcli ,o Tuesday evening, stated. that lie was opposçpd to the -taxing of ,'ol]aces o worship. Furtlerli Qaid that in speakîng with mem- bers of the legislature lie found -that 'tlose to wlom lieliad spok- en were also opposed to the pro- ,rnsal that lad been placed be- lore the government of Ontario by the Smith report and the all- party select committee. "Wlien 'We .tax tlie curcI, the place of worwlip, We tax the word of Gad," lie said. -Mr. Carruthers aisû pointed . t tlat the Prime Minister of On-tario lad also stated that there -Was no change in policy of tlie government towards churches and this, said Mr. Carruthers, stili ibeld. It was pointed out that dhurci- es do pay taxes on manses or rec- -1,cry and do pay local improve- rent taxes. Mvr. Carrutlers feit that taxing 7The place of worship would tend --o muffle the voice of the churdli. iFurtlier lie said that Ontario -would not want to be the first Jlegislative body to tax dburclies. He suggested that petitions h'eld littie weiglit and that a -more direct and positive mfove a- liaînst thie proposal would be to have each member write a per- îsonal letter to tlie Prime MiW- 3&ter,, John Robarts. He said that 34r, Robarts was receiving a flood Dl letters from persons wlio fav-, our tlie move to tax the clurch. Mr. Carruthers stated that to date le had oniy received five letters in opposition to the pro- pDsaI. In lis address to the meeting -the member for-Durlam outlined a clear ýpicture of, the proposai and stated tîat there weýre defin- tely, two sides to any coin.At the present time the churcl idoes enjoy an exemption from taxation as does -nany other so-called charitable organizations, such as Scouts, etc. This group, he said, grows and grows until today thc list is very long. This list of ex- emptions is at a point that it is of concern. The new proposai would eliminate this exemption (Continued on page 5) Schéol Nominations To Be Heldin Orono Public Sehool electors for the municipalities of Clarke Town- slhip, Hope Township and New- castle will be held in Onono ia the Township Hall on Monday, November it. Nominations of candidates from the three miuni- cipalities will commence at one o'clock and continue until two. o'cock in the afternoon. If more than two are nominated fromn the three municipalities an election will be held on ýMonday, Decem- ber 2nd, when poils will be open- ed in the three municipalities from the hour of ten o'clock in the morning until eigt o'clocl< in the evening. There wilil be ten poils in Clarke Township, seven in Hope Township and three in Newcastle Village. It is understood that electors may vote for any two candidates at the election with the resut that either of the tlree munici- palities mnay end up with having both elected memibers in their own municipality.. At the present time things are rather quiet in the field but it is expected that actîvity wiIl in- crease within the next week or two. From the grapevine we can expeet at least two running from Clarke, but this is not definite a this time. Donald Ransberry las been suffering from kidney 1 trouble and las been in and out of hos- pital silce last December. During the past six weeks Donald lias liad to make two trips to hospi- Tenders, ClIIed For Rond Project Mr. E. R. Woodyard reported to tIe Orono Police Triistees on Mondçiy evening that tIe adver- tisements for VIe calling of tend- crs for VIe proposed Orono Road project wouldle placed hs Frn- day. This came as a -resuit of a communication from the Town- slip asking, the decision of the Police Trustees la thls matter. The communication also inform- ed VIe Trustees that Ccuncil of the Township of Clarke would like to lave tIc Trustees tender -is work. Mr. Simpson said that Vhe Trus- tees were not committed Vo ac- cept tIe tenders. H1e said if the tenders were flot acceptable we can go back and askthe Town- slip to do VIe work, as we have an agreement witî tlem Vo do the work. H1e said tîcre was a mis- understanding ovýer this point. Mr. Nicdholson stated tIat the agreement was only verbal, Vo whicl Mr. Simpson agreed. ' A copy of a letter from Curv- ply Wood Produets Vo the Clarke Township Planning Board was received by the Trustees, Ia VIe letter Curvply stated, that they were willing to stop burning re- fuse at their soutl plant and to dismantle tIe ininerator wlien a site beè ame, available Vo burn VIe refuse. The letter also point- ed out that Curvply lad purclas- (Contiaued page 5) tai eacl week. He was admitted iast Sunclay to the Toronto hospi- tie pending the transplant. The transplant took place Tues- day afternoon and was completed by 6:00 p.m. The donor was George Law- rence Slinn, a 20 year old car meclanie from Severn Bridge who was fatally injured Friday night ln a car accident on High- way 401. The family of Mr. Slinn offered lis heart, two kidacys and two eyes wVhich have now been transplanted into the bod- ies of five other persons. Four transplants were carried out on Tuesday with tIe fifth on Wed- nesday. The lieart was trans- planted to the body of, a Toronto man,- one kidney to a Holland Landing woman, the other to Donald Ransberry. The; cornea (Continued page 2) MlrErnest Dent Dies The community of Orono and district lost a well-known and respected citizen in the deatl, last Saturd'ay, of Mr. Ernest Dent Mkr. Dent was dedicated in lis interests and participation in the affairs of liýs community. He ex- celled la lis service to Orono in lydro and lis concern and inter- est la his fellowman is of the higlest example. He leaves Vo mourn lis deatli, lýis wife, Mildred, of Orono, two sons, ýGord on, Brampton, and David of Orono, and two daugh- ters, Krista and Loren, botî at home, in Orono.- The funeral service w'as held in Orono at the Lang Clhapel Mon- day afternolon. Water Supply, Adequate For New Sbdvion The Orono Police Trustees on Mo day evening iearned througl the Ontario Water Resources correspondence originating from Commission that tlie Village wat- er system was adequate to service another one. hundred homes. These homes are under consider- ation in two sub-divisîons," one in Orono of fjourteen lots and anoth- er in the Township adjacent to Orono having 83 building Iots. At tIe meeting on Monday ev- ening the Trustees were ap- proacled by two 'representatives in connection with the sale of ln- dividual fluridation units 'that could be sold through the local utilities if tley so wisled. These units could eitler be sold out- rigît or could bel supplied on a rentai basis. The Board took no action in the matter, althougl considerable time was spent ia disec'ussing the proposai. Counties Ifealth'Unit stated that the proposeýd sub-division of Mr. J. OClanski in the nortli of Or- ono and west of Main Street oC fourteen lots would lave to be serviced witl municipal- water. The report also, stated that souî conditions were sucli that th(ey would support private sewer s- stems, Mr. Woodyard in speaking of the sub-division pointed out that the sub-divider would have Vo, construet rorads, curbs,, guttea'i and stor!m sewers along ýwith paVr ing and placing' hydro under- ground and also6 instal water- mains. He aise s'uggested that VIe, plan as submitted, by Mr. O'Chan- ski be referred Vo the Village engineers. Mr. Woodyard said that thc road construction, par- ing, curbs, gutters and storm sew- ers wei-e necessary in order tIat- tIe Village would receive subsidyý on any roadý work done in the subdivision in later years. Mr. Nicholson said the- road regulations would, almost out- (continued on page 5) Interesting Floral Displays At Fuil Flower Show Beautifully executed arrange- ments of dried flowers, Haiýlow- e'en -desigais, displays of lerbs 2nd Mrs. S. Holmes lovely col- lection of Lily sldes provided muel interest at tIe Fail show of tIe Horticultural Society. This was held on Tlursday, October 24t1h in the main hall of tIe J!hrl. The, president, Mr. 0. Challice nnn-ounced that Mr. A. Jakeman bas prepared aVariety Niglit for Saturday, November l6tl . This will be in place of the regular meeting, so reserve this niglit znd watcl for furtler particulars. The annual membersh ip Pot Iuek Dinner will be leld in Jan-' mary instead of November. Mrs. O0. Clallice gave out the prize money o winners at the August Show. Mrs. T. Fairbrotlier expiained liow she made a beautiful pict- ure using cones, cattails, dried flowers, ýseed pods and grapefruit peel and even currants. .A question and answer period followed dealing m ainly' with winter storage and protection of bulbs and plants. Mrs. C. Billings slowed iovely sldes taken around Philadeiphia and their own home. Mrs. Clallice in presenting the prizes for the Fali Show said there were 16 entries. These were ail very good, Class 1, Display of He.rbs: Mrs. D. Evans; Mrs. K. Schctmmaker. lass 2, Hailowe'en Arrange- ment: Mrs. K. Scloenmaker; Mrs. O. Clallice. Class 3, "Sniall Taik" minia- ture: Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs. O. Clallice, Mrs. K. Scloamaker. lass 4, "Dried Excitement": Mrs. K. Scloenaker, Mrs. S. Holmes, Mrs. E. Sdlimid. During lunch Mr. C. Taylor was winner of the door prize. Eigîteen girls in Kendal were eiirolled -on Wednesdav evening of Iast week into the Kendal Girl Guidesi. The enrolmnent cer- emony was Ield la tIc school's general purpose room, whiel was attended by a number of parents and also some forty girl guides and their leaders from Orono, Theé'ceremony, conductekl 'by Mrs. -M. Snelders of Orono, was the beginning of guiding ln Ken- dal. Both Girl Guides and Brown- les lave been formed in >Kendal with enrolment for the Brownies taking place sometime in Novem- ber. The Kendai Girl Guides meet every Wednesday evening la the General Purpose room and -the Brownies in the same roomp on Thursday evenings. Last Wednesday was a joyous ocecasion for the Kendal group who played games with the Or- ono girls following the enrolment ceremony . The evening closed witl lunch. Guide leaders at Kendal are: Captain, Mrs., Gloria Nichols; Lieutenant, Mrs. Doreen Carr and Commissioner, Mrs. Martîa Far- row. Brownie Leaders are, Brown Gwl, Mrs. Maureen Wilkinsý and Tawny' Owl, Mrs. Dora MacDon- ald. The Cub and Scout mnovement is also active in Kendal and it was this group of boys who con- ducted tIc Apple Day in the Township last Saturday. The Kendal cubs lave an enrolment of fifteen and the scouts an enroi-, ment of eleven. 'Orono Weekly Times 'VOLUME 31, NUMBER 42 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1968

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