ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3lst, 1968 OR'JmLOO WluEEKLY TIMES ci»ja Up And Down The Bo Ptabli*ed every 11buru.dIait theffl etplia OPEN SATURDAYS Main Street, Phono 10, Orono, Cnri. Estdiahedin 1938 by _R. A. Forroster RW C. FPrrester - »St« anid Manger Thot 9Others Should Live The miracle of modern science in the field of medi cine came close to home this week when Donald Ransberry received new hope for a full and useful life through the transplant of a kidney. The art of transplant and its practice is, today,« common occurance and a practice that is giving life ti niany persons. The transplant this week of a donor's heart two kidneys and two cornea is a vivid pictuire of this prac. tice and its outecome in new hope. Although we marvel at the scientifie advances ol this day and age, none of this is possible 'in the field oJ human organ transplants withiout humanitarianism. The acl by the parents of the donor on Tuesday was a humanitar îan act, an act of proimotinig the welfare, of mpanlin4 through the elimination of pain and suffering. The Slini f amily, through heir donation may have helped more thar the five recipients. They have opened the hearts of thi nation where their act may become one of greater practice There is littie doubt that mnuch more can be done with greater degree of humanitarianism. The donor's famlly, although saddened in bereave -nient, must receive great satisfaction in the course the3 aetaken. Regona Govern ment The fort.hcoming sessioni of the Ontario Legisiatur( promises to be historie so f ar as municipal admJinistratioi _s conçernied. At this session, operning on November 19, Municipa Affairs M1inister Darcy, MvcKeough will introduce poljc !or the establishmentof regional governments across thi province. Hfe expres'sed tihis intention in a speech iast Mon, ýday before the Association of, Ontario Counties. Mr. McKeough's proposai is not new. I{is predecessoi J. W. Spooner advocated it. During the past several year- Premier Robarts has on a number of occasions referred tc regional govenment as an essenitial development in th( municipal systeni. Dr. J. J. Deutsch, when chairman of thE Economic Couneil of Canada, stated that time was shorl for its introduction. veycomjment on this subjeet at the founding coný vention of the Canadian Council on Urban and Regiona Research in Ottawa in 196Z emphasized that the absencE oýf regional planning was the root cause of urbýan disorde ,ni a country whe.re, by 1980, more than half of its popu lation will be living in metropolitan and urban areas wittl more than 100,000 peuple. In a recent editorial 'in ths paper we called upor the Ontario government to set guide fines for Regiona' ~governmient and to provide a sounil basis for the move At the present time local mupicipalities are floundferinf around in a move towards regýional gcoverniment but havi no definite guide lines. This will result in the m.ore proc gressive ones forming their own nunits wvithl ittieeconceri -,xith others. Th-is sanie point, the need of guide Unes, was bon out at a recent seminar held in Oshawa wben many spea1k e-rs calied on the Provincial Government for action. il is good that this action by the Province is to b( taken. . . w-,e have talked long enoutgh without concret( proposaisý from the ,senior level. Mr. Floyd Nicholson, at last Monday's meeting'of th( Omono Police Trustees, sp,-oke out against extravagant su division reg-ulations wýhich greatly increase the cost of de velopmnent and uitimately the costs of homes. This poin is well taken at this time when there is a great need fo more housing across ail of Canada. The cost of raw land has sk-y-rocketed over the pas f ew yýears. Extravagant municipal regulatiorns in its devel opinent into bidn lots only aggravates the, higli cos, problem- to a new and higlier level. The decsi, here to draw the line is sometime, a dffliu-it one. Mr. ioson,-however, is right whenh( condens heplaingo storni sewers in sub-division Owneîrs of property in sub-divisions are often over taxed. This can bappen when, say in Orono a new sub-dîx ision is created in which the developer must build roads place gutters, curbs, pavement, stonm sewers, instal wate: mains, underground hydro linies and sidewaIks at bis cosl *nd to the-1- ost of the urcha e of a1lo. Tn whn ti Sutch a course puots a hih cost on -newv homle pur- eh asi il Beginning on SaturdaY, Nov eràbOr 2n1t, the Clarke Public -Library will be open froni 10:,00 a.m. until 12 noon. llere is a chance for students with research assignments te us 'e the encycbo- pedia and other reference books. * AUTOBIOGRAPHY New from the Lake Ontario Regional Library System isaThe Big Ship" by Henry Larsen. This a autobiography is described as a foiiows: "A spine tingler! A must for readers of Canadiana! It is the story of the RCMP ship 'Saint R foch' and of the captain who took hem thmougb lier Artie pa- trol. The first ship te have cen f pleted the Northwest Passage, go- )f ing botb- ways,- the St. Rocli is It now a national monument in - Vancouver." dI n WITCHES AND JACK Et O'LANTERNS is . For the boys and girls, we have a two books in the Hallowe'en spirit. In the entertaining picture story, Dormie and the Blue Witch e- we rend of how Dorrie won the 'y First Prize for Witch Gatehing at a pnrty. The prize of a littie gold cauidron is most suitable since Dorrie berseif is a littie witch. In 'Mousekin's Golden bouse" a wbitefoot mouse makes bis home in a discearded jack o'lan- eterrn, and when the cold wenthem n arrives, the probiem of weathem- poofing is solved in a delightful wny. 'y OTHER NEW BOOKS te Aduit h The Doctor - Rinehnrt Fools Die on Fiday -Faim )r l{illtops Clear - Loring 7S Out of the Depths -Holton SOS the'Rope 7 Anthony .e Lucky Legs - Gardner e Last Hunt - Short The Light of Day-,Ambler -Daugl#ter, of Silence - West The Man Wbo Rode AMonte Patton d Big Day at Blue Creek - McCory ýe Guns Blaze on Spiýderweb Range T - Coburn 1- Juvenile i Early Settiers in Arniericn The, Middle Moffat Donald Ransberry (Continued fromn page 1) transplants went te a 61 year old mnan and a Toronto woman. Donald Ransberry, with bis new lease on life, is bopijig te resume his training te become n plumber. Mrs. Ransberry told the Osh- awa Times that they have been Waiting for the chance of a kid- ney transplant since April when they learned it was Donald's enly chance after lie developed severe and inceurable problemns in both kiidneys wbich be,ýcamie apparent Heurs -andf bours of fun for" --veryone A good variety SER VI E TT E S for ail occasions ORONO, ONTARIO )ok Stocks Callyour I licensed Plumbing& Mechanical Contracter who selIs, installs qpd IL.-arantees PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone' 983-5207 Orono New Industry Locating In Newcaustle, The Ontario Development Cor- poration bas approved the loan of $122,083.00 for a new industry Which is te be established in the Village od Newcastle. Further details of the projeet will be released later in the joint communique with the 'owners. Alex Carmuthers, M.P.P. Durham R. C. Honey Visits Aîtlantic Provinces OTTAWA, October 28th - North- umberland-.D>Jarham M.P. Russeffl C. Honey, who is Parliamentary Seeretary ta Regional Develop- ment Minîster Jean, Marchand, will accompany Mr. Marchand to to the Allantic Provinces tjhis week for -a tour of departmentàl projeets ini Nova Scotla and New Brunswick. To-day the Minister will sign an agreement in Fredericton with New Brunswick Premier Robi- chaud implemei*ing ia regional development prograni in Kent County New Brunswick. Later in the day Mm. Marchand and Mr. Honey will visit the Dosco Steel plant in Sydney and a meeting w4th officiais of thei Cape Breton Development Corporation. On Tuesday they will be in Halifax for a meeting of the Atlantic De. velopment Board and will'return;' te, Ottawa on Wednesdaýy. On Friday Mr. Uoney will fly to British Columibia for meetings with departmental officials in that Province on the week-end. almost a year ago. She said lier son is, expected to be reieased from hospital within three to five weeks. A second kidney transplant is not iikely, she said, as a person can fune- tion normally with one good kid- ney. In the interview Mrs. Rans- berry said that Donald had filed bis e ntrance papers to take a special trades course two days be- fore be entered hospital for bis operation and is hoping to be out in time to take the course. The four separate operations took place within hours of the donor's death. Darlington Wants, Out of Conser- vation Authority Darlington Township coxucii lias decided to petition the min-ý ister of energy and resource te,, exclude any part of the township~ fromi the prbposed Scugog Regiota Conservation Authority .Council took the stand that, as: the part of the township whickh would be included in the auth- oity is very snmall it did not ap-. pear the township could bene- fit by being a member municipaÊ- ity of the poposed authority. Oxford BRICKLAYERS S TON EMASO'NS W. Schmiahl 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We aiso do Chimney Repairs je A. Elliot Jr. 66 Grenview BIvd. N. Toronto 18, Ont. (List Coins D To Not Send) Colleets:'C:an., U.Sý.b Newfoundland Coins & Paper Monies 0Gord Simpsom g Phone Orono,93-88 Orono, Ontario 0 CARPENTRY J REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIES Interier Exterior D. ROGâ6E R SOl'N ORONO, ONTARIO