________________________________________________________________________________ -..----.-'.-~-.--.--- ~ ________________________________________ ~ .0. QRONO- WEEKLY TIMES, THURSD)AYl, OCTOBER 3lst, 1968 Kendal News Some of the Kendal~ folk at- -!nded the Shilh Anniversary on Suinday afternon to ea Rev. B., Long and the Orono Iled by Mrs. R. Morton. Mr. Bruce Mercer is progress- -ng satisfactorily since his Oper- ation on October 23. H1e 15 in the Orthopedic and Arthritic Hiospt- , 43 Wellesley St., Toronto. H1e wilbe there several weeks ini irder to give his back a chance -to heal. Miss ýMarion McKelvey and her 'brother John entertained Mr. .and Mrs. T. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cathcart, and Miss C. W. Stewart to dinner on Sunday ev- ening. Miss C. Stewart and Miss M. M'ýcKelvey left on Monday to vis- t in Ottawa. Mr.e Richard Manning had an eperation for rcmoval of a catar- act from bis eye a couple of weeks ago. The United Church Women will -meet at the home of Mrs. Reg. -Elliott on Wednesday evening, November 6th. She will show ber pîctures of ber European trip. Anyone wshing to, send old wooliensi with Kendal Institute rnay leave themn at the home of iMrs. E. Couroux or ber mother, MNrs. I. Mercer before November :15. Kendai Institute met at the hoeof Mrs. A. Low on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. This meeting was in charg~e of the bistorical research convenors. Tbe ,nitto was, "Let nothing valuable be lost or forgotten." The rol -all, "Name a famous citizen of Durham or Northumberland and iteli why be was fanious." Gov- ernor-General Vincent Massey, J. S. MyeLean of Canada Packers, .and Mr. Hunter the -great evan- gelist, who toured Canada from -oast to coast with the fine sing- ECONOMIC GROWTH SURVEY PLANNED FOR TWO TOWNS A survey of the economic growth of Port Hope and Co- bourg in the next three years is to 'be coffpiled on a joint effort by the Port Hope ahd Cobourg Chambers of Commerce. Mr. Gibson said the Cobourg survey was invalid hecause what was happening in Cobourg also affected Port Hope and what was happening industrially in Port Hope also affected Cobourg. As an example, he said, only 60 percent of the workers at General Foods Ltd., lived in Co- bourg. Core than 15 per cent liv- ed in Port Hope. Mr. Gîbson saîd theý objective of the survey was to chart the economie growth based primarily on the growth of industry. er Mr. Crossley, were among those named. Miss C. Stewart toid of great actors born in thet united count- ies, Katherine Corneli, Beaatrice Lillie and Marie Dressler. Archi- bald Lampman and Joseph Scriv- en became famous for their poet- ry. One was born at Gore's Land- ing the other'lived at Port Hope. Mrs. G. Cathcart told' of the hundreds of historical pictures painted by J. D. Kelly who was born at Gore's Landing and grew up at Warkworth. H1e had the ability to make his characters ap- pear very ife-like. Not a feather in an Inidian's head dress was out of place or the wrong colour, not a button on a sailing captain's vest was incorrect. He was nîck- named 'Mr. Accuraey'. Some p.ic- turcs were: 'John and Sebastion Cabot Lands 1497'; 'Fort Edmon- ton 1807'; . 'Canada's First Rail- way 1837.' We have ail seen these pitures on Confederation Lif e Calendars. Studies See 'Perilous Level 0f Pollution' In Rice Lake Reports submaitted by the On- tario Water Resources Commis- sion and the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests indicate that pollution in Rice Lake is' reaching "perflous levels." The reports, to be read at the annual meeting QI the Rice Lake Tourist Association, October 25, siate that effluent originating froi industry, farmns, cottages, tourist resorts and boats have polluted the lake to the point where algae was growing at au explosive rate. Charles Clay, editor of the, Rice Lake Tourist Association Bulletin, saîd the reports contain information whlch woDuld make tourist operators' hair stand on end. The sewage treatment systems of, municipalities on the Trent River, he said, were not efficient enough, which in turn was rais- ing the bacteria count to almost impossible levels. One of the reports declared that the water in Rice Lake was not fit for fish or man, Mr. Clay said. Speaking of municipalities on the Trent Systeix, he predicted that the sewage treatment wouid have to, contain three stages in the future, rather than the pres- cnt two stages of treatmènt. Mr. Clay said part of the blame lay on thQ inefficienit septile sys- temfs in cottages. Some cottages had no tanks at al Somne Opposition To Twp. Road Closings Some Opposition was registered with Council on the closing up of certain roads in the 'Municipality 0f 'eight, roads or sections of roads proposed to bec losed, four received objections. Messrs.ý Frank and Harry Wor- rail objected to the closing of item 1 while Mr. John Kimbal raised objections to item 2 of the by-law. Mr. Murray Payne object- ed to the closing of item fivie whiie Cauncil themseives tenta- tively o'bjected to the ciosing of item eight. Council also received com- plaints in other matterh. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Rankin objected to a shortage of water in their well beIieved to be caused, by deveuiop- ment of the Township gravel pit. This matter was referred toa the Road and Bridge Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Rankin also asked council to consider the sale of 'a piece of the gravel pit property to them so that they could pre- vent further devaluation of their property due to the proximity of the gravel pit. Mrs. Demp sey objected to the devaluation of their property due to the developinent of the grave] pit. She also objected to the un-~ sightly appearance of buildings owned by the Township on lot 16, Concession 2. Bramiley Muotor Sales were the- successful bidders for a nevi four- wheel truck. Council also voiced theiro- jection to a proposed re-construc.- tion of the intersection at the Taunton Road and Highway 115i and 35 by the Department )f Ihighwaý,s. Council felt that the plans gave littie improvement for local traff ic. DR, PETER JOHNSTON VIETIEINARY ORONO, ONTARIO Telephone Orono 983-5554. if no answer caîl Peter- borough (Colleet) 705 - 745-2751 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays and Thursdàys from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. In former office of 'Dr. Taggart, Park Street, Orono Full tinte service will be avaable aftér December 20 ROYALBOWMANVILLE ,ROYA 1PHONE 623-509 Nove nber Calendar THURS., FR1., SAT. and SUN., OCTOBER 31, NOV. 1, 2,3 PLANET 0F THE APES, Charlton Heston and Kim Hunter Aduit Entertaihimnt THURS.,:FRI., SAT. pnd SUN%., NOVEMBER 7, 8, 9, 10 MATINEE SAT., NOV. 9 - 2 p.m. 50C. v DYiE'RBiNNPROViNE bT< a vBUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO. LAC, 1 967W.p s. o.t0.- TEGHNICOLONt THURS., FR1., SAT., and SUN., NOVEMBER 14, 159,16, 17Z THURS., FRI.,, SAT. & SUN., NOVEMBER 21, 22, 23, 24 Mrs. Brown You 've Got a Lovely Daughter Starring Herman's Hermits ALSO DAR K 0F THmE SUN Robert Taylor and Yvette Mimieux TMURS., FR1., SAT. & SUN., NOV. 28, 29, 30, DEC. 1 One Complete Show at 7:30 p.m. #. Y DAILVYNEWS STEVE McODEEN --7 RICHARD TE~llOdICADCIENNA*CAIDICE aEIOU MARAXAT ANDRIANE OBRWISE ROBERT ANDERSON CflARD McKENNABOýSlE'lýN JERRY GOLDSMITH (A.d..y Awaid ou.) o. ...S.U .. *Ca .. ....20. ENc.yPOfl ccOfh AN ARrýU SKAR MV NORI Nt ALMINPIPANAISON'.COON BII 1.19 Aduit Entertainment CHILDREN'S MATINEE - 2 p.m. - SAT., NOV. 3th Special Disney Fun Festiïval With Pluto, Goofy, MkÏ'ý'key, Donald Duck .Ail Seats 50 cents for a GALA DAY AT DISNEYLAND SEE TH1E ALL- NEW 69 CfA/Oto-Ski LIME NOW 1 il MODE' I FROM WHICH TO, CHOOSE ROuLPH DOMINION aHaA'RD mWAR E ORONO, ONTARIO TeLEPHONE 983-5207